

词条 lior


Lior 来自悉尼的小伙子,声音乾净而自然,清爽毫无做作,也没有任何压抑和黑色腐朽的气息.简单的歌词让人回到毫无忧虑的过去.典型INDIE,澳大利亚今年最好的声音。28岁发行第一张专辑Antumn flow ,这张专辑是2006澳大利亚独立市场最成功专辑之一,三座ARIA音乐大奖提名。

专辑Antumn flow


1.This Old Love


3.Gypsy Girl


5.Autumn Flow

6.Bedouin Song

7.Sitting with a Stranger

8.Art of Cruelty

9.Blessed 10.Stuck in a War

11.Building Ships

12.Grey Ocean

专辑 Corner of an Endless Road

Lior 2008全新专辑名称:Corner of an Endless Road





01. April Bloom

02. I'll Forget You

03. Corner of an Endless Road

04. Sleeping in the Rain

05. Heal Me

06. Lost in You

07. Burst Your Bubble

08. Sonja

09. Jerusalem

10. Take the Sting Out

11. Safety of Distance


Lior 带给我们的不光是音乐享受,还有一种精神层次上的美妙体验,会让我们联想起音乐艺术的最初起源,除此之外的东西,都是第二位的。而他的“Autumn Flow”是澳大利亚历史上最成功的个人首张专辑之一,为他赢得了3个ARIA音乐奖的提名(其中包括最佳男歌手)还有若乾其他奖项,其中包括声名显赫的3J “J Award”音乐奖年度最佳专辑的提名。目前该专辑被销售超过50000份。他的第二张专辑“Corner Of An Endless Road”显得出了更多的个人风格与对艺术的真诚。它代表了Lior两年以来的心路历程、事业和生活。

负责制作这张专辑的人中包括享誉国际的Sia和乌得琴演奏者Joseph Tawadros,由他负责弦乐伴奏部分。

“Corner of an Endless Road”真实地代表了Lior 的音乐跨度;设想一下 Led Zeppelin 在中东的茶室碰上了 Nick Drake 会是什么样的奇景呢?[KOo译] by Dante1986

Lior is a musician whose music gives more than it takes, offering a spiritually enriching experience for all involved and a reminder of a time when the music came first, and everything else was secondary. Autumn Flow became one of the most successful independent debuts in Australian history, garnering Lior three ARIA nominations (including Best Male Artist) and a swag of other awards, including a prestigious Triple J 'J Award' nomination for Album Of The Year. Autumn Flow has now sold well beyond 50,000 copies. The songs on Lior's second album 'Corner Of An Endless Road' are intensely personal and candid. They represent landmarks in the emotional journey throughout the last two years of Lior's career and life. Lior worked closely with producer Francois Tetaz at matching the emotional range of the songs with musical choices that intimately represent who he is, as a musician and a person. The album has collaborations with artists such as internationally renowned Sia and oud player Joseph Tawadros, and includes string orchestras and brass ensembles. 'Corner of an Endless Road' is a true representation of Lior's musical landscape; think Led Zeppelin jamming with Nick Drake at a teahouse somewhere in the Middle East.

Lior’s Fellow Band Members Are:

Brett Hirst - Bass

Michael Iveson - Drums

Ben Fink - Guitar

John ’Bedge’ Bedggood - Keys

我一直在想应该怎么去形容lior的声音,但是始终 找不到一个贴切的词汇。真声:略略带点沙哑,但这种沙哑并不是暗 沉的,还带有那么点明亮的味道。就像是淡淡的烟味混合着茶的清 香,再加上阳光温暖的色调的混合物一样。假声:本人特别喜欢lior 的假声,温暖到不行,干净明澈得犹如秋日的天空中划过的一丝淡淡的浮云...





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