

词条 Isaac Clarke


死亡空间男主角 ,传奇太空工程师。

背景故事在《死亡空间》中,玩家将会扮演一位名为IsaacClark的工程师,他被派送带一个外太空资源采集船上进行日常的维修护理工作,这艘资源采集船十分不幸的遭遇了异形的攻击,除了Clark本人以外,所有的船员都不幸遇难,Clark将被迫在这个寂静黑暗的空间中为了自己的生存而战斗。 角色分析被玩家戏称为“全宇宙最凶残工程师”的Isaac实际上是一个被命运折磨的心力交瘁的男人。他的相貌远不及诸多游戏主角英俊,只能说一般,还有人到中年的大叔影子。同时他也没有如同德雷克(《神秘海域3》主角)一般的矫健身手,动作不够迅猛,力气也不是很大。这点从他遇到怪物,近战时本能的乱挥舞手臂的动作,及一受到惊吓就大声吆喝的声音就能了解。可以说从玩家操纵艾萨克开始,就一直要与这个身手平平、挣扎在死亡边缘、普通的不能再普通的工程师拴在一起,没有超人拯救世界的那一天。但玩家之中没有超人,我们绝大多数玩家都是普通人,因此,我们乐于控制艾萨克,喜欢与他一起寻找出路,即使在无数次被怪物肢解也毫不放弃求生的机会。正如我们在生活中,向着希望努力上前,即使遇到困难也毫不畏惧。我想,这也是游戏制作人想要传达的一理念之一吧。 在这里,还要提一下艾萨克的妻子,正是由于艾萨克的原因,她惨死在上一场噩梦中。从此之后,艾萨克便一直生活在梦魇里,甚至放弃了求生的机会,在二代中,可以多次看到他对生活已无希望,只是人类求生的本能促使他继续前进。他的一举一动都在告诉玩家,他豁出去了!但命运对他实属眷顾,一次次的劫难都被他逃脱。不得不说的是,艾萨克在失去石村号上的女朋友后虽然消极,但仍然思维敏捷、大脑清晰,这点从二代多处地方可以看出来:对陌生人的怀疑、面对复杂环境的足智多谋、巧妙的利用环境解围等。


Early Life早期的生活

Isaac was born in Northeastern America, the son of renowned ship designer, Paul Clarke, who left for space when Isaac was still a child.

Isaac出生于美国的东北部,他是声名远扬的飞船设计师,Paul Clarke的儿子。Paul在Isaac还是个小孩的时候,就离开了家庭,奔赴太空。

In her husband's absence, his mother Octavia turned to the Church of Unitology.


Isaac took after his father and obtained education in electrical and mechanical engineering and was selected to attend a prominent engineering academy.


However, he was unable to afford the tuition because his mother had purchased a vested-level title in the Unitologist Church. This began Isaac's dislike for the religion.


C.E.C. Career在CEC的职业生涯

Nonetheless, Isaac graduated with high honors from a lesser college and became a systems engineer like his father.


After several years when it became apparent to his superiors that Isaac possessed the ability for original engineering solutions, he was promoted to a position closer to the major shipping lines after signing up for the Merchant Marines division.


Isaac has been attempting to reunite with his father for some time, who had mysteriously gone missing; his personnel files classified by high levels of the Earth Government.


Isaac previously lived with his girlfriend Nicole Brennan, but his career had begun to stagnate about the same time as her assignment - and promotion - to the USG Ishimura two years prior to its communication blackout.

Isaac前段时间曾与自己的女朋友Nicole Brennan住在一起,然而Isaac的事业却停滞不前,而同时女朋友Nicole又在两年前被调配并升职到USG石村号上工作,导致他们无法联系。

Emergency Mission to the USG Ishimura


Engineer Isaac Clarke was one of the five crew members stationed aboard the USG Kellion when it was dispatched to repair the communications array of the USG Ishimura.

工程师Isaac Clarke是被紧急遣派去维修USG石村号上的通讯信道的USG Kellion号上的五名成员之一。

While Isaac volunteered for the mission due to his resourceful engineering specialties, his ulterior motives for taking part in the hasty operation were to track down his past girlfriend and possibly fiancée, Nicole, who was serving on the Ishimura since her promotion to senior medical officer two years prior.


