词条 | Mind Your Language |
释义 | 1977年开始播出英国情景喜剧《Mind you language》是英国最著名的情景喜剧之一,由成功主演过《Doctor in the house》的Barry Evans主演。(图片点击放大:左起前排:Miss Courtney,Juan,Anna,Jamila,Jeremy Brown,Danielle,Sid,左起第二排:Max,Ranjeet,Zoltan,Ingrid,Ali,Taro,Su-Lee,左起后排:Giovanni,Gladys) 演员列表演员 ..... 角色(出演集数,出演年代) Barry Evans ... Jeremy Brown (29 episodes, 1977-1979) George Camiller ... Giovanni Cupello / ... (29 episodes, 1977-1979) Jacki Harding ... Anna Schmidt (29 episodes, 1977-1979) Robert Lee ... Taro Nagazumi (29 episodes, 1977-1979) Kevork Malikyan ... Maximillian Papandrious (29 episodes, 1977-1979) Jamila Massey ... Jamila Ranjha (29 episodes, 1977-1979) Zara Nutley ... Miss Courtney (29 episodes, 1977-1979) Ricardo Montez ... Juan Cervantes (29 episodes, 1977-1979) Albert Moses ... Ranjeet Singh (29 episodes, 1977-1979) Françoise Pascal ... Danielle Favre (29 episodes, 1977-1979) Dino Shafeek ... Ali Nadim (29 episodes, 1977-1979) Pik Sen Lim ... Chung Su-Lee (27 episodes, 1977-1979) Tommy Godfrey ... Sid (20 episodes, 1977-1979) Iris Sadler ... Gladys (20 episodes, 1977-1979) Anna Bergman ... Ingrid Svenson (8 episodes, 1978) Gabor Vernon ... Zoltan Szabo (8 episodes, 1978) Deirdre Costello ... Mavis (2 episodes, 1978) Fraser Kerr ... Commentator / ... (2 episodes, 1978) Gail Playfair ... Rehana Nadim (2 episodes, 1978-1979) Harry Littlewood ... Supermarket Manager / ... (2 episodes, 1978-1986) 角色介绍教职人员 Jeremy Brown/Mr.Brown 杰米里布朗/布朗先生 电视剧的男主角,是伦敦一所英文夜校的老师,教外国学生学习英语,极其耐心/抗打击/有风度.......和倒霉。 从小被父母遗弃在Jeremy大街,所以得名Jeremy(《How is your father?》);总是被女校长Miss Courtney以各种理由打击,因为她的初衷是找一位女老师任教(《the first lesson》);总是因为学生们陷入各种的麻烦的事件,每次学生闯祸,背负责任的都是他(《Guilty or not guilty》)...... 最常发生的事:口音跟着学生变。 Miss Courtney 考特尼小姐 夜校的校长。总是对布朗以及他的外国学生不满,觉得那些外国学生完全无药可救。和杰米里布朗完全是猫和老鼠的关系,在布朗没有麻烦的时候,总是互相找麻烦,但是在对方有麻烦的时候,总是乐意出手相救(《Just the Job》,《Brief Re-Encounter》)........ 相当的刻薄,有时候也贪财(《I Belong to Glasgow》)。总是被布朗成为“大南瓜”或者是“老恐龙”,但每次说的时候都会被她听到。 Sid/Sidney 悉德/悉尼 学校里打扫卫生的老工人,听力很不好,经常因为听不见被人讲话而闹出事故(《All Through the Night》)有时候也可以当司机(《Don't forget the Driver》)或者学校典礼主持人(《After Three》)。 Gladys 休息室负责茶点的老奶奶,和蔼,鬼点子多。她和Sid负责了全校绯闻八卦的传播。 学生们 Giovanni Cupello/Giovanni 吉瓦尼 来自意大利的Giovanni高大挺拔,对Girls由其热衷。和来自希腊的Maximillian Papandrious是好朋友,也可以说是狐朋狗友,只要有他们,就有鬼点子和搞笑的事情发生。但是他相当的情绪化,每次到了分别或者伤感的时候,他都会一把鼻涕一把泪的。 口头禅:Santa Maria!(发音不标准版本的“圣母玛丽亚”) Maximillian Papandrious/Max 麦克斯 Giovanni的死党,希腊人。只有为了赢得法国美女Danielle的青睐的时候会和Giovanni争执不休。他和Giovanni住在同一间公寓(《A Hard Day's Night》)。喜欢看成人小说。说所有元音开头的单词都会加上H的音,如:OK=HOK。 口头禅:Girls! Anna Schmidt/Anna 安娜 东德人,严肃,正经,但是热情商量。从来不做不合规矩的事,有一些死板,但是在情况必要之下还是会和同学们同流合污。(《The Cheating Game》)。 口音:W,V不分。 最经常做的事情:在别人在干不正经的事情/或者想干不正经的时候肘击他们(一般是针对Max)。 Taro Nagazumi/Taro 塔罗 和蔼搞笑的日本老先生。经常挂着日本制造的照相机在身上。坚信日本什么都是最好的。但是为人善良正值,常常站出来为中国学生Su-lee说话(《I Belong to Glasgow》),但更经常的是和Sulee争论政治问题..... 口头禅:一开始的口头禅是Japano makeso besto everythingno(日本的东西都是最好的)....后来的口头禅变成了:Japaneseo philosophero saido....(日本哲学家说......但基本都是他自己瞎扯的,例如:Japaneseo philosophero saido, If somebody iso noto hereo, he musto be somewhere elseo!日本哲学家说:如果某个人不在这里,他一定在别的什么地方!) 最常做的事情:回答问题之前一定会站起来,鞠躬,说“Aso!” Jamila Ranjha/Jamila 杰米拉 北印度来的家庭主妇Jamila,最初来的时候一句英文都不会说,一开始必须让Ali帮她做翻译才能和Brown交流。是态度比较好的一位,Mr.Brown对她最为耐心,但依旧无法避免Jamila作出让他哭笑不得的事情来。每次学会一句英文都会相当的兴奋。在后半部分也是表现欲望最强的学生,喜欢念诗,但发音让布朗和考特尼都哭笑不得..... 最常做的事情:打毛线,并且把毛线球弄得一团糟、念诗,并且发音让人听不懂。 Ali Nadim/Ali 阿里 巴基斯坦人,最先出场的学生,也是最先让Brown头痛的家伙。非常之搞笑。是个穆斯林,所以经常为了宗教问题和锡克教徒Ranjeet发生争执,是电视剧中永久会打架的一对。说话经常让人哭笑不得。比如,Mr.Brown叫他用You are造句:Brown:You are—— Ali:you are asking me a question.... Brown:good! Ali:....but I don't know the answer! Brown:!= =.........YOU ARE A Pakistani! Ali:I AM A PAKISTANI! Brown:I said use YOU ARE! Ali:But you are NOT A PAKISTANI!I AM A PAKISTANI! YOU ARE CONFUSING ME! Brown:.........= =!!! Ranjeet Singh/Ranjeet 兰吉特 印度锡克教人,和Ali是永远的宿敌!老奸巨猾,Ali基本永远会被他戏弄。Mr.Brown也拿他没办法。 口头禅:Thousand apologize! Danielle Favre/Danielle丹妮儿 法国美女,认为Make Love是世界上最美好的事。来学校的第一任务似乎就是勾引Jeremy Brown,但是从来没有成功过。在时机适宜的情况下总喜欢给Mr.Brown来一个法国式的热吻......经常暗示Jeremy Brown她的电话号码和住址,频繁邀请他前来小坐...... 口头禅:at night, we make love. 经典名言:I don't have a spare room, but I have a very big BED.....