词条 | metor6s |
释义 | 英文资料(Exceptional Sensitivity NIJ STANDARD 0601.02 INDEPENDENT ZONES PROVIDE FOR ENHANCED SECURITY ENHANCED FEATURES FOR EASIER USABILITY RANDOM ALARM FUNCTION EASY TO INSTALL AND OPERATE) 专家评价Metor 6 S的金属探测器灵敏度高氏设计是专为发现小型黑色金属和有色项目,如一次性监狱的刮胡刀,一块刀片,金属套、钥匙、雷管帽、手铐珠宝、硬币、微处理器和记忆芯片。Metor 6 S的监狱和拘留所付出增加安全有效地发现小型金属物品,可以用作武器,甚至当他们是隐藏在身体的腔内。 中文介绍介绍Metor6S超高灵敏度多区位金属探测门是根据美国司法部NIJ 0601.02标准设计制造超高灵敏度,可探测极细小的金属物品多区位探测技术,精确定位藏匿的违禁品交叉磁场,物体形状识别力强,高通过率特殊工作频率范围,多工作频率可选,超强抗干扰能力自动工作频段选择功能,规避周围电磁干扰准确探测磁性、非磁性和混合金属自动整体灵敏度调节和自动脚部区位灵敏度调节功能非法侵入报警功能高强度材料门体,抗冲击、无形变 IP55防护等级室内室外均可使用超宽通道设计,通道尺寸达760毫米安全标准与认证符合CE、EMC等国际电气安全标准对心脏起搏器佩戴者、孕妇和存储介质等确保安全。 特点超高灵敏度、多区位探测技术和交叉磁场设计,Metor6S具有极高探测精度、极强的通过识别率。特殊的工作频率范围、多工作频段可选和自动规避周围电磁干扰功能使Metor6S具有出众的抗干扰能力。 应用场所超高灵敏度设计用于探查极微小的金属物品,广泛适用于监狱、看守所和电子工厂、贵金属和珠宝加工厂等高等级安全检查。 技术数据电 源:90~260V AC, 40~65 Hz 电源可接受范围宽,系统自适应调整 整机功耗:50瓦 工作环境:温度:-10℃~55℃ (14℉~131℉) 850mm ,湿度:0~95%,无冷凝 防护等级:IP55 探测标准:美国司法部NIJ0601.02最新标准 探测程序:内置多种探测程序,适应各种应用要求 灵 敏 度:整体灵敏度100级别可调,各区位灵敏度0~200%独立调节 报警方式:声光报警,高亮度报警灯精确显示违禁品位置 干扰抑制:数字信号滤波技术,多工作频率有效抑制干扰 自动调节:1.工作频段自动选择功能;2.自动整体灵敏度调节校准;3.自动脚部探测区位灵敏度调节校准 安 全:8种不同用户权限可选,最多允许99组登录密码设定 校 准:自动、手动双方式 注:以上规格配置若有任何更新,恕不另行通知。 英文资料Exceptional SensitivitySuperior Immunity Complies with NIJ Standard 0601.02 The Metor 6S High Sensitivity walk-through metal detector is designed specifically for detecting small ferrous and non-ferrous items, such as disposable prison razors, a piece of razor blade, metal shanks, handcuff keys, detonator caps, jewelry, coins, microprocessor and memory chips. The Metor 6S increases safety in prisons and jails by efficiently detecting small metal objects that can be used as weapons, even when they are hidden in body cavities. When used in manufacturing and distribution facilities to protect small, valuable assets, the Metor 6S raises profitability by deterring employee theft. NIJ STANDARD 0601.02The Metor 6S complies with NIJ Standard 0601.02, fulfilling the requirements for corrections and law enforcement agencies. Preset programs which meet the different security levels defined by NIJ are immediately available. INDEPENDENT ZONES PROVIDE FOR· Reliable detection of threat items · Provides uniform detection · Reliable location of threats ENHANCED SECURITYThe latest features for advanced security are available on the Metor 6S. Calibration guard, power guard and ready-state violation all protect against unwanted tampering to the machine. Fully configurable user levels allow for unprecedented control over who can view and change settings on the Metor 6S. ENHANCED FEATURES FOR EASIER USABILITYAutomated sensitivity and floor sensitivity functions make the calibration process easy, eliminating the time consuming trial and error method. Automated frequency function selects the optimum operating frequency for the installation environment or in case of side-by-side use of more than one unit. Preset Detection Programs – The Metor 6S is delivered with multiple preset detection programs for the different levels of NIJ-0601.02 as well as for the detection of small magnetic or non-magnetic items and objects made of mixed alloys, ready to use immediately. RANDOM ALARM FUNCTIONThe Metor 6S has a random alarm function that enables security personnel to randomly choose individuals for an additional security check. With the new dual random alarm feature, people who cause a normal alarm are also subject to a random alarm. INTELLIGENT TRAFFIC COUNTERS FOR RELIABLE STATISTICS Metor 6S is built with intelligent and virtually invisible traffic counters which are integrated inside the coil panels. Counters are bi-directional with a decrease mode. Alarms, people and alarm rates can all be counted. EASY TO INSTALL AND OPERATEWith its immunity to electromagnetic interference and vibration, the Metor 6S is easy to install in the most demanding environments. Several units can be placed in close proximity to one another, increasing the level of flexibility when planning an installation site. |
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