Soon after emerging from hyperspace near the Ishimura's last known position above colony world Aegis VII, the Kellion was severely damaged during a malfunction in the docking procedures and was forced to crash land in the Ishimura's hangar bay.

通过时空穿梭,Kellion号来到了石村号最近一次通报的位于殖民星Aegis VII之上的坐标所在地。在进行停泊程序的时候,由于出现了故障,Kellion号被迫在石村号的飞机棚处迫降。

Shortly after disembarking from the damaged Kellion and noticing that the ship seemed deserted, the party was set upon by unknown assailants; they were ultimately horribly mutated members of the Ishimura's crew, exhibiting murderous rage.


The wake of the attack left Computer Specialist Kendra Daniels and the team's commander Captain Zach Hammond shaken with the other crew members killed by Necromorphs, Isaac separated from the rest of the group. Left with no way out in sight, seeing how the Kellion was destroyed during the docking.

袭击中只有电脑专家Kendra Daniels、队长Zach Hammond还有Isaac于震惊中存活了下来,其余的队员都被Necromorph(后面翻译成变异体)杀死了。Isaac在混乱中与其余二人分散了,更让人绝望的是,唯一能用于离开此地的飞行船Kellion号,也在停机坪那爆炸毁灭了。

Still in touch with Kendra and Hammond via comlink and hololink, Isaac aided in the Ishimura's repair through orders involving numerous tasks across the ship.


Despite being opposed at every turn by a severe Necromorphic infestation, and later the deranged Unitologist zealot Dr. Challus Mercer, a C.Q.D beacon was eventually placed on an asteroid chunk undergoing ore extraction and purged from the mining hold.

在飞船上,Isaac不仅要与大批的变异体奋力对抗,更是遇到了变态统(一)教狂热者Challus Mercer博士。幸好,最终Isaac还是成功地将求救信号发射器安置到一枚小陨石上,并将其从石村号的采矿区发射了出去。

The signal attracted the attention of a military vessel, the USM Valor. However, the crew of the Valor was slaughtered by a Necromorph shortly thereafter when they retrieved an Ishimura escape pod which contained a Slasher, trapped and jettisoned from the ship's bridge by Hammond.

信号最终被一艘名为USM Valor号的军舰捕获到。然而Valor号上的士兵却被变异体们全屠杀掉了。全因为他们回收了那部由Hammond从舰桥处投射出的救生舱,舱内有一只被Hammon困住的镰刀者。

With its crew dead, the Valor was left to drift out of control and subsequently sideswiped the Ishimura amidships. A successful attempt to retrieve the Valor's singularity core nonetheless resulted in Hammond's death at the hands of an Enhanced necromorph, the Brute.


Returning to the Ishimura, Isaac is contacted by Dr. Terrence Kyne, a scientist who plans to return the Red Marker to colony below, via the remaining shuttle.

回到石村号后,Isaac收到Terrence Kyne博士的联系。他是石村号上的一名科学家,并且他跟Isaac说出了要将红色神印归还到殖民星上的计划,期间他提到了一台还未受损的穿梭机。

After Isaac repairs the shuttle with the Valor's singularity core and restores its navigation discs, Kyne is shot and killed by the duplicitous Kendra Daniels. She departs with the marker, revealing herself to be a covert government agent, and that the entire conflict on Aegis 7 was due to C.E.C. interference with the Marker.


Isaac in his Engineering RIG Suit Left for dead on the Ishimura, Isaac is saved by Nicole. She appears and compels him to take the Marker back to Aegis 7, recalling the shuttle in the process and forcing Kendra to evacuate. Once on the colony world, Isaac finds the colony to be in a shape of abandoned disarray: covered in gore and the same unitologist writings found on the Red Marker.


Pulling the Marker through the Necromorph-infested colony, Isaac finally succeeds in returning it to its pedestal. This results in a massive, blinding pulse of unknown energy that disables the gravity tethers holding the cracked chunk of Aegis 7.


However, Kendra Daniels appears and removes the Marker from the pedestal, intending to load it into the shuttle and return to Earth. Before leaving Isaac to his fate Kendra insists that he has gone insane, and forces him to watch Nicole's last hololog to the end.


After professing her love for Isaac, it is revealed Nicole commits suicide in the wake of the spreading Necromorph massacre. It seems that the Marker itself caused Isaac to hallucinate Nicole's voice and appearance during his horrifying journey through the bowels of the ill-fated Ishimura.