(意味深长的看着Mr.Brown.....) Juan Cervantes/Juan 西班牙大胡子,最可爱的角色之一。在听不懂别人讲话(或者是装作听不懂的时候)都会说:Per Favor?弄得Mr. Brown经常跟着他不知不觉就口误地说:“Per Favor?” 他经常认为Mr.Brown很傻,很可惜Mr.Brown也是这样看待他的...... Chung Su-Lee/Su-lee成素丽 中国女孩,毛主席语录随身携带,随口背诵。不管Mr.Brown问她任何问题,她最终都背诵毛主席语录,批判资本主义...... 经典对话: Jeremy Brown: Su-Lee, spell 'Democracy' (素丽,拼写“民主国家”) Chung Su-Lee: C-H-I-N-A. (中-国) Jeremy Brown: And I suppose if I asked you to spell 'Dictatorship', you would have spelt 'England'? (那如果我叫你拼写“独裁主义”你是不是会拼写“英-国”呢?) Chung Su-Lee: Or 'Amelica'! (“美-国”也行!) 口音:R,L互相代替 Zoltan Szabo/Zoltan 匈牙利人,在第二季新来的同学,基本上一句英文都不会说。第三季返回匈牙利。 Ingrid Svenson/Ingrid 瑞典金发美女,在第二季新来的同学。另外一个想勾引Jeremy的人,每一天都和Danielle较劲。第三季也离开了。 分集简介+播放时间Season 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 1, Episode 1: The First Lesson Original Air Date—30 December 1977 In the pilot episode, Mr. Jeremy Brown begins teaching an English class to a diverse group of ten foreign adult students in London, hailing from nine different countries. From Europe come two au pairs, the flirtatious and beautiful Danielle (France) and prim and proper Anna (Germany), two young single men, Giovanni (Italy) and Max (Greece) and a laid-back middle-aged bartender, Juan (Spain), who speaks no English at all. From Asia, come a revolutionary-minded secretary from the Chinese Embassy (Su-Li), a Japanese businessman (Taro) as well as three students from the Subcontinent, a devout Sikh (Ranjeet) and an unemployed Pakistani (Ali), who are constantly at each other's threats, and finally a Hindi-speaking housewife (Jamila) who can't speak a word of English. The school principal, Miss Delores Courtney, nearly dismisses Mr. Brown immediately as she had requested a female teacher, but he is allowed to stay on a trial basis. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 1, Episode 2: An Inspector Calls Original Air Date—6 January 1978 It's the second lesson for Mr. Brown and Ms. Courteney informs him that an education inspector will be arriving. Aswell there will be a new African student arriving. However these two arrivals create quite a confusing lesson. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 1, Episode 3: A Fate Worse Than Death Original Air Date—13 January 1978 Ranjeet claims he must kill himself in order to escape his arranged marriage since his bride-to-be looks 'like an elephant' Desperate to get back to teaching his class some English, Mr Brown soon finds that the lesson will be about anything but English. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 1, Episode 4: All Through the Night Original Air Date—20 January 1978 The student's English is not improving and Mr. Brown decides to detain them after class. However the long evening is made worse when Mr. Brown and the class get locked inside the classroom. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 1, Episode 5: The Best Things in Life Original Air Date—27 January 1978 Jamila has been arrested for shoplifting, but it's not entirely her fault. Because of her poor English, she has made the mistake of taking, what she thought to be, "free" items. After Mr.Brown rescues Jamila from the police station, he learns that she has stolen more than just a few items. Knowing that keeping the stolen goods would be dishonest, he gathers the class and they all set out to return the items where they belong, without getting caught. That'll be a tricky one! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 1, Episode 6: Come Back All Is Forgiven Original Air Date—3 February 1978 It's Mr. Brown's birthday and everyone in the class has brought him a present. However it's not all happy returns when Ms. Couteney informs Mr. Brown that his trial month is over and she is not satisfied with his teaching. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 1, Episode 7: The Cheating Game Original Air Date—10 February 1978 In order to see how prepared they are for their upcoming exam, the students prepare to take a mock exam. But when the students see that their teacher has no faith in them, they decide to cheat in order to ace the exam. