词条 | 划时代建筑 |
释义 | 基本信息【中文名称】划时代建筑/漫游世界建筑群 【英文名称】Adventures in Architecture 【集 数】8集全 【发行时间】2008年 【电 视 台】BBC 【主 持 人】Dan Cruickshank 【地 区】英国 【语 言】英语 简介英文简介What do the buildings we construct say about us as people? Dan Cruickshank travels across the world, celebrating different types of architecture and showing how our buildings reveal our aspirations, our ingenuity and our beliefs. In each program buildings from all over the world are dramatically juxtaposed, revealing unexpected connections between very different types of architecture. From the Kizhi Cathedral in remote north west Russia to the convent of St Catherine in Sinai, Egypt, and the themes that range from beauty, to power, paradise and pleasure, this series is a monumental journey that takes in some monumental structures, gradually building an architectural knowledge so that through the series a story of world architecture is told 中文简介著名建筑历史专家、作家兼电视节目主持人丹告鲁力山克为BBC制作的《划时代建筑》,将分为八个单元,分别以八个主题包括Beauty、 Death、Paradise、Disaster、Connections、Power、Dreams及Pleasure贯穿整个具有里程碑意义的建筑文明之旅,足迹遍及中国、美国、俄罗斯、印度、法国、意大利、德国、埃及、土耳其、阿富汗、捷克共和国、瓜地马拉、格陵兰、罗马尼亚、巴西、不丹、叙利亚、也门、哈萨克及多明尼加共和国等。 在每个单元中,世界各地的建筑物被戏剧性的罗列在一起,观众将发现,尽管建筑风格迥异,从俄罗斯西北边陲的基日岛的木结构教堂,到埃及西奈的圣凯瑟琳修道院,本系列是一段汇聚了众多不朽建筑、具有里程碑意义的旅程。《划时代建筑》不仅能丰富观众的建筑学知识,更为观众讲述了世界建筑的动人故事。 |
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