词条 | 唐山恒通集团 |
释义 | § 集团概况 唐山恒通集团 集团概况 Group Brief Introduction 集团总部位于风景秀丽的唐山市京唐港开发区,与多条高速公路和高等级公路相通,交通便利。占地面积3600亩。配备国际先进水平生产线,全部建成投产后将形成年产冷轧薄钢板500万吨、热镀锌薄钢板300万吨和彩色涂层薄钢板100万吨的生产能力。我公司已于1998年通过ISO9000认证。产品严格按照ISO9000标准组织生产。以高品质、重信誉、周到的售后服务赢得了众多厂家的认可。公司在平等互利、守合同重信用的原则下,广泛开展双赢和多赢合作,与一大批国内外合作伙伴建立了稳定的原料供给和销售网络。 我集团拥有一支高素质的员工队伍,其中大、中专学历员工达到90%以上。拥有掌握国际先进生产技术的教授、教授级高级工程师、高级工程师、高级技师约50名,技术力量雄厚。 在激烈的市场竞争中,恒通人凭借勤劳、智慧、真诚和不断求实创新的精神,在最短的时间里取得了被广大客户认可的成绩。我公司倡导“以人才为中心,以科技为先导,以质量为首要,居安思危,锐意进取”的企业文化,内部管理规范,在行业内树立了良好的企业形象。连续多年被授予守合同重信用单位、AAA级信用企业及唐山市文明单位等荣誉称号。本公司将以科学的管理、标准化的生产、优质的服务献给广大客户,以最佳的商誉与各界朋友携手合作共创辉煌。 § 集团概况 (英文) Tangshan hengtong Group is an integrated producing and trading enterprise mainly engaged in supplying accurate cold rolling metal sheet, hop-dip galvanized strip, and color coating strip with the business scope covering metallurgy, mechanical equipment manufacturing, pre-tensioned spun concrete pile, steel trade etc. its total assets had reached 8 billion RMB. Our headquarter is located in the scenic Tangshan Jingtanggang development district connected by several motorway and high-grade highway. Traffic is very convenient. The company owns 3600 ares area on which the internationally advanced producing lines were built. When all the lines put into production, it will form a productivity of supplying 5 million ton cold rolling strip, 300 million hop-dip galvanized strip and 100 million color coated strip per year. We passed the ISO9000 quality system certificate since 1998, all the products are manufactured according to ISO9000 standard. Hengtong group receive the affirmation from business partners by its qualified products, responsibility to the credits and circumspect after service. Based on the equality and bilateral profitability as well as It’s respect to the contract and credits, Hengtong has developed widely cooperation aimed at twin-win or multilateral-win and stable material purchasing and products sale network with domestic and international coordinators. The group owns a proficient crew team, more than 90% of them graduated from University or technical secondary school, together with about 50 senior technical members including professors who have the international leading technology, senior engineers with professor grade, senior engineers, senior technicians, form its solid core of technology. Growing up with the severe competition of the market, Hengtong people have got recognizable achievement within shortest time by their spirit of diligence, brightness, sincerity and unstoppable innovation. We built the enterprise culture of “ centered by elite, piloted by technology, prioritized by quality, ready for danger in time of safety, keep improving and innovation” and normative internal regulation, cast well-known good reputation in the field, gain the honor like “credits enterprise”, “AAA enterprise”, “Tangshan civilized organization” etc. we will dedicate our scientific management , standardized production, high quality service to our customer and make refulgent future together with all the friends by our best credits reputation. |
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