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 1, Episode 8: Better to Have Loved and Lost Original Air Date—17 February 1978 Ali and Suli surprise the class when they announce that they will be getting married. But they all get a much bigger shock when they find out that Ali is already married and planning to take Suli as a second wife. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 1, Episode 9: Kill or Cure Original Air Date—24 February 1978 Mr. Brown becomes ill and cannot come to class so Ms. Courteney takes charge. However the student's English is not up to her expectations, so she sends them away. They all pay a visit to Mr.Brown, each with their own 'remedy' to make Mr.Brown feel better. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 1, Episode 10: Hello Sailor Original Air Date—3 March 1978 Juan brings a Russian sailor friend to the class who has come to England to escape Russia. Everything seems to be going alright until the captain of a Russian ship comes to the classroom looking for his roaming sailor. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 1, Episode 11: A Point of Honour Original Air Date—10 March 1978 Mr. Brown finds himself in a lot of trouble when Danielle tells a pestering teacher that she is engaged to Mr.Brown. He soon finds himself running around the school in an attempt to squash the rumor and avoid a punch-up with the philandering teacher. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 1, Episode 12: How's Your Father Original Air Date—17 March 1978 At the beginning of the lesson, Mr.Brown asks the students to speak aloud for one minute on various topics. The class learns that Taro's childhood was very lonely because he never knew his parents. Mr.Brown sympathizes by telling the class the story of how he was left on an orphanage in Jeremy Street when he was a baby 30 years ago and therefore grew up without any parents as well. However Mr.Brown's mother and father are a lot closer to him than he ever imagined. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 1, Episode 13: The Examination Original Air Date—24 March 1978 The students prepare to take their exams at the end of the first term, but are they ready? And Mr.Brown has an encounter with a couple in the bar which might just come back to haunt him. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 2, Episode 1: All Present If Not Correct Original Air Date—7 October 1978 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 2, Episode 2: Queen for a Day Original Air Date—14 October 1978 The class becomes excited when Miss Courtney announces that Queen Elizabeth II will be paying a visit to their school. The class members decide to wear what they perceive as their "national costumes" to class in honor of the occasion. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 2, Episode 3: Brief Re-Encounter Original Air Date—21 October 1978 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 2, Episode 4: Many Happy Returns Original Air Date—28 October 1978 Ranjeet has been working three jobs so that he can surprise his mother in Punjab for her 60th birthday. However, the night before he is to pay for his ticket, he loses the envelope with all his hard-earned money. It seems someone from the school has found the money and bet half of it on a horse race. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 2, Episode 5: Don't Forget the Driver Original Air Date—4 November 1978 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 2, Episode 6: A Hard Day's Night Original Air Date—11 November 1978 When his apartment has to be painted, Mr. Brown needs a peaceful place to stay for the night. Giovanni and Max volunteer their flat, and decide to host a party for the class in honor of the occasion. Problems arise when Mr. Brown is mistakenly arrested for burglary. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 2, Episode 7: Take Your Partners Original Air Date—18 November 1978 Miss Courtney blackmails Mr. Brown into buying two expensive tickets to a charity dance, to which he agrees to take Anna. However, problems arise when misunderstandings lead Miss Courtney and Gladys to believe that they will be his date for the evening. