词条 | 华中科技大学公共卫生学院 |
释义 | 公共卫生学院的历史可溯源至上个世纪1907年宝隆博士创办上海德文医学堂时,即有由德国江哥斯博士讲授公共卫生学课程,后于1913年开设卫生学馆,其后虽迭经历史变迁,卫生学馆仍以它顽强的生命力保存下来并发展着。1951年,全国高等学校院系调整,随医学院由上海内迁至武汉。1953年,正式招收预防医学专业本科生暨建立卫生系,从此,揭开了我校公共卫生学教育的新篇章。1986年更名为同济医科大学公共卫生学院,2000年5月高校合并,华中科技大学组建,更名为华中科技大学同济医学院公共卫生学院。 公共卫生学院简介 五十年漫漫征途,风雨历程,上下求索,历经沧桑,一次一个历史性的跨跃、一程一座丰碑。1981年,获首批硕士、博士学位授予权;1989年,环境卫生学学科被国家教委批准为国家重点学科;1995年,建公共卫生与预防医学一级学科博士后流动站;1997年,国家级重点学科点环境卫生学科和校级重点学科劳动卫生与职业医学,顺利通过“211工程”重点学科建设项目评审;1998年,获公共卫生与预防医学一级学科博士学位授予权;2000年,我院设长江学者特聘教授岗位;2001年,学科调整后的劳动卫生与环境卫生学学科点再次跻身于国家级重点学科建设行列;2002年,被批准为首批公共卫生硕士专业学位(MPH)教育试点单位。 公共卫生学院现设有6个系:劳动卫生与环境卫生学系、流行病学与卫生统计学系、营养与食品卫生学系、儿少卫生与妇幼保健学系、社会医学系、卫生毒理学系,2个研究所:环境医学研究所、社会医学研究所,1个实验教学中心:预防医学教学实验中心,有国家环境保护环境与健康重点实验室1个,国家评价资质中心3个:保健食品功能学检测中心、农药毒理评价研究中心、环境影响评价中心和跨学科研究中心2个:同济心理卫生研究中心、伤害预防与控制研究中心。 公共卫生学院师资力量雄厚,拥有一支以长江学者奖励计划特聘教授、校特聘教授、博士生导师为中坚的师资队伍。现有教职工148人,其中教师86人,教师中有国务院学位委员会学科评审组成员1人,有全国医药院校预防医学专业教材评审委员会主任委员1人,有教授32人、副教授27人、博士生导师27人、硕士生导师67人。 公共卫生学院有很强的综合办学实力。设有:预防医学专业及环境医学、妇幼保健、健康教育、卫生统计4个专业方向,现拟开设医疗保险、卫生检验检疫、社区心理卫生3个后期分化专业,已形成集成人教育、网络教育、全日制本科、硕士、专业硕士、博士、博士后多层次的办学格局。多年来,学院始终以时代重托为已任,高擎教育改革的大旗,全面抓教育,坚持以人为本、求真务实,不断加大教学改革的力度,努力提高教学质量,为社会培养了大批复合型、高素质人才,受到社会的广泛赞誉。 公共卫生学院瞄准预防医学国际最先进的研究方向,积极开展科学研究。80年代以来取得重要科技成果120项次,其中部省级科技进步奖73项,发明奖10项,专利奖5项。发表科研论文3000余篇,其中180余篇在国外期刊发表,被SCI、EI、ISTP收录论文167篇。目前,学院承担多项国家重大科学研究项目,包括“973”、“863”、“十五”科技攻关项目,国家自然科学基金面上及重点项目和各部委省市科研项目。 公共卫生学院始终坚持对外开放,注重发展国际间的学术交流与合作,先后与德国、美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、荷兰、瑞典、日本、香港等10多个国家和地区的大学、研究所建立友好合作关系,开展广泛的学术交流和科研合作。有10多位海内外知名学者被聘为学院名誉教授、客座教授,派出各类出国留学人员百余人次。 披着新世纪霞光的公共卫生学院,将发扬“团结、务实、创新、进取”的优良校风,走国际化发展道路,为建设国际知名的公共卫生学院创造新的辉煌。 Introduction of the School of Public Health Tongji Medical College Huazhong University of Science & Technology The history of the School of Public Health can be ascended to the early part of the last century. In 1907, Dr.Erich Paulun from Germany established the Shanghai German Medical College, in which Dr.Junges first taught the course of hygiene, and then the School of Hygiene was established in 1913. Even though it suffered from many historical setbacks, the School was still survived with its tough vitality. According to the national academic regulation in 1951, the School was relocated from Shanghai to Wuhan city along with the Tongji Medical College. In 1953, the Department of Public Health was established and it officially recruited undergraduate students majored in preventive medicine. Thereafter, a new canto of the public health education in the school was unveiled. In 1985, the Department of Public Health was renamed as the “Public Health College, Tongji Medical University”. Later in the wave of the merge of major academics in China in May of 2000, the new Huazhong University of Science & Technology was established with the inclusion of Tongji Medical University, and the Public Health College was renamed as the “School of Public Health, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science & Technology.” Over the last 50 years, the School has come through a history with enormous hardships, overcome incalculable difficulties in the journey of exploring medical science, and one by one achieved historical milestones and monuments of scholarship. These include: being the first among other institutions authorized to award the master and doctor degrees in 1981; environmental health subject being named as the number-one national discipline by the Ministry of Education of China in 1989; established one of the first national post-doctoral training stations for the public health and preventive medicine in China in 1995; both the environmental health (the state key subject station) and the occupational medicine (the university key subject station) were successfully passed the evaluation and gained recognition by the Education Ministry “211 Project” in 1997; being one of the medical institutions authorized to award the first-class discipline’s doctor degree in all majors of the public health & preventive medicine in 1998; being selected to be one of the host institutions for the prestigious visiting professorship with the title of “Yangze Scholar” in 2000; after national reorganization of medical disciplines, both the subjects of occupational hygiene and environmental heath were again ranked number one and the only one in the nation in 2001; and authorized to be one of the first