

词条 侯清宇


侯清宇,生于1973年11月23日,男,安徽工业大学副教授,博士。主要研究方向为材料的表面改性和镁合金塑性变形机制。先后担任材料类重要期刊Surface and Coatings Technology、Materials Science and Technology A和Journal of Thermal Spray Technolog等刊物的审稿人。



[1] Q.Y. Hou, J.S. Gao, F. Zhou, Microstructure and wear characteristics of cobalt-based alloy deposited by plasma transferred arc weld surfacing, Surface and Coatings Technology, 2005, 194(2-3): 238-243.

[2] Qingyu Hou, Yizhu He, Jiasheng Gao, Microstructure and properties of FeCCCCrCCu coating deposited by plasma transferred arc process, Surface and Coatings Technology, 2006, 201(6): 3685-3690.

[3] Hou Qingyu, Zhang Qingan, Effect of Al content on the phase structure and hydrogenation characteristic of La(Mg1-xAlx) alloys, Rare Metals, 2006, 24 (6): 654-658.

[4] Q.Y. Hou, Y.Z. He, Q.A. Zhang, J.S. Gao, Influence of molybdenum on the microstructure and wear resistance of nickel-based alloy coating obtained by plasma transferred arc process, Materials and design, 2007, 28: 1982-1987.

[5] Hou Qingyu, Huang Zhenyi, Gao Jiasheng, Effects of Y2O3 on the microstructure and wear resistance of cobalt-based alloy coatings deposited by plasma transferred arc process, Rare Metals, 2007, 26(2): 103-109.

[6] Q.Y. Hou, Z.Y. Huang, N. Shi, J.S. Gao, Effects of molybdenum on the microstructure and wear resistance of nickel-based hardfacing alloys investigated using Rietveld method, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2009, 209: 2767C2772.

[7] Hou Qingyu, Huang Zhenyi, Wang Jingtao, Application of Rietveld refinement to investigate the high chromium white cast iron austempered at different temperature, Journal of Iron and Steel Research, International, 2009, 16(4): 33-38.

[8] Qing Yu Hou, Jing Tao Wang, Influence of CeO2 on the microstructure and wear resistance of iron-based alloy coating studied by Rietveld refinement method, Surface and Coatings Technology (2010), doi:10.1016/j.surfcoat.2010.02.017.





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