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 2, Episode 8: After Three Original Air Date—25 November 1978 Miss Courtney informs Mr. Brown and the class that they will be expected to prepare an act for the school talent show/concert in three days time. This episode marks the last appearance of the class's Hungarian student, Zoltan. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, Episode 1: I Belong to Glasgow Original Air Date—27 October 1979 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, Episode 2: Who Loves Ya Baby? Original Air Date—3 November 1979 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, Episode 3: No Flowers by Request Original Air Date—10 November 1979 Mr. Brown breaks his leg after taking Juan to the hospital, and the Sister on duty accidentally informs the school he has died. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, Episode 4: Just the Job Original Air Date—17 November 1979 Mr. Brown is offered a new higher-paying job at a rival English school if he quits his job and starts work the next day, but when the new job falls through, he has to figure out how to get his old job back. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, Episode 5: Guilty or Not Guilty Original Air Date—24 November 1979 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, Episode 6: Repent at Leisure Original Air Date—1 December 1979 Anna's au pair visa is set to expire, meaning she will have to leave England. The class decides the best way to get her to stay is to marry Anna off to an Englishman. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, Episode 7: The School Fete Original Air Date—8 December 1979 The school hosts a charity bazaar and needs a celebrity to be the Master of Ceremonies. Max claims to be best friends with a popular British comedian, but eventually confesses to the class that he's never really met him. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, Episode 8: What a Tangled Web Original Air Date—15 December 1979 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 4, Episode 1: Never Say Die Original Air Date—4 January 1986 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 4, Episode 2: Too Many Cooks Original Air Date—11 January 1986 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 4, Episode 3: Easy Come Easy Go Original Air Date—18 January 1986 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 4, Episode 4: Fifty Years On Original Air Date—25 January 1986 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 4, Episode 5: Time and Tide Original Air Date—1 February 1986 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 4, Episode 6: Ghoulies and Ghosties Original Air Date—8 February 1986 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 4, Episode 7: Mama Mia Original Air Date—15 February 1986 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 4, Episode 8: A Rash Decision Original Air Date—22 February 1986 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 4, Episode 9: Wedding Fever Original Air Date—1 March 1986 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 4, Episode 10: Everybody's Out Original Air Date—8 March 1986 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 4, Episode 11: Episode #4.11 Original Air Date—22 March 1986 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 4, Episode 12: Episode #4.12 Original Air Date—5 April 1986 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 4, Episode 13: Episode #4.13 Original Air Date—12 April 1986 琐事与悼念·扮演布朗先生的著名演员Barry Evans在1997年2月11日被发现死于自己公寓的沙发上,享年53岁。死因至今未有定论。验尸官在其尸体中发现超出正常指标4.5倍的酒精浓度,但是却并非自杀,现场环境显示为他杀,头部明显有被袭击过的痕迹,警方随机逮捕了18岁的少年詹姆斯李德比特,但因为证据不足而释放。 ·Barry Evans与剧中人物Jeremy Brown一样,是一个一生下来就被抛弃在孤儿院门口的弃婴。 ·因为本剧的空前成功,它被销往了海外很多国家。 ·扮演Ali的演员Dino Shafeek在1984年3月10日去世,享年55岁。生前是一位慈善工作者。 ·扮演Zoltan Szabo的演员Gabor Vernon,于1985年去世。 ·扮演Sid的演员Tommy Godfrey于1984年6月24日在伦敦去世,享年68岁。 |
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