

词条 piece
释义 piece n.

块, 件, 片, 篇, 张, 条, 硬币vt.

接合, 修补, 凑合



1. a separate part of a whole

2. an item that is an instance of some type;

3. a portion of a natural object


4. a musical work that has been created

同义词:musical composition, opus, composition, piece of music

5. an instance of some kind


6. an artistic or literary composition

7. a portable gun

同义词:firearm, small-arm

8. a serving that has been cut from a larger portion


9. a distance

10. a work of art of some artistic value

同义词:objet d'art, art object

11. a period of indeterminate length (usually short) marked by some action or condition

同义词:while, spell, patch

12. a share of something


13. game equipment consisting of an object used in playing certain board games



1. to join or unite the pieces of


2. create by putting components or members together

同义词:assemble, put together, set up, tack, tack together

3. join during spinning

4. eat intermittently; take small bites of

同义词:nibble, pick

5. repair by adding pieces


习惯用语a piece of cake 轻松[愉快]的事情a piece of flesh [方]娘儿们, 女人; 人a piece of goods (粗鄙语)“货”; 娘儿们, 女人, 小孩a piece of luck 一件幸运的事, 侥幸a piece of work 作品, 产品, 一项工作 费力的工作, 困难的事情a nasty piece of work [口]讨厌的家伙; 下流坯a nasty bit of work [口]讨厌的家伙; 下流坯(all) of a piece 成为一个整体 同性质, (与...)一致all to pieces 成碎片 [作表语]疲惫不堪的 [作表语]神经受撼动的, 失去控制力的 完全地, 彻底地break to pieces 使成为碎片break into pieces 使成为碎片break in pieces 使成为碎片break sth. to pieces 使成为碎片break sth. into pieces 使成为碎片break sth. in pieces 使成为碎片by the piece 按件计算come to pieces 破碎, 碎裂; 身体[精神]垮下来; 瓦解, 崩溃go to pieces 破碎, 碎裂; 身体[精神]垮下来; 瓦解, 崩溃cut to pieces 切成碎片 击溃 议论[批评]某人, 把(某人)批评得体无完肤pick to pieces 切成碎片 击溃 议论[批评]某人, 把(某人)批评得体无完肤fall to pieces 跌得粉碎 完全坏了 瓦解fancy piece 情妇flower piece 插花 花卉画[图案]fly in pieces (=fly to bits) 突然破碎, 成碎片飞散give sb. a piece of one's mind [口]坦率地批评某人, 责备[申斥]某人in pieces 破碎, (意见, 信念)分岐master piece 杰作; 杰出的事museum piece 博物馆的珍藏 [贬]老古董(指人或物)night piece 夜景(画); 以夜景为题材的诗文[音乐]of a piece 互相一致of one piece 互相一致period piece 古式器物; (仿)古式家具 (描写过去某一特定时代的)历史剧; 历史小说 老古董(指人)pick up the pieces (跌倒后)重新爬起来(对小孩讲的话) 收拾残局pull to pieces 拆开; 撕碎; 批驳得不值一文, 把...批评得体无完肤set piece 按照固定模式创作的艺术作品 燃烧时成一图案的烟火 舞台布景 (军事, 外交等方面)事先精心布置好的行动[场面]speak a piece 背诵(课文, 诗文等) 发表自己的意见, 发牢骚speak one's piece 背诵(课文, 诗文等) 发表自己的意见, 发牢骚take topieces (能)拆开; 分析, 仔细推敲; 严厉地批评tear to pieces 撕碎; 彻底摧毁; 痛斥think piece [美俚]记者述评, 时事分析, 背景介绍; 脑袋, 头脑piece by piece 一件一件地piece of eight 西班牙古银币piece on 合上; 贴上; 接上 [方]吃零食piece out 把...串连起来 接长, 加长piece together 拼凑piece up 拼合, 修补; 调解





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