

词条 何立群




1982年毕业于上海中医学院并获得学士学位,在上海中医药大学附属曙光医院肾内科工作,历任住院医生、主治医师、副主任医师、主任医师、教授、肾内科主任、肾病研究所所长,1989年获得硕士学位,1995~1996年在日本富山医科药科大学和汉药研究所客座研究员,进行大黄、麻黄等中药和降氮汤、温脾汤等复方治疗慢性肾衰、糖尿病肾病作用的研究,2005年获得博士学位,2006年6-9月,以高级访问学者到美国Baylor 医药院进行中医中药对慢性肾衰抗纤维化疗效及机理的研究。





《改良法大肠埃希菌制备的急性肾盂肾炎大鼠模型 》、《单纯膀胱内注射不结扎输尿管制备急性肾盂肾炎大鼠模型》




1984-1988 攻读学士,哈尔滨建筑大学暖通空调专业

1989-1991 攻读硕士,哈尔滨建筑大学暖通空调专业

1992-1994 攻读博士,哈尔滨建筑大学暖通空调专业

1995-1997 博士后, 中国科学技术大学热科学及能源工程系。

1997- 副教授, 中国科学技术大学 热科学及能源工程系, 研究方向建筑节能技术, 生物材料长期保存技术(2001- )

1998-1999在Israel的Bar-Ilan大学 高科技研究所 访问, 研究方向为理论物理 (介观随机介质内传输问题的数值模拟: 介观吸收性腔体光传导, 低温半导体场效应电阻及磁粒系统的巨磁阻 等)

2003-2004 哈佛大学医学院及生物物理专业访问, 微流体与软物质




6.微波加速细胞降温玻璃化的预测模型,安徽省自然科学基金, 00047520,2001-2002


4.冬夏通用型节能窗的理论分析与实验研究,校归国人员启动基金, 2001-2002






6. 动物精子的冷冻干燥长期保存研究,中国科学院昆明动物研究所开放实验室基金,项目第二负责人,2005-2006;








34. 张海峰, 何立群, 高大勇, 点热源热脉冲法测算生物流体的热物性参数, 计量学报, 第26卷 第1期:23-27(2005)(EI);

33. 刘涛,赵刚,何立群*,舒志全,吴云智,高大勇,重力场对人工肾传质影响的实验研究,自然科学进展,第15卷,第11期,2005年11月;

32.骆晓东,何立群*,袁军,高大勇,关树柱,低温下生物组织的介电常数与电导率研究,中国生物医学工程学报,24卷5期:23-27, 2005年10月;

31. Liu Tao, He Liqun*, Ding Weiping, Zhao Gang, and Gao Dayong, Effect of different blood cycle modes on mass transfer of artificial kidney, Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering,Vol.14(2): 65-71 (2005);

30. Peitao W., Z.Q. Shu, L.Q. He, X.D., Cui, Y-Z Wang, and Dayong Gao, The pertinence of expression of heat shock proteins (HSPs) to the efficacy of cryopreservation in HELAS, Cryoletters 26 (1): 7-16 Jan-Feb 2005(SCI)

29. 张永锋, 何立群*, 赵锐, 张海峰, 用改进的Wollaston激光剪切干涉法研究溶液薄膜的结晶过程, 自然科学进展,第15卷,第2期:229-233( 2005);

28. ZHAO Gang, GUO Xiao-jie, HE Li-qun*, LIU Zhong, GAO Da-yong. An EPC approach to the residual water in erythrocytes, Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering, 13(1): 21-27(2004)

27. 赵 刚, 何立群*, 郭晓婕, 刘 忠, 罗大为, 高大勇, 人类红细胞胞内束缚水的EPC 与DSC 方法比较研究及其应用, 中国科学 E 辑 (工程科学.材料科学), 34(5): 533~542(2004) (SCI)

26. Zhao G, He LQ+, Zhang HF, Ding WP, Liu Z, Luo DW, Gao DY, Trapped water of human erythrocytes and its application in cryopreservation, Biophys. Chem. 107 (2): 189-195 Feb 1 2004 (SCI)

25. Zhang HF, He LQ, Zhao G, Cheng SX, Gao DY, Approaches to extract thermal properties from dual-thermistor heat pulse experimental data, Meas Sci Technol 15 (1): 221-226 Jan 2004(EI);

24. Zhao G, Guo XJ, He LQ*, Liu Zhong, Gao DY., Comparative study of glass transformation of glycerol-H2O-NaCl ternary system and glycerol-PBS complex system, Thermochimica Acta 419 (1-2): 131-134 (2004) (EI)

