词条 | 景洪港 |
释义 | 景洪港位于我国云南省西双版纳傣族自治州境内,是澜沧江·湄公河国际航线上的一个重要港口,于1993年7月24日经国务院批准建设的国家一类对外口岸,下设景洪港中心码头、橄榄坝码头、关累码头。2001年6月,交通部宣布正式景洪港对外国籍船舶开放,并于6月26日正式实现中、老、缅、泰四国商船通航。 景洪港澜沧江·湄公河一江连六国,澜沧江·湄公河国际区域经济合作日益受到流域各国的高度重视,并为世界所关注,正在成为以资源开发为重点的国际投资热点地区。景洪港已逐渐形成了以景洪为枢纽、直通东南亚各国的水路通道网,同时成为了澜沧江·湄公河航道上我国境内第一大港口口岸。 景洪港中心码头景洪港中心码头位于西双版纳傣族自治州景洪市内,座落在昆曼线上,处于昆曼公路大通道的必经之地且距版纳国际机场仅5公里。景洪港中心码头距中老缅三国交界处101公里,距老缅泰三国交界处金三角334.6公里,距老挝会晒(泰国清孔)402.1公里,距老挝琅勃拉邦701.6公里。 从景洪港中心码头至泰国清盛港345公里,客船航行只需9小时、货船航行需36小时,航道畅通,设施完备,联检及服务机构完善,是国内外客商常年从事澜沧江·湄公河流域国际航道水路客货运输业务的理想选择。根据西双版纳州委、州政府的经济发展构思和今后航运及对外贸易发展的需要,景洪港中心码头设计规模为两个泊位—一个客运泊位和一个货运泊位,近期规划年货物吞吐量10万吨,客运量40万人次;远期规划年货物吞吐量40万吨,客运量150万人次,是以客运为主,货运为辅的综合性码头。整个港口占地165亩,设计和规划建设项目按港口的功能,水工码头分为两条下江公路和两个靠船装卸货物的平台,陆域配套设施有货物堆场、仓库、港区道路、联检楼、客运综合楼、港区供排水、供电照明、绿化和招商引资项目海员俱乐部、购物中心、招待所、网球场等。规划建成一个集航运、贸易、商业、旅游、娱乐、休闲为一体的多功能的园林式现代化港口。 景洪港关累码头景洪港关累码头位于西双版纳傣族自治州勐腊县关累镇关累边境贸易区中缅界河中方一侧,是景洪港的一个重要码头,地处中、老、缅、泰四国毗邻地区的结合部,陆路距景洪174公里,水路距景洪港81公里。已建和扩建泊位3个,建设规模为年货物吞吐量15万吨,客运吞吐量10万人次。码头基础设施不断完善,担负起国际航运业务。是中国航运出境最后一个码头和国外船舶入境的第一个码头,具有良好区位优势,搞好关累码头的建设对促进航运、边贸的发展具有重要意义。 景洪港橄榄坝码头2009年9月18号,景洪港橄榄坝码头(勐罕作业区)一期建设工程举行开工奠基仪式。2009年9月21日,景洪港橄榄坝码头(勐罕作业区)一期工程正式破土动工建设。规划建设如下:客运部分建设150吨级(80-100客位)船舶泊位2个,占用岸线长度110米,旅客吞吐量40万人次,建筑面积4395平米,其中客运楼建筑面积3838平米;货运部分建设300吨级货运泊位4个,其中多用途泊位2个,杂货件泊位1个,散货泊位1个,占用岸线长度320米,建筑面积8736平米,货物吞吐量100万吨。 据悉,该工程总投资1.64亿元,工期为670天。工程完工后,将与景洪港中心码头、关累码头遥相互应,互为补充,对西双版纳州开展澜沧江集装箱国际航运,加快全州航运发展,提高航运品位具有重要意义。 澜沧江·湄公河流域澜沧江·湄公河源于我国青海省唐古拉山的扎曲河和曲河,海拔 5200米,进入云南后流经迪庆、怒江、大理、保山、临沧、思茅、西双版纳7个地州市,到景洪市勐罕镇勐松山脚成为中国、缅甸两国界河,再往下31公里,到勐腊县南腊河口是中国、缅甸、老挝三国交界处,流出境后称湄公河,流经缅甸、老挝、泰国、柬埔寨、越南5国,在越南胡志明市附近流入南海,汇向太平洋。 澜沧江·湄公河全长4880公里,其长度超过世界第六大河流—刚果河。其中在中国境内2130公里(云南省1247公里,西双版纳州183公里),中缅界河31公里,缅老界河235公里,老挝内河789公里,老泰界河975公里,柬埔寨490公里,越南230公里,流域面积81万平方公里,河流落差5060米,入海口平均流量12000立方米∕秒。是东南亚第一大河流,世界第七大河流,是我国进入东南亚的最便捷的水上黄金水道,一江通六国而著称于世,被称为“东方多瑙河”。从景洪港沿江而下,沿途经过橄榄坝、关累、班赛、索累、班相果、孟莫、万崩、金三角、清盛、会晒、清孔、琅勃拉邦等主要港口、码头。澜沧江·湄公河成为沿江各国政治、经济、文化大动脉,被奉为生命之江。 An International Harbor-Jinghong HarborJinghong Harbor is an important international harbor which lies in the international shipping route of Lancang-Mekong River. Approved by the state office which consists of Jinghong Central Dock, Ganlanba Dock and Guanlei Dock. Jinghong Central Dock takes up an area of 165 mu, it is 344 kilometers away from Chiang Sheng Harbor, Thailand and 701 kilometers away from Luang Prabang, Laos with the transportation by river, by land and by air. There are two docks in blueprint, one is for guests and the other is for goods. With annual throughput of 100000 tons and passenger capacity of 400000 in short term and 400000 tons and 1.5 million in long term, it is a comprehensive harbor which is mainly for passenger transportation and secondly for goods transportation. We have comteted a dock and coordinate goods pile, warehouse, road of harbor district,checking building, hostel and so on. It will be built to a garden-like multifunctional harbor with navigation, trade, commercial, travel, entertainment and leisure. Jinghong Harbor had been built in December, 1994 and was checkes and accepted when completed on June 26, 2001. the navigation ceremony was held in Jinghong Harbor on June 26, 2001with the four members of China, Laos, Burma, Thailand. This has bought a new era to the navigation to the Lancang-Mekong River. Since Jinghong Harbor has been put into business in June, 1996, it has gained a good social effectiveness and economical effectiveness that has fully promoted the development of shipping business. Guanlei Dock is an important dork which is located in Mengla country, it is 83 kilometers away from Jinghong Central Dork, and it is the adjacent point of China, Laos, Burma and Thailand. It is the first in –and –out dock for Chinese ships in Lancang-Mekong channel and one of the doors in this area and it has a good regional advantage. Guanlei was being enlarged by using state fund of 36.74 million yuan with the need for 150000 tons annually and 100000 guests. The project started in May,2000. The construction and development of Jinghong Harbor will fully promote the economical cooperation between Yunnan Province and our neighbor countries, further the bilateral trade, make a good use of the resource and area advantages of Lancang-Mekong River and push a rapid development of tourism and international trade. 