词条 | 凯文·麦克纳利 |
释义 | 基本信息中文名:凯文·麦克纳利 英文名:Kevin McNally 更多外文名: Kevin R. McNally / Kevin R McNally 性别:男 星座: 金牛座 出生日期:1956-04-27 出生地: 英国,英格兰,布里斯托尔 职业: 演员 / 编剧 电影作品作为演员/神鬼奇航:幽灵海(台)/魔盗王4(港) Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides ------- (2011) Margaret ------- (2009) 呼啸山庄 Wuthering Heights ------- (2009) Father's Day ------- (2009) Tuesday ------- (2008) 行动目标希特勒/瓦尔基里/华尔基利暗杀行动(港)/刺杀希特勒(其他) Valkyrie ------- (2008) 加勒比海盗:世界的尽头/神鬼奇航:世界的尽头(台)/加勒比海盗:魔盗王终极之战(港) Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End ------- (2007) The Minister of Divine ------- (2007) The Murder of Princess Diana ------- (2007) The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: My First Adventure ------- (2007) Irish Jam ------- (2006) 加勒比海盗:亡灵宝藏/神鬼奇航:加勒比海盗(台)/加勒比海盗:决战魔盗王(港) Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest ------- (2006) 独家新闻/遇上塔罗牌情人(台)/遇上塔罗牌杀手(港) Scoop ------- (2006) 在别处 "Life on Mars" ------- (2006) Lords and Luddites ------- (2006) 血防线 Bloodlines ------- (2005) The Making of 'The Phantom of the Opera' ------- (2005) X Rated: Top 20 Most Controversial TV Moments ------- (2005) 歌剧魅影/歌声魅影/歌剧院魅影 The Phantom of the Opera ------- (2004) 小可爱/潇洒舞一回/谱出爱恋曲/爱的畅想曲 De-Lovely ------- (2004) Dead Fish ------- (2004) Dead Cool ------- (2004) 敦刻尔克大撤退 Dunkirk ------- (2004) 憨豆特派员/憨豆特工/憨探奇案/憨豆007/特务戇J Johnny English ------- (2003) 加勒比海盗:黑珍珠号的诅咒/神鬼奇航:鬼盗船魔咒(台)/魔盗王:决战鬼盗船(港) Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl ------- (2003) 海盗日记 Diary of a Pirate ------- (2003) 南极破冰之旅 Shackleton ------- (2002) Eddie Loves Mary ------- (2002) 强盗美眉 High Heels and Low Lifes ------- (2001) 纳粹大猎杀 Conspiracy ------- (2001) Crust ------- (2001) "Bedtime" ------- (2001) Shackleton: Breaking the Ice ------- (2001) 天罪 When the Sky Falls ------- (2000) 偷天陷阱/将计就计 Entrapment ------- (1999) "Up Rising" ------- (1999) 滑动门/双面情人/缘份两面睇(港) Sliding Doors ------- (1998) 海上钢琴师/1900的传奇/声光伴我飞/钢琴总动员 La leggenda del pianista sull'oceano ------- (1998) 辣椒狂热 Spice World ------- (1997) The Precious Blood ------- (1996) Eleven Men Against Eleven ------- (1995) Pullman paradis ------- (1995) Spectromania-Massage ------- (1995) 亚伯拉罕 Abraham ------- (1994) All Things Bright and Beautiful ------- (1994) On location with: All Things Bright and Beautiful ------- (1994) Stalin ------- (1992) Common Pursuit ------- (1992) A Masculine Ending ------- (1992) The Hangover ------- (1991) "Murder Most Horrid" ------- (1991) Jekyll & Hyde ------- (1990) Murder East - Murder West ------- (1990) 风雨人生 Act of Will ------- (1989) The Contract ------- (1988) 自由万岁/为自由而呐喊 Cry Freedom ------- (1987) This Is Your Life ------- (1987) 阳光六人行 Not Quite Paradise ------- (1986) 柏林孽恋/柏林风情画 The Berlin Affair ------- (1985) Enigma ------- (1983) Praying Mantis ------- (1982) 漫长美好的星期五/美好的星期五 The Long Good Friday ------- (1980) 007系列10:海底城/爱我的间谍/铁金刚勇破海底城 The Spy Who Loved Me ------- (1977) 罗马帝国兴亡史 "I, Claudius" ------- (1976) "Crown Court" ------- (1972) "Doctor Who" ------- (1963) 作为编剧"Lock, Stock..." ------- (2000)
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