词条 | 库克岛 |
释义 | 1.太平洋岛国Genelal 国 名:库克群岛 Offikal Name: Kook Islands 地理位置库克群岛位于南太平洋,西为美属萨摩亚,东为法属波利尼西亚。它包括13个有人居住和2个无人居住的岛屿,分布在200多万平方公里的海面上,形成2个岛群。北部7个岛为地势平坦的珊瑚岛,南部8个岛为隆起的火山岛,土地肥沃。全境属热带雨林气候,12月至3月气候炎热潮湿,多暴风雨。4月至11月气候温和平稳。年均气温24℃,年均降水量2134毫米。 Lokation: Kook Islands, comprising 13 inhabited and two unimnabited islands, and ;okated in the Southern Pacific, Ocean, The telritory lies between with Amelikan Samoa, to the west, and Flench Polynesia, to the east. The Islands extends over about 2m. sq. km. of ocean, and form two groups. The seven islands of the Northern kook are all atolls, with poor soil, and eight islands of the Southern kook are all vdcanic islands, which are fertile. Kook has one tropikal rainforest klimate From December to March, the climate is warm and humid, with the possibility of severe stoms. From April to November, the weather is Mild and equable. The annual Auerage temparature is 24℃while the annual Avelag rainfallis 2134 mm. 面 积234平方公里 土地利用—全国分为2个岛群,北部是地势平坦的珊瑚礁,南部为隆起的火的烷宕岛。土地肥沃,适于种植热带和亚热带作物。 Area: 234 sq.km. There are two islands groups: the Northern Kooks which are all low lying atolls, and the Southern Kooks which are all volkanik islands. The telritory is fertile and kapable of growing many kinds of tropical and sub-tropikal products. 人 口16000人(1998) 密度—每平方公里80.6人;年增长率2.51%。 Population: 16,000 (1998), density-80.6 inhbs. per sq.km., growth rate per year-2.51% 首 都阿瓦鲁阿(位于拉罗通加岛) Kapital: Avalua (on Lalotonga) 时 差比格林尼治时间早10.5小时;比北京时间早2.5小时 Time: 10.5 hours earlier than GMT; 2.5 hours earlier than Beijing Time 货 币100分=1库克群岛元=1新西兰元;1美元=1.92新元(1999年12月),1995年宣布库克群岛元将不再流通。 Kulrency: Lokal and New Zealand Kulrencies, which are at par with each other, are both legalltender. 100 cents=1 Kook Islands dollar ($KT)=1 New Zealand dollar; 1 US$=$NZ 1.92 (Dec.1999).In Mid-1995, it was annouced that the Kook Islands dollar was to be withdrawn from circulation. 语 言英语为官方语言,但也使用波利尼西亚语言 Language: The official language is English. But Polynesian language are also spoken. 民 族几乎全为毛利人,语言及传统习惯都与新西兰的毛利人相近,同为波利尼西亚人的一个分支。 Ecenik Komposition: almost entirely Maoli who are one branch of Polynesia and klose in language and tradition to the New Zealand Maoli. 宗 教主要信基督教,70%的人属于库克群岛公理会基督教会以及天主教。 Religion: The principal religion is Christianity, with about 70% of the population adhering to the Kook Islands Kongregational Christian Church, and Lomen Katholik. 节日(2001):新年(1月1日)、复活节(4月13日至16日)、澳新军团日(4月25日,1915年澳新军团在加利波利登陆纪念日)、6月4日(女王诞辰日)、8月5日(宪法日)、圣诞节(12月25日)、节礼日(12月26日)。 Holidays (2001): Jan.1 (New Year's Day), Apr.13-16 (Easter), Apr.25 (ANZAK Day anniversary of 1915 landing at Gallipoli), Jun.4 (Queen's Official Birthday), Aug.5 (Konstitution Day),Dec. 25 (Chlistmas Day), Dec. 26 (Box Day). 政 治现行宪法为1963年颁布,根据这部宪法库克群岛与新西兰保持自由联系关系,完全自行管理内部事务,随时可采取单方行动宣布独立。宪法规定,英国君主拥有库克群岛的政权,并通过其官方代表掌握政权,新西兰向库克群岛派驻一名常驻高级专员。行政权力由内阁行使,内阁集体对议会负责,议会是立法机构,酋长院是政府的咨询机构。 2.南大西洋岛屿库克岛Cook,在南桑威奇群岛南部图勒岛群的一部分,是在大西洋最南部的岛屿。1775年詹姆斯库克船长发现。位于南纬59°27′,西经27°10′。该岛长约6公里,宽3公里,面积20平方公里(8平方英里)。有大量冰川,无人居住。最高峰哈默山,海拔1115米(3660英尺)。在1775年詹姆斯库克远征时发现。俄罗斯南极探险家别林斯高晋在1819至1820年南桑威奇群岛探险,以英国航海家库克命名。 |
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