词条 | 郝洪 |
释义 | 百科名片郝洪,结构抗爆与抗震、结构环境振动与健康监测工程专家。1982年毕业于天津大学流体工程系,1985年获美国加州大学伯克利分校建筑工程系结构工程硕士学位,1989年获美国加州大学伯克利分校结构工程博士学位。 澳大利亚西澳大利亚大学结构动力学学科首席教授。现任澳大利亚地震工程学会主席;国际防护工程学会副主席等职;天津大学长江学者特聘教授;国家杰出青年基金(海外)获得者;“国家千人计划”入选者。 人物简历1982年: 天津大学水利工程系毕业 1982-1984年: 天津大学水利工程系研究工程师 1985年:美国加州大学伯克利分校结构工程专业毕业获硕士学位 1989年:美国加州大学伯克利分校结构工程专业毕业获博士学位 1989-1990年:美国加州大学伯克利分校地震研究中心博士后 1990-1995年:新加坡南洋理工大学讲师 1996-1998年:新加坡南洋理工大学高级讲师 1999-2001年:新加坡南洋理工大学副教授 2002-2003年:澳大利亚西澳大学副教授 2004年至今:澳大利亚西澳大学教授 学术兼职澳大利亚地震工程学会主席 国际防护工程学会副主席 国际防护工程期刊主编等 主要研究领域结构动力学及其工程应用 主要工作包括: 结构抗爆 结构抗震 结构健康监测 著作J. Shen, H. Hao and B. Akbas, ‘Hysteresis energy in moment frames’, in The Engineering Science of Structures, Editor: J. Shen, Whitehall Publishing Company, Chicago, 1999, pp112-138 (ISBN: 0-9701071-0-2). J. Shen, H. Hao, ‘Investigation of steel moment frames with reduced beam sections’, in The Engineering Science of Structures, Editor: J. Shen, Whitehall Publishing Company, Chicago, 1999, pp139-174 (ISBN: 0-9701071-0-2). Zhou, Y. X., Seah, C. C., Hao, H. and Quek, S. T., Editors, ‘Proceedings of the joint Singapore-Norway technical workshop on ground shock’, May 2000, (ISBN: 981-04-2245-8). Andrew J. Deeks and Hong Hao, Editors, 'Development in Mechanics of Structures and Materials', Volumes 1 & 2, Balkema Publishers, London, 2004, (ISBN:04-1536-6119 and 04-1536-6127) 论文国际期刊论文170余篇,SCI引用988余次,个人H因子17。 国际会议论文数百篇,大会主要报告数十次。 主要期刊文章Hong Hao, C.S. Oliveira and J. Penzien, “Multiple station ground motion processing and simulation based on SMART-1 data'', International journal of nuclear engineering and design, Vol. 111, No.3, pp293-310, Elsevier Science Publishers, Holland, Feb. 1989. C.S. Oliveira, H. Hao and J. Penzien, ”Ground motion modelling for multiple-input structural analysis'', International Journal of Structural Safety, Vol. 10, Nos. 1-3, pp79-94, Elsevier Science Publishers, USA, May 1991. Hong Hao, “Response of multiply-supported rigid plate to spatially correlated seismic excitations'', International Journal of earthquake engineering and structural dynamics, Vo1. 20, No.9, pp821-838, USA, Sept. 1991. Hong Hao, ”Characteristics of torsional ground motions'', International Journal of Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol.25, No. 6, pp599-610, June 1996. Hao Hong and Ang Thien Cheong, “Measured traffic induced ground vibrations in Singapore'', Journal of Structural Engineering, the Institution of Engineers Singapore, Vol.26(2), pp31-42, 1996. Hong Hao and Thien Cheong Ang, ”Analytical modeling of traffic-induced ground vibrations'', Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol 124(8), pp21-928, 1998. Hong Hao, “Response Two way eccentric building to nonuniform base excitations'', International Journal of Engineering Structures, Vol. 20(8), 1998, pp677-684. Hong Hao, Hee Kiat Cheong and Shijie Cui, ”Analysis of imperfect column buckling under intermediate velocity impact“, International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 37(38), Sept. 2000, pp5297-5313. G. Ma, H. Hao and Y. Zhou, ”Assessment of structure damage to blasting induced ground motion“, International Journal of Engineering Structures, Oct. 2000, pp1390-1401. H. Hao, Y. Wu, G. W. Ma and Y. X. Zhou, ‘Characteristics of surface ground motions induced by blasts in jointed rock mass’, International Journal of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol.21(2), pp85-98, Feb 2001. Yong Xia, H. Hao, 'Statistical damage identification of structures with frequency changes',, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol.263, pp853-870, 2003. Yuki Naito, H. Hao and Nawawi Chouw, ‘Numerical simulation of bridge girder poundings for an evaluation of current design regulations’, Journal of Faculty of Environmental Science and Technology, Okayama University, Vol. 10, 2005. 主要会议文章C.S. Oliveira, H. Hao and J. Penzien, ”Ground motion modelling for multiple-input structural analysis", Invited paper for workshop on spatial variations of earthquake ground motion, Princeton University, USA, Nov. 7-9, 1988. Hong Hao, "Stochastic response of large structures to multiple excitations'', Proceedings, sixth Canadian conference on earthquake engineering, pp317-326, Toronto, Canada, June 11-14, 1991. Zhao Zhiye, Pan Tso-Chien and Hao Hong, "Free filed response to contained explosions'', Proceedings, NTU/MINDEF joint seminar, Nov. 1993, Singapore. Thien Cheong Ang and Hong Hao, "Response of framed buildings subjected to surface and air explosions'', Asia-Pacific Conference on Shock and Impact Loads on Structures, 23-24 January 1996, Singapore. Hong Hao, “Vibration in buildings caused by moving vehicles”, Proccedings, Acoustics & Vibration Asia’98, Nov. 11-13, 1998, Singapore. Hong Hao and Guowei Ma, ‘An investigation of the coupled torsional-pounding responses of adjacent asymmetric structures’, Proceedings, the Seventh East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering & Construction, August 27-29, 1999, Kochi, Japan, pp788-793. C. Q. Wu and H. Hao, ‘Fuzzy-random probabilistic analysis of rock mass with anisotropic properties to explosive loads, In CD-ROM, Section MA311, Proceedings of the 8th ASCE Specialty Conference on Probabilistic Mechanics and Structural Reliability, 24-26 July 2000, Notre Dame, Indiana, USA. G. Zanardo, H. Hao and A. J. Deeks, ‘Dynamic-based assessment of MRWA Bridge No. 3014’, in Developments in Mechanics of Structures and Materials, Editors: A. J. Deeks and H. Hao, Bulkema, London, 2004, pp1231-1237. |
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