

词条 卡罗尔·安·达菲

卡罗尔·安·达菲,CBE,FRSL(Carol Ann Duffy,1955年12月23日-),苏格兰诗人,自由身作家。她于1995年获得官佐勋章,并于2002年获得司令勋章。现时是曼彻斯特都会大学写作学院的创作总监,同时,她更是英国皇室的御用诗人(即著名的“桂冠诗人”),她于2009年5月1日上任这个职位,任期十年。她是首位女性及公开承认同性恋倾向的诗人担任这一职。

卡罗尔·安·达菲Carol Ann Duffy1955年12月生于格拉斯哥,是当代重要的英语女诗人,已经出版六本诗集,获得多种奖项。1985年出版第一本诗集《站立的裸女》Standing Female Nude,受到普遍赞赏,立刻入围当年的第一本诗集奖;1987年出版《出售曼哈顿》Selling Manhattan,1990年出版《另一个国度》The Other Country,1993年出版《卑鄙时刻》Mean Time获得英国著名的两项诗歌大奖威特布赖德Whitbread和前进奖Forward最佳诗集奖,1999年出版《世界之妻》The World’s Wife获得美国的佛斯特奖,2002年出版《女性福音书》The Feminine Gospels。目前她是曼彻斯特大都会大学的当代诗歌教授。


Carol Ann Duffy

Things assume your shape; discarded clothes, a damp shroud

in the bathroom, vacant hands. This is not fiction. This is

the plain and warm material of love. My heart assumes it.

We wake. Our private language starts the day. We make

familiar movements through the house. The dreams we have

no phrases for slip through our fingers into smoke.

I dreamed I was not with you. Wandering in a city

where you did not live, I stared at strangers, searching

for a word to make them you. I woke beside you.

Sweetheart, I say. Pedestrian daylight terms scratch

darker surfaces. Your absence leaves me with the ghost

of love; half-warm coffee cups or sheets, the gentlest kiss.

Walking home, I see you turning on the lights. I come in

from outside calling your name, saying something.

from Standing Female Nude (Anvil)





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