词条 | 湖北江南东风专用特种汽车有限公司 |
释义 | 江南东风湖北江南专用特种汽车有限公司位于“中国专用汽车之都”、“编钟古乐之乡”、“炎帝神农故里”的湖北省随州市。是东风、解放、福田、重汽、庆铃、江铃专用汽车改装基地,国家批准的专用汽车生产企业,荣获中国湖北著名商标,注册商标“江特牌”产品代码“JDF”。 公司一九九五年经政府主管部门批准组建成立,国家专用汽车定点改装厂,注册资金2058万元。企业现有职工783人,其中高级工程师26人,经济师18人,会计师7人,各种专业技术人员85人,具有大中专以上学历的392人。公司在随州的生产区占地面积3万平方米,各类配套生产200设施台(套),拥有年生产1500多辆改装车生产的能力。 生产的主要产品有东风油罐车系列(4000L-60000L),东风洒水车系列(4000L-35000L),东风厢式、冷藏、保温(0.85T-15T)系列,散装水泥车系列(9m3-35m3),市政、 环卫专用车系列(随车起重运输车、高空作业车、道路清障车、消防车、洒水车、吸粪车、吸污车、高压清洗车、垃圾自卸车、压缩自卸车)及教练车等九大系列,数百品种。车型已全部上国家公告,并通过中国质量认证中心认证。 该公司严把质量关。在质量管理方面,一是以“创优质服务,造用户满意产品、树国内知名品牌”为企业质量方针。建立了厂部、处室(车间)、班级三级质量管理体系,并层层落实了质量责任制;二是公司对主要总成和安全部件实行竞标采购,严格把关,并要求外协件厂方必须是取得了ISO9000认证和有产品质量保障的企业,公司通过对外协件厂产品校准、技术条件、生产许可证等评审后方可签订长期供应合同,对在一年内出现两次质量缺陷的外协件厂取消配套资格;三是加强生产工序各环节的质量控制,各工序操作施行严格的文件化作业指导书制度,并按指导书严格进行检验。 公司的主要产品消防车、清障车、高空作业车在西部几省的客户抽样调查中,被用户选定为最受欢迎的产品。同年,被评为“湖北省消费者满意单位”。 公司强化企业内部管理,积极开展“转机制、抓管理、练内功、增效益”活动,在企业内部全面建立与国际接轨的现代企业管理制度,实现了在生产上严格按国家强制标准组织生产的标准化程序管理;在销售管理中,实行销售前、销售过程中、售后服务动态信息管理。 我们本着“客户的满意是我们不断追求的目标”的质量方针,向着“有限的销售,无限的服务”的目标,竭诚为广大用户和经销商提供质量优良的产品和细心周到的服务,真诚希望与广大客户携手共创美好的明天。 我们的服务宗旨是:以质量求生存、信誉是保证。诚信待人,灵活经营、高质低价,讲究效率。 湖北江南东风专用特种汽车有限公司承诺:凡属本公司生产销售的产品,底盘部分,全国服务站均可联保,专用部分三包服务一年,售后服务四十八小时到位处理,终身负责维修并提供终身免费技术服务。 湖北江南东风专用特种汽车有限公司欢迎各位新、老朋友惠顾,并期待着您的光临。同时,该公司可凭贵单位的责任传真,或预付部分车款后,优惠办理送车业务;到该公司提车,该公司为您代办全套行车手续。 Jiangnan Dongfeng Special Automobile Co., Ltd is located in Suizhou, as a city well known as the hometown of China ancestor “Shennong” and the great bells (a kind of ancient instrument, one of the Eight World Miracles), is the refitting production base of Dongfeng special purpose vehicle. The company was formed in 1995 through the approval of government and appointed to be a national special vehicle refitting manufacturer. With the registered capital of RMB 20.58 million, the company has 783 employees, among which, there are 26 senior engineers, 18 economists, 7 accountants, 85 technicians. About 392 employees are with academic college or higher. The company covers a production area of 30,000 m2, owns 200 sets of equipments, and has a yearly production capacity of more than 1500 sets refitting vehicle. Our main products are Dongfeng oil tank truck series(4000L-60000L), Dongfeng water tank truck series(4000L-35000L), Dongfeng van, refrigerator incubation truck series(0.85T-15T), bulk cement truck series(9m3-35m3), services, sanitation special vehicle series (lorry with loading crane, aerial working truck, wrecker truck, fire-fighting truck, watering truck, fecal sucking truck, sewage sucking truck, high pressure cleaning truck, self-loading garbage truck, compression damper truck) and instruction truck series, ect 9 series with hundreds of sorts in total. All the vehicle models have been listed on State Notice and have passed the certificate of China Quality Authentication Center. The company attaches great importance to products quality. On one hand, we follow up “provide excellent service; make satisfactory products; create domestic famous brand” as quality principle; carry out quality responsibility system based on three-level quality control of headquarter, workshop and class. On the other hand, we implement competitive procurement of the main assembly and security components: the outsourcers have to be enterprise with quality assurance and pass ISO9000 Certificate; We conduct audit for their products, technical conditions and production licenses before establish long-term business relationship with the outsourcers; We terminate the supply of the outsourcers from which quality defects appear twice in one year. In addition, we strengthen quality control on various links of production working procedure, and every working procedure operation and inspection should carry out according to the working instruction. The company puts great efforts on new products development and ensures the requirements on techniques, investment and materials for new products introduction. We have ever developed national advanced special vehicles such as fire-fighting truck, aerial working truck, wrecker truck, high pressure cleaning truck together with DFAC, Shanghai Fire-fighting Institute, Hanyang Special Vehicle Institute and Wuhan Technical University, and these products are very popular with our customers. In Sept. 2004, our main products oil tank truck, watering truck and aerial working truck were selected to by the most popular products in the sample surveys to several western provinces. In the same year, the company was praised as “the enterprise with customers’ satisfaction”. The company enhances internal management and actively improves management system in order to increase economic efficiency. We set up modern enterprise management system to standardize the production management according to China Compulsory Certification. Meanwhile, we insist to implement updated information management during fore-sales, on-sales and post-sales service. We are trying to achieve the target of “limited sales with limitless service” based on the quality principle of “always trying to satisfy our customers”. We are ready to provide our best service to our every customer and distributor, and look forward to create a bright future together 企业信息公司名称:湖北江南专用特种汽车有限公司 公司地址:随州市北郊星光江南东风工业园 邮编:441300 |
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