词条 | 计小宇 |
释义 | 计小宇,博士,中国人民大学商学院副教授、清华大学数学系运筹学专业博士学位、吉林大学计算机系硕士学位。1995年吉林大学计算机系学士学位、中国人民大学商学院讲师。 个人经历2006年 清华大学数学系运筹学专业博士学位 2002年 吉林大学计算机系硕士学位1995年 吉林大学计算机系学士学位 工作简历: 2006/8--,中国人民大学商学院讲师 2006/6-7,香港中文大学工商管理学院访问学者 1995/8-2002/7,长春工业大学计算机系助教、讲师 研究兴趣: 系统建模与决策、不确定性优化、物流供应链管理 教学兴趣: 数据、模型与决策 运筹学 多元统计分析 不确定规划 获奖: 2006年获第四届中国运筹学会运筹优秀论文奖 学术兼职 中国运筹学会智能计算分会秘书长,2007-2011 中国运筹学会不确定系统分会理事,2007-2011 中国运筹学会青年工作委员会副主任,2006-2007 第十届中国青年信息与管理学者大会组织委员会主席,2008 第七届管理信息科学国际会议(IMS2008)宣传部长, 2008 近期发表文章X. Ji, X. Zhao, D. Zhou, A Fuzzy Programming Approach for Supply Chain Network Design, International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness & Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol. 15, Suppl. 2 (2007) 75-87. X. Ji and K Iwamura, New models for shortest path problem with fuzzy arc lengths, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol. 31 (2007) 259–269. L.Yang, X. Ji, Z. Gao, K. Li, Logistics distribution centers location problem and algorithm under fuzzy environment, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 208 (2007) 303-315. X. Ji and Z. Shao, Model and algorithm for bilevel Newsboy problem with fuzzy demands and discounts, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 172 Issue 1(2006) 163-174. Z. Shao and X. Ji, Fuzzy Multi-product Constraint Newsboy Problem, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol.180, Issue 1 (2006) 7-15. Y. Zhu and X. Ji, Expected values of functions of fuzzy variable, Expected values of functions of fuzzy variables, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, Vol.17, Issue 5 (2006) 471-478. X. Ji, Models and Algorithm for Stochastic Shortest Path Problem, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 170 Issue 1 (2005) 503-514. X. Ji , L.Yang and Z. Shao, Chance Constrained Maximum Flow Problem with Fuzzy Arc Capacities, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, LNAI.4114, 2006, 11-19. X. Ji, Hybrid intelligent algorithm for multiple objectives stochastic shortest path problem, Fifth International Conference on Information and Management Sciences, Kunming, China, July 1-8 2006, 480-483. X. Ji, X. Zhao, Supply chain network design in uncertain environment, proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference of Asia Pacific Decision Sciences Institute, June 14-18, 2006, pp. 526-529. X. Ji and J. Zhao, Fuzzy minimum cost flow problem, Forth International Conference on Information and Management Sciences, Kunming, China, July 1-10 2005, 524-529. |
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