23. W. Ding, Liqun He*, Gang Zhao, Haifeng Zhang, Zhiquan Shu, Gao, D.Y., Double porous media model for mass transfer of hemodialyzers, International Journal Of Heat And Mass Transfer 47 (22): 4849-4855(2004)(EI)

22. Ding WP, He LQ+, Zhao G, et al., Effect of distribution tabs on mass transfer of artificial kidney, AICHE J 50 (4): 786-790 APR 2004(EI)

21. 焦冬生, 叶 宏, 葛新石, 庄双勇, 何立群, 带透明蜂窝盖板和辅助反射面的整体式太阳热水器, 太阳能学报, 第25 卷 第3 期, 2004 年6 月,273-277 (EI)

20. 张海峰. 程曙霞. 何立群, 微探针法测量低温下生物材料导热系数研究, 仪器仪表学报, 第25卷, 第1期:53-56(2004)(EI)

19. 丁卫平,何立群+,骆晓东,赵刚,程曙霞,高大勇,壁面对中空纤维透析器传质系数的影响, 化学通报, , 67(11):825-829 (2004 )(EI)

18. 丁卫平, 何立群+, 赵刚, 高大勇, 中空纤维透析器中纤维管填充密度对传质影响的数值模拟, 化工学报,55(3):356-359(2004)(EI)

17. Ding WP, He LQ+, Zhao G, Zhiquan S, Cheng SX, Gao DY, A novel theoretical model for mass transfer of hollow fiber hemodialyzers, Chinese Science Bulletin, 48 (21): 2386-2390 Nov 2003;(SCI)

16. Luo DW, He LQ, Lin S, Chen TF, Cao DY, Determination of temperature dependent thermal conductivity by solving IHCP in infinite region, International Communications In Heat And Mass Transfer, 30 (7): 903-908 Oct 2003(EI)

15. Liqun He, Eugene Kogan, and Dawei Luo, Shortest path across a mesoscopic system, Phys. Rev. B 67, 113201 (2003)(SCI)

14. 赵刚. 何立群+, 王沛涛. 丁卫平. 解晓健. 刘忠. 张海峰. 舒志全. 罗大为. 高大勇, 平衡冷冻过程中细胞体积的确定,科学通报, 第48卷, 第15期, 1551-1554 (2003)(SCI)

13. Shu Zhi-quan, He Li-qun+, Wang Pei-tao, Ding Wei-ping, Gao Da-yong, The Influence of Different Thawing Rates on the Mechanical Properties of the Cryopreserved Rabbit Arteries, Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering(English) Vol. 12, No.3, 103-110(2003)

12. D. Luo, L. He, S. Cheng, Gao, D.Y. Numerical simulation of cell response in freezing process of ternary solutions, CryoLetters 24, 161-170(2003)

11. Haifeng Zhang, Liqun He, Shuxia Cheng, Zaiteng Zhai and Dayong Gao, A dual-thermistor probe for absolute measurement of thermal diffusivity and thermal conductivity by the heat pulse method, Measurement Science and Technology, Meas. Sci. Technol. 14, 1396-1401(2003) (EI)

10. 何立群, 焦冬生, 叶宏, 透明蜂窝透过率的计算研究, 太阳能学报, 第24卷,第3期,316-320(2003)(EI);

9. D.W. Luo, X. Han, L.Q. He, S.X. Cheng, D.Y. Gao, Determination of intracellular residual unfrozen water using a DSC approach, CryoLetters 23, 229-236(2002)

8. 何立群. 张永锋. 罗大为. 程曙霞. 陶乐仁. 华泽钊. 张爱丽. 刘忠. 高大勇, 生命材料低温保护剂溶液二维降温结晶过程中的分形特征, 自然科学进展, 第12卷, 第11期, 1167-1171(2002)

7. Zhang AL, Cheng SX, Le D, He LQ, D.W. Luo, D.Y. Gao, An experimental study of the mechanical behavior of frozen arteries at low temperatures, CryoLetters 23, 389-396 (2002)

6. X.D. Cui, Carlos Labarrere, L.Q. He, S.X. Cheng, D.Y. Gao, et al, Cryopreservation and Microsurgical Implantation of Rabbit Carotid Arteries, Cell Preservation Technology , Vol.1, No.2, P121(2002)