景洪港相关景洪港现经营管理企业为西双版纳港埠国际货运代理有限责任公司。公司地址:云南省西双版纳州景洪市宣慰大道51号,业务电话:+86 691 2211028。 港口经营企业简介西双版纳港埠国际货运代理有限责任公司是根据州政府西政办发〔2002〕53号文件“港口管理与港口服务职能相分离,实行政企分开”的文件精神,于2002年3月成立的。公司于2003年7月顺利通过州委、州政府的企业改制,成为了一家由自然人入股的股份制企业。目前公司专业从事景洪港中心码头、关累码头港口装卸、客运站点服务、水陆路货运代理、边境贸易业务、货物代办、仓储、堆场、港内驳运、船舶代理等经营。公司以“立足港口、面向社会服务”为经营目标,积极拓展业务范围,不断打造专业、高效、优质的服务团队及物流团队。 公司地理位置优越,位于通往南亚、东南亚的国际大通道--西双版纳州府所在地景洪市景洪港内,公司所经营管理的景洪港中心码头、关累码头,是国务院批准的国家对外开放一类口岸。从景洪港至泰国清盛港客船航行只需9小时,货船航行只需12小时;是全国港口水路到泰国距离最短、时间最快的航线。景洪港、关累码头作业条件优良,装卸设备齐全,联检及服务机构完善,可常年为各种客货运输船舶提供停靠作业和港口服务,是国内外客商从事澜沧江.湄公河国际客货运输业务的理想选择。 公司拥有一支专业化的港口码头管理队伍,配置了一批适应港口现代化发展的机械化吊装设备,已逐步实现港口码头机械化、现代化的作业方式。公司以“创一流服务、建一流港口、树一流形象”为发展方向,以诚信、务实、勤奋为企业文化,以“立足港口、面向社会服务”为公司业务发展方向。公司将不断提高员工素质、强化内部管理,拓展业务范围,努力为广大客户提供安全、优质、高效、快捷、满意的服务,努力为澜沧江.湄公河黄金水道航运业的发展和港口经济的腾飞做出贡献,热诚欢迎国内外朋友共同参与合作与发展。 办公地址:云南省西双版纳州景洪市宣慰大道51号 联系电话(传真):+86 691 2211028 Brief introductionXishuangbanna Ports and Harbors International Freight Agency Co, .Ltd was set up in March, 2002 with the spirit of 53th, 2002 document of Xishuangbanna’s government-separating the management from the service of harbor, and separating the enterprises from government. Since July,2003, the company has become a Joint-Stock enterprises after it had been reformed. According to The Law of Harbor, The Stipulation of Harbor Management and Operation, The Reform Programme of Harbor Company, Xishuangbanna Harbor Bureau awarded Harbor Business Certification to our company. Since then, the company has gained the qualifications of loading and unloading, warehousing, damp sitting, lighterage and serving for the passenger transportation in both Jinghong and Guanglei Harbor. In order to adapted to the need of harbor business and development, the Harbor Company get the license for shipping agency and international shipping business. At present, the company has get the habilitation for many kinds of business. The geographic position of our company is so pre-eminent that it lies in Jinghong Harbor of JInghong City, which is the capital of Xishuangbanna. Situated in the hinge of Kunming-to-Bangkok international road, the central dock of Jinghong and Guanlei Port which are in the charge of our company, is a A-level port of export approved of by the State Council. It only takes 12 hours from Jinghong Harbor to Chiang Sheng, Thailand by ship, and it is the shortest and fastest line to Thailand in China. . Jinghong Harbor, one of the most important financial ports of import and export of South-western China, has well-built water and land traffic facilities and vast converges of economic hinterland. With nice working conditions, well-equipped loading and unloading facilities and perfect co-examination and service departments, Guanlei Dock and Jinghong Harbor, which are the most idle choice for customers both at home and abroad, who devote themselves to international transportation of goods and passengers’ ships all around the year. “Creating a top-rated service, setting up a top-rated harbor and establishing a top-rated figure”, what is always hold in our mind is our direction. We are trying our best to devote ourselves to the development of Lancang-Mekong River shipping business and harbor economy. We warmly welcome the friends who form both at home and abroad can join us so that we can co-operate and develop together |
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