词条 | 金属骨料耐磨地坪 |
释义 | 预拌水泥地坪系列 产品简述: 金属骨料耐磨地面材料由一定颗粒级配的矿物合金骨料、特种水泥、其它掺合料和外加剂组成。将其均匀地撒布在初凝阶段的混凝土表面,经专工门工艺加工,从而使其与混凝土地面形成一个整体。且具有高致密度性和着色的高性能耐磨地面。 Product Brief: Metal aggregate floor material is made up of mineral alloy aggregate, special cement and other addictives of a certain grain degree. Spread it on the concrete surface that is on the primary coagulation stage, then treat it in special techniques, it can make the concrete to form a whole body and make the floor have high sealing, excellent color, high performance and excellent endurance . 适用范围: ·高速公路、纺织业、军工企业等 ·工业厂房需要耐磨、耐冲击的地面 ·工业厂房需要承受较大负荷或较频繁的作业区域 ·要求洁净的生产区域 ·适用于码头、机场、车库、停车场、桥面、通道地面 ·适用于旧混凝土地面的改建工程 Application Scope: ·Highroads, textiles industries, military enterprises, etc. ·Industrial workshops whose floors shall be endurable and impact resistant. ·Industrial workshops whose floor need to bear big load or frequently used working place. ·Producing areas that need to be clean. ·Docks, airports, garages, parking lots, bridge surfaces, tunnel surfaces. ·Reconstruction of old fashion concrete floor. 产品特性: ·极高的耐磨性、永久抗蚀性 ·很少起尘 ·增加了地面的防油性,易清洁、抗渗透 ·与混凝土地面一起施工,施工工期短、耐久性好 Product Features : ·High endurance, permanently erosion resistance. ·Hardly dust. ·Make the floor oil-proof and easy to clean and penetration resistant. ·Because applied together with the concrete floor, it has short construction time. 施工工艺 : ·在混凝土初凝时提浆、找平,第一次撒布耐磨材料及抹平、提浆 ·垂直第一次撒料方向,第二次撒布耐磨材料及抹平、收光 ·表面修饰及养护 Construction Techniques : ·Purifying slurry, leveling floor before the concrete sets. First spreading endurable materials and screeding, purifying slurry. ·Spead it on the floor against the line of the first time again and level the floor. ·Roll and coat the floor with transparent sealant技术指标 Technical Index: 测 试 项 目 Test Items 指 标Index 耐磨性(g/cm2) Wear Resistance(g/cm2) 0.07g/cm2 抗压强度(28天) Compressive Strength(28d) 90Mpa 抗折强度(28天) Folding Strength(28d) 12Mpa 莫氏硬度 Mohs Hardness 8.5养护: 地坪养护: 1、坪地施工完毕后需养护7-10天后方可投入使用,在养护期间,应避免水或其它溶液浸润表面 2、凡进入车间员工必须要换成胶底鞋(不可以穿泡沫底的黑底鞋)(以免将外面的泥沙带入车间而划伤地面) 3、凡是硬件:如铁椅、铁桌、铁货架等,须将其脚用软质塑料、橡胶包裹或用纸皮垫起来以免在使用过程中划伤地面 4、拖拉机扳需充分将机板升离地面,转弯时请特别注意机板角切勿刮伤地面 5、清洁地面时请用软质吸水性好的拖把或干湿两用吸尘器,可用清水或清洁剂清洗,但请注意地面湿滑 6、若因使用时间较长而造成磨损或刮花、小面积可进行局部修补,若面积较大则建议重新滚涂一次 7、设备进厂前,在地坪上铺上硬纸箱垫底,以免在运输设备过程中刮伤地面 8、推车,板车之车轮请用硬质或弹性胶轮,并厂房内外分开使用 9、可根据地面要求做打蜡处理(其效果可防止地面刮伤) 材料参考用量: 轻度交通:5kg/㎡ 中度交通:6kg/㎡ 重度交通:8kg/㎡ |
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