

词条 华人街






美国纽约 、美国旧金山 - Jackson Street, Stockton Avenue 、美国洛杉矶 - Broadway Avenue, Spring Street 、美国波士顿 、美国芝加哥 - Along Wentworth at Cermak 、美国费城 、美国波特兰 、美国西雅图 、美国华盛顿 - H Street 、加拿大多伦多登打士西街唐人街、加拿大多伦多华埠 - Dundas Street, Spadina Avenue 、加拿大温哥华 - Pender Street and Main Street 、加拿大列治文 、加拿大蒙特利尔-rue ST-LAURENT





缅甸仰光 、澳洲布里斯班、 新西兰奥克兰Newmarket 、新西兰威灵顿


美国克里夫兰 、夏威夷檀香山 、美国休士顿 、美国奥克兰 - Broadway Avenue, 7th Street, Harrison Avenue, 10th Street 、美国奥克拉荷马市 - N. West 23rd Street and Classen Blvd 、美国匹兹堡 、美国沙加缅度 - 3rd, 5th, J, and I Streets 、墨西哥墨西哥市 、加拿大卡尔加里 、加拿大艾德蒙顿 、加拿大温尼伯 、古巴哈瓦那


格拉斯哥的小型唐人街是个被称为“中国城”的商场俄罗斯莫斯科 、英国曼彻斯特 、英国伯明翰 、英国利物浦 、英国格拉斯哥、 英国卡的夫、 荷兰阿姆斯特丹





A Chinatown is a section of an urban area with a large number of Chinese outside the majority-Chinese countries of Greater China. Chinatowns occur all over the world, including those in East Asia, Southeast Asia, North America, South America, Australia, Europe and the United Kingdom.

In the past, overcrowded Chinatowns in urban areas were generally shunned by the non-Chinese public as ethnic ghettos, and seen as places of vice and cultural insularity where "unassimilable foreigners" congregated. Nowadays, many old and new Chinatowns are considered significant centers of commercialism and tourism. Some of them also serve, to varying degrees, as centers of multiculturalism, if in a somewhat superficial manner.

Many Chinatowns are focused on commercial tourism, whereas others are actual living and working communities; some are a synthesis of both. Chinatowns also range from rundown ghettos to modern sites of recent development. In some, recent investments have revitalized run-down and blighted areas and turned them into centers of economic and social activity. In certain cases, this has led to gentrification and a reduction in the specifically Chinese character of the neighborhoods.

Some Chinatowns have a long history, such as the Chinatown in Nagasaki, Japan, or Yaowarat Road in Bangkok, both of which were founded by Chinese traders more than 200 years ago. Chinatown, San Francisco, California was the first Chinatown to be established outside Asia, during the California Gold Rush, which began in 1848. Other cities in North America where Chinatowns were established in the mid-nineteenth century include almost every major settlement along the West Coast from San Diego to Victoria BC and Vancouver BC. The British Columbia Chinatowns played major roles, as ports of entry, in the Klondike Gold Rush and Caribou Gold Rush. By the second half of the nineteenth century, bustling Chinatowns were also established in New York and Chicago. The discovery of gold in Australia caused the establishment of relatively small Chinatowns in cities there, and similar migrations of Chinese resulted in tiny settlements termed "Chinatowns" being established in New Zealand and even South Africa. European Chinatowns, such as those in Germany, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom, are for the most part smaller and more recent than North American Chinatowns. Other Chinatowns are newer, such as in Chinatown, Las Vegas in 1995, Dubai, and Santo Domingo and have received official recognition.





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