

词条 Paul de Casteljau

Paul De Casteljau (出生在贝桑松,法国1930年),雪铁龙的物理学家和数学家,在1959年,发明了一种估算Bézier曲线的计算方法。本书的作者曹数学等。火山。 2:福默斯从Hermes à极点。德Casteljau算法被广泛使用,但它可能通过一些修改了。德Casteljau算法是最强大和稳定的数值多项式评价方法,尽管它是计算比其他方法,如霍纳的方法,单点慢(更快,更强大)和前向差分(最快,最可靠)。然而,德Casteljau算法仍然非常快的subdiving分成两个曲线段参数在任意位置的Bézier曲线。

Paul De Casteljau (born 1930 in Besançon, France), a physicist and mathematician at Citroën, developed an algorithm for computation of a Bézier curve, in 1959. Author of the book Mathématiques et CAO. Vol. 2: Formes à pôles from Hermes. De Casteljau's algorithm is widely used although it might have gone through some modifications. De Casteljau's algorithm is the most robust and numerically stable method for evaluating polynomials, though it is slower for computing a single point than other methods, such as Horner's method (faster, less robust) and forward differencing (fastest, least robust). However, De Casteljau's algorithm is still very fast for subdiving a Bézier curve into two curve segments at an arbitrary parametric location.





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