Despondent yet determined, Isaac returns to the shuttle pad in time to see a tentacle brutally kill Kendra. Seconds after the tentacle discards her body, the ground shakes and the smoky air fills with an ear-splitting roar as the "Hive Mind" rears up from the planet crack crater.

绝境逢生,Isaac刚好赶到了穿梭机前,并目睹了一颗巨大的触手残忍地将Kendra杀害了。在Kendra被打成肉泥之后,地面震动起来,浓烈的烟雾弥漫在空气之中,与之同时响起了让人耳膜破裂的咆哮声。“Hive Mind”(母体)从殖民星的矿洞口中一跃而出,呈现在Isaac的面前。

Finally revealed after having previously been kept at bay by the Marker, the Hive Mind viciously attacks Isaac. He nonetheless manages to defeat the beast by destroying its "organs" just in time to escape the colony as the tectonic load crashes down.

由于刚才被神印的脉冲所伤,母体有势必要杀掉Isaac的决心。然而Isaac面前没有不倒下的怪物,在干掉母体之后,Isaac刚好在巨石撞击殖民星之前登上穿梭机,离开了Aegis VII殖民星。

After his narrow escape, Isaac is left alone on the shuttle to lament his experience. While removing his helmet, Nicole's final message begins playing on the main holoconsole. In his heartbroken state, Isaac stops the video before it finishes.


Deactivating all holographic displays, he stares disconsolately into space. A sudden, soft movement to his right catches his eye, and he spins around to face a stow-away Necromorph that unnervingly resembles Nicole - and lunges at him while the screen goes red and unitologist writings is shown while a high pitched scream is heard as the game cuts to the ending credits.


However, as he will return in the sequel, it is likely this was either another illusion, either created by his mind or the Marker, or that he survives, killing his attacker.



After drifting for an unknown amount of time, Isaac's Shuttle's distress signal was picked up by a Pleasure Cruise, and then picked up by Recovery Patrol X22376. The Commander, Maxamillian Reinhardt, was suspicious, while 2nd Xander Sklar wanted to find an exposure. They plotted their course to pick up the shuttle, and unwittingly Isaac.

在经过一段漫长的漂浮,Isaac所乘的穿梭机的求救信号被一艘观光艇捕获到,并随后被代号为X22376的搜救巡逻艇救起。船长Maxamillian Reinhardt是个多疑的人,while 2nd Xander Sklar wanted to find an exposure.(这段太多无法理解的意思,见谅)。他们本来就计划要回收那搜穿梭机,顺便把Isaac给救了。

Action on The Sprawl


A much more grizzled Isaac Clarke will return in the upcoming sequel, Dead Space 2. He has been confined to a mental hospital, and is suffering from dementia, PTSD and amnesia[5].


After awakening from a coma, Isaac, equipped with a new RIG, tools and chased by the Government, necromorphs and images of his girlfriend, he has to help as many people on the Sprawl as he can, while he attempts to make his way to a mysterious doctor that can apparently treat his dementia. It's been stated that Isaac's dementia is a unique strand and it is evidently lethal if left unchecked.


Isaac Clarke的变化


根据官方资料,Isaac Clarke儿时在地球的时候,是一个学习优秀的孩子,但是家庭不和睦,母亲是一个狂热教徒,父亲远在太空又见不着面,导致了他的性格内向。虽然学业有成,工作也安排在了著名的CEC,但仍然在人际关系上处理不好,导致工作不顺,无法得到提拔,而且女友Nicole因工作好被调配并升职到USG石村号上工作,导致他们无法联系。总的来说在地球时不太出名,并保持着内向的性格。




他接受了女友身亡的事实,而且严重的心理疾病又使那开放的心关闭起来,加上空间站Black Maker的影响,重现满是血迹的女友的幻象恐吓Isaac,又有了严重的痴呆和失忆。Necromorph再现,心又爆发,恐怖的路程上不再沉默寡言,怒了就骂,对任何事都发表了自己的意见,渐渐地外向了,又相识了Ellie这位侠女,虽然到后边被Stross(活的时间最长的神经病,《余波》里一主角)戳瞎了眼,Isaac一怒之下把他杀了,但幸运的是Ellie还活着。以后他俩一起逃出空间站。两次的地狱深造让他彻底的变了个人。





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