5. H.F. Zhang, S.X. Cheng, L.Q. He, A.L. Zhang, Y. Zheng and D.Y. Gao, Determination of Thermal Conductivity of Biomaterials in the Temperature Range 233-313 Using a Tiny Detector Made of a Self-Heated Thermistor , Cell Preservation Technology , Vol.1, No.2, P141 (2002)

4. D.Y. Gao, Paul Watson, Li-qun He, Jianping Yu, and John Crister, Development of a Directional Solidification Device for Cell Cryopreservation, Cell Preservation Technology, Vol.1, No.4, P231-238(2002)

3. Liqun He, Eugene Kogan, Moshe Kaveh, Shlomo Havlin, Nehemia Schwartz and Dawei Luo, Distribution function of mesoscopic hopping conductance,Chin. Phys. Lett. , Vol.19, No.11, 1683(2002);

2. Eugene Kogan, Pier A. Mello, Liqun He, Wave scattering through classically chaotic cavities in the presence of absorption: an information-theoretic model, Phys. Rev. E 61, No.1, R17-R20 (2000)

1. 钟明, 罗大为, 朱柞金, 胡汉平, 何立群,程曙霞, 激光辐照金属/炸药复合介质温度场的数值模拟,强激光与粒子束, 第12卷, 第2期 (2000) (所主持的项目)(EI)


5. Ding WP, He LQ**, Zhao G, Luo DW, Zhou M, Gao DY, Effects of inlet and outlet on mass transfer of hemodialyzers, 4th International Conference on Fluid Mechanics, JUL 20-30, 2004 RECENT ADVANCES IN FLUID MECHANICS : 655-658, 2004

4. Dawei Luo, Liqun He, Dayong Gao, Shuxia Cheng, Numerical simulation of freezing of biological tissue, Heat Transfer in Multiphase Systems, Theory and Fundamental Research, Heat and Mass Transfer in Biotechnology(ASME HTD, 374(4), Vol.4), 467-470(2003)(EI)

3. Dawei Luo, Liqun He, Dayong Gao, Shuxia Cheng, Heat-mass transfer in large cell suspensions (cells in a ternary cryopreservation medium: Water-NaCl-DMSO) during the freezing process, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress, NOV 15-21, 2003,2003 ADVANCES IN BIOENGINEERING : 17-18, 2003

2. Dawei Luo, Sui Lin, Tzu Fang Chen, Liqun He, Dayong Gao, Temperature dependent thermal conductivity measurement on biological materials by solving inverse heat conduction problem: A theoretical study,

Heat Transfer in Multiphase Systems, Theory and Fundamental Research, Heat and Mass Transfer in Biotechnology (ASME, HTD, 374(4), Vol.4): 463-465(2003)

1. H.F. Zhang, S.X.Cheng, L.Q. He, A.L. Zhang, Y. Zheng, and D.Y.Gao,A Tiny Detector Made Of A Self-Heated Thermistor For Determing Thermal Conductivity Of Biomatermials In Temperature Range 233~313k,Proceedings of IMECE2002,ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition,November 17-22, 2002, New Orleans, Louisiana (IMECE2002-33683)


6. Z. Shu, L. He,** P. Wang, L. Zhong, W. Ding, D. Gao, the influence of rehydration velocity and temperature on the recovery of lyophilized red blood cells, Cryobiology, 2004, 49: 336;

5. P. Wang, Z. Shu, L. He, X. Cui, Y. Wang, D. Gao, the diverse behavior of the smooth muscle cells of rabbit carotids cryopreserved with dimethyl sulfoxide and 1,2-propanediol , Abstracts/Cryobiology, 2004, 49: 339;

4. P. Wang, Z. Shu, L. He, X. Cui, Y. Wang, D. Gao, the vessel structure and mechanical properties of cryopreserved rabbit carotids after in vitro culture , Abstracts/Cryobiology, 2004, 49: 339;

3. Zhao Gang, He Liqun**, Liu Zhong, Luo Dawei, Gao Dayong, the influence of hydration of salt ions on intracellular ice formation and its growth, Abstracts/Cryobiology, 2004, 49: 333

2. G. Zhao, L. He**, D.W. Luo, D.Gao, L. Zhong, the influence of intracellular ice on water transport across cell membranes, Abstracts/Cryobiology 49 (2004) ,301;

1. P. Wang, Y. Wang, Z. Shu, L. He, X. Cui, D. Gao, The pertinence of the expression of heat shock proteins in HeLa cells to survival after cryopreservation , Abstracts/Cryobiology 49 (2004) ,305;





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