词条 | iSER |
释义 | iSER(iSCSI Extensions for RDMA)(ISER-环境保护与社会责任学院) ISER协会(该协会的宗旨: 该协会的职责: Introduction: Tenet of ISER: Responsibility of ISER:) iSER(iSCSI Extensions for RDMA)类似于SRP(SCSI RDMA protocol)协议,是IB SAN的一种协议 ,其主要作用是把iSCSI协议的命令和数据通过RDMA的方式跑到例如Infiniband这种网络上,作为iSCSI RDMA的存储协议iSER已被IETF所标准化。 ISER-环境保护与社会责任学院郑州大学西亚斯国际学院环境与社会责任学院是由西亚斯基金会于2008年9月25创立的国内首家环境与社会责任学院。面对日益突出的社会环境问题,为响应国家关于大力推广和建设环保事业,特别是实现中原地区可持续发展战略,学院将同西亚斯各院系和后勤集团进行紧密合作同时借鉴国外先进的环保理念,融入教学,旨在推广环保与社会责任意识,培养具有环保与社会责任等方面知识的专业人才,把西亚斯国际学院建设成中原地区环保与社会责任方面的模范院校。她将唤起中国青年大学生一代对于环境与社会责任的关注以及参与到其中来,承担起我们青年一代应有的环境与社会责任。西亚斯环境与社会责任学院将成为全国大学生传播关注环境保护以及承担社会责任意识极具专业特色的发源地。 ISER协会ISER(International Science& Education Researcher Association) ISER 国际科教研究者协会(International Science& Education Researcher Association) 是由世界各地从事教育教学、教育教学研究、学术交流、课题研究人士自愿组成的非盈利性社会团体。该团体致力于国际教学科研研究和交流、推动世界各国教育教学改革的进展、服务于各种有利于教育和科研的学术研讨和交流,从而激发广大学者的研究兴趣,引起学术共鸣。 该协会的宗旨:团结教育战线、科研战线的研究者,弘扬教育教学中的团体合作精神,加强学术交流与合作,为“科教兴国”作出应有的贡献。 该协会的职责:以“人”为本,为各领域的研究者提供一个良好的学术交流平台,展现各领域的研究特色,广纳会员以建立教育科研人才库,为世界各地教育科研作出应有的贡献。 Introduction:International Science& Education Researcher Association(ISER) is an non-profit public organization made up of some educators, some education-researchers, some academic exchanging scholars and some project-researchers willingly around the world. The association puts her focus on study and exchange of international teaching and scientific research, and she also promotes education reform in the world. In addition, she also serves herself on academic discussion and communication,which is beneficial for education and scientific research. Thus it will stimulate theresearch interests of all researchers to stir up academic resonance. Tenet of ISER:uniting all researchers in education and science fields; promoting group cooperation spirit in education;strengthening academic exchanges and cooperation;making a contribution to the "strategy of rejuvenating China through science and technology" Responsibility of ISER:Researcher-oriented is the core of ISER, and ISER will provide a academic communication forum for different researchers in different fields. In addition, ISER will show different study characteristics of different fields and absorb association member at home &abroad to establish talent pool of science & education. Thus ISER will make a contribution to world education. |
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