

词条 oral presentation


Making a good oral presentation is an art that involves attention to the needs of your audience, careful planning, and attention to delivery. This page explains some of the basics of effective oral presentation. It also covers use of notes, visual aids and computer presentation software.




·报告方式:口头报告(Oral presentation):讲演及答疑,包括讲演15分钟,答疑5分钟。

The audience观众

Some basic questions to ask about an audience are:

1.Who will I be speaking to?

2.What do they know about my topic already?

3.What will they want to know about my topic?

4.What do I want them to know by the end of my talk?

By basing the content and style of your presentation on your answers to these questions, you can make sure that you are in tune with your audience. What you want to say about your topic may be much less important than what your audience wants to hear about it.


1. 我会对谁说话(演讲)?

2. 他们(观众)已经对我的题材有什么了解?

3. 他们(观众)会希望知道有关我的题材的什么信息?

4. 我希望观众在演讲结束时知道/了解到什么?


Planning your presentation计划

In an effective presentation, the content and structure are adjusted to the medium of speech. When listening, we cannot go back over a difficult point to understand it or easily absorb long arguments. A presentation can easily be ruined if the content is too difficult for the audience to follow or if the structure is too complicated.


As a general rule, expect to cover much less content than you would in a written report. Make difficult points easier to understand by preparing the listener for them, using plenty of examples and going back over them later. Leave time for questions within the presentation.


Give your presentation a simple and logical structure. Include an introduction in which you outline the points you intend to cover and a conclusion in which you go over the main points of your talk.


Delivering your presentation传递

People vary in their ability to speak confidently in public, but everyone gets nervous and everyone can learn how to improve their presentation skills by applying a few simple techniques.

The main points to pay attention to in delivery are the quality of your voice, your rapport with the audience, use of notes and use of visual aids.



Voice quality involves attention to volume, speed and fluency, clarity and pronunciation. The quality of your voice in a presentation will improve dramatically if you are able to practise beforehand in a room similar to the one you will be presenting in.

音质介入对容量的注意、速度和流畅、清晰和发音。 您的在介绍的声音的质量将巨大改善,如果您能在屋子里予先实践类似您出席的那个。

Repport with the audience involves attention to eye contact, sensitivity to how the audience is responding to your talk and what you look like from the point of view of the audience. These can be improved by practising in front of one or two friends or video-taping your rehearsal.

与观众的Repport介入对目光接触,对观众怎样反应您的谈话,并且什么的敏感性的注意您看起来从观众角度看。 这些可以经过实践在一两个朋友前面或录影您的排练改进。

Effective use of notes有用小贴士

Good speakers vary a great deal in their use of notes. Some do not use notes at all and some write out their talk in great detail. If you are not an experienced speaker it is not a good idea to speak without notes because you will soon lose your thread. You should also avoid reading a prepared text aloud or memorising your speech as this will be boring.

好报告人在对笔记的他们的用途非常变化。 一些根本不使用笔记,并且一些写出他们的在了不起的细节的谈话。 如果您不是一名老练的演讲人它不是一个好想法讲话没有笔记,因为您很快将丢失您的螺纹。 因为这烦人,您应该也避免大声读准备着的文本或记住您的讲话

The best solution may be to use notes with headings and points to be covered. You may also want to write down key sentences. Notes can be on paper or cards. Some speakers use overhead transparencies as notes. The trick in using notes is to avoid shifting your attention from the audience for too long. Your notes should always be written large enough for you to see without moving your head too much.

最佳的解答也许将使用与将被盖的标题和点的笔记。 您可以也想要写下关键句子。 笔记可以在纸或卡片。 有些报告人使用字幕片作为笔记。 在使用笔记的把戏是避免太久转移您的从观众的注意。 应该总是写您的笔记足够大为了您能看见,无需移动您的头太多。

Visual aids视频帮助

Visual aids help to make a presentation more lively. They can also help the audience to follow your presentation and help you to present information that would be difficult to follow through speech alone.

The two most common forms of visual aid are overhead transparencies (OHTs) and computer slide shows (e.g. PowerPoint). Objects that can be displayed or passed round the audience can also be very effective and often help to relax the audience. Some speakers give printed handouts to the audience to follow as they speak. Others prefer to give their handouts at the end of the talk, because they can distract the audience from the presentation.

直观教具帮助更加活泼做介绍。 他们可以也帮助观众跟随您的介绍和帮助您提出是难通过单独讲话跟随的信息。

直观教具的二个多数共同的形式是字幕片(OHTs)和计算机幻灯片放映(即PowerPoint)。 可以被显示或通过围绕观众的对象可能也是非常有效的和经常帮助放松观众。 有些报告人给打印的赠送品观众跟随。

Making a good oral presentation is an art that involves attention to the needs of your audience, careful planning, and attention to delivery. This page explains some of the basics of effective oral presentation. It also covers use of notes, visual aids and computer presentation software.






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