schools in history to award the master degree of public health (MPH) in 2002. The School has 6 departments (Occupational and Environmental Health, Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Nutrition and Food Health, Maternal and Childhood Health, Social Medicine, and Toxicology), 2 research institutes (Institute of Environmental Medicine and Institute of Social Medicine), 1 Laboratory Teaching Center for Preventive Medicine, 1 Key Laboratory of National Environmental Protection Agency, 3 National Qualification and Quality Evaluation Centers (the Inspection Center for the Effects of Health Foods, the Evaluation and Research Center for the Pesticide toxicities), the Evaluation Center for the Environmental Health Effects), as well as 2 multi-discipline research centers (Tongji Research Center on Psychological Health and the Research Center on Injury Prevention and Control). The School has a highly qualified faculty and teaching team. The hard core of the team is composed of the prestigious visiting professors from the Yangze Scholar Professorship, the recognized outstanding professors from our university and the supervisors of the postgraduate students for the doctor and master degrees. There are 148 academic staffs, in which 86 are teachers including the members in the National Evaluation Committee of Degree, the director commissioner in the National Evaluation Committee of Teaching Material of Preventive Medicine. There are 32 professors (27 qualified for supervisors of students for doctor degree) and 27 associate professors. The School has a long successful history and extensive experience in the administration. In addition to the current specialties of preventive medicine, environmental medicine, maternal and childhood health, health statistics, the School will have new programs in medical treatment insurance, health inspection and quarantine, community psychological health. These have formed a multi-level education pattern consisting of adult education, distance education, full-time undergraduate, master, master of public health, doctor and post-doctoral education. In the last 50 years, the School has maintained the leadership in medical and public health education by advocating education reform, emphasizing on the need of society, continuously improving the education quality. Up to date, the School has educated a large number of high-quality medical and public health professionals including teachers, administrators and professors who have had a great impact on the national medical education and public health systems. The School aims at the directions of the most advanced international researches in the preventive medicine field, actively develops scientific research programs. Since 1980s, it has had120 discoveries in science and technology. These include 73 national and provincial awards in science and technology; 10 invention awards; 5 national patents. The School faculty has published more than 3000 research articles, which include 180 in the international journals such American Journal of Medicine, Clinical Cancer Research, and Cell Stress and Chaperones. At present, the School is taking on many projects involved in the National High-priority Research Projects in Science and Technology including the “973” (basic science) and “863” (applied science) projects, as well as many important, key and general projects funded by the National Nature Science Foundation. The School has a long history of adopting open-door policy by fostering international science communion and collaboration. The School has established friendly and collaborative relationships with many other universities and research institutes in the world, such as German, the United States, Canada, Australia, Holland, Sweden, Japan as well as the district of Hong Kong. The School has more than 20 national and international experts and scholars as honor-professors and visiting professors, and also sent more than hundred of faculty members and administrators oversea for different type of tour studies or research. In the new millennium, the School will strike to accomplish its mission “Comity, Concrete, Innovation, Enterprising”, develop programs aiming at internationalization, and build an internationally well known school of public health. |
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