

词条 郭晓奎






中华预防医学会微生态学分会副主任委员;上海市微生物学会副理事长;上海市医学微生物学专业委员会主任委员;上海市食品微生物学专业委员会主任委员; 上海市预防医学会微生态学专业委员会主任委员; 上海市食品学会乳酸菌专业委员会副主任委员; 上海市海洋微生物学专业委员会副主任委员; 上海市医学病毒学专科学会委员; 中国医学微生物学和免疫学专业委员会委员; 中国人兽共患病病原专业委员会委员; 中国微生物学会普及与教育工作委员会委员; 《中国人兽共患病学报》副主编; 《中国微生态学杂志》编委; 《国际生物制品学杂志》编委; 《微生物与感染杂志》编委; 《上海交通大学学报》(医学版)编委; 《医学参考报》(微生物学与免疫学)编委



























钩端螺旋体全基因组测序和部分功能的研究 2004年上海市科技进步奖二等奖。















郭晓奎(主编) 感染与优生优育 第二军医大学出版社 上海 2009

郭晓奎(主编)病原生物学教育教学 第二军医大学出版社 上海 2008

郭晓奎(主编)病原生物学纲要(英文版) 科学出版社 2008

郭晓奎(主编)病原生物学 科学出版社 2007

郭晓奎(主编) 细胞微生物学 第二军医大学出版社 上海 2004

郭晓奎(主编) 克隆识别 北京医科大学和中国协和大学联合出版社 北京1994



1. Zhang ZY, Sun ZQ, Wang ZL, Wen ZL, Sun QW, Zhu ZQ, SongYZ, Zhao JW, Wang HH, Zhang SL, Guo XK Complete Genome Sequence of a Novel Clinical Isolate, theNontuberculous Mycobacterium Strain JDM601.J Bacteriol. 2011Aug;193(16):4300-1. Epub 2011 Jun 17.

2. Zhong Y, Chang X, Cao XJ, Zhang Y, Zheng H, Zhu Y, Cai C,Cui Z, Zhang Y, Li YY, Jiang XG, Zhao GP, Wang S, Li Y, Zeng R, Li X, Guo XK. Comparative proteogenomic analysis of the Leptospirainterrogans virulence-attenuated strain IPAV against the pathogenic strain56601.Cell Res. 2011 Aug;21(8):1210-29. doi:10.1038/cr.2011.46. Epub 2011 Mar 22.

3. Li QT,Zhu YZ,Dong K,Liu C,Zhou YH,Ni YX,Guo XKAnovel sequence-based coa genotyping method to discriminate nosocomialmethicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus isolates. Ir J Med Sci. 2011 Jun;180(2):463-8.Epub 2011 Jan 29

4. Zhang Q,Zhang Y,Zhong Y,Ma J,Peng N,Cao X,Yang C,Zeng R,Guo X,Zhao G.Leptospira interrogans encodes an ROK family glucokinase involved in a crypticglucose utilization pathway. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin (Shanghai).2011 Aug;43(8):618-29. Epub 2011 Jun 23.


5. Zhu YZ, Cai CS, Zhang W, Guo HX, Zhang JP, Ji YY, Ma GY,Wu JL, Li QT, Lu CP, Guo XKImmunoproteomic analysis of human serological antibodyresponses to vaccination with whole-cell pertussis vaccine (WCV).PLoS One. 2010 Nov9;5(11):e13915.

6. Li QT,Zhu YZ, Dong K, Liu C, Zhou YH, Ni YX, Guo XK. A novel sequence-based coagenotyping method to discriminate nosocomial methicillin-resistantStaphylococcus aureus isolates. Ir J Med Sci. 2011 Jan 29.

7. Jun-Wei ZhaoZhan-Qiang Sun Hong-Guo Yang Chong-ZhenZhang Xiao-Li Yu Zi-Lu Wen Yan-feng Gao, Xiao-Kui Guo, Yuan-ming Qi Shu-lin Zhang Cloning, expression and immunological evaluation of a short fragmentfrom Rv3391 of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Ann Microbiol 2011,

8. Rende Ning,Xianlong Zhang, Xiaokui Guo, and Qingtian Li Attachment of Staphylococcus aureus is required for activation ofnuclear factor kappa B in human osteoblasts Acta Biochim Biophys Sin .2010; 42(12):883-92.

9. YuhuaZhou, Qingtian Li, Lizhong Han, Ping Lin, Huajun Zheng, Yanxia Wei, Zelin Cui, Yuxing Ni, Xiaokui Guo* Themicrobiota analyses of sputum from the patients of lower respiratory tractinfection using 16S rDNA pyro-sequencing Acta Biochim Biophys Sin 2010, 42 :754-761

10. Wu,Chenyun; Fen, Yan; Qian, Gaochao; Wu, Jianhua; Luo, Jun; Wang, Ying; Chen,Guangjie; Guo, Xiaokui; Wang, Zhaojun α-galactosylceramide protects mice from lethal coxsackievirus B3infection and subsequent myocarditis. Clin Exp Immunol. 2010, 162(1):178-87

11. Wei YX, Zhang ZY, Liu C, Zhu YZ, Zhu YQ, Zheng H, ZhaoGP, Wang S, Guo XKComplete genome sequence of Bifidobacterium longumJDM301.J Bacteriol. 2010 Aug;192(15):4076-7. Epub 2010 Jun 4.

12. QingtianLi & Yuhua Zhou & Ke Dong & Xiaokui Guo Potential therapeuticefficacy of a bactericidal–immunomodulatory fusion peptide againstmethicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus skin infection. 2010. ApplMicrobiol Biotechnol . 2010, 86:305–309

13. Cai CS, Zhu YZ, Zhong Y, Xin XF, Jiang XG, Lou XL, He P,Qin JH, Zhao GP, Wang SY, Guo XKDevelopment of O-antigen gene cluster-specific PCRs forrapid typing six epidemic serogroups of Leptospira in China.BMC Microbiol. 2010 Mar3;10:67

14. Liu C, Zhang ZY, Dong K, Guo XKAdhesion and immunomodulatoryeffects of Bifidobacterium lactis HN019 on intestinal epithelial cells INT-407.World J Gastroentero2010 May14;16(18):2283-90.

15. Ke Dong, Qingtian Li, Chang Liu, Yunyi Zhang,Guoping Zhao, andXiaokui GuoCloning and characterization of three cheB genes in Leptospira interrogans ActaBiochim Biophys Sin . 2010, 42 (3): 216-223

16. Yang J,Xu J, Chen X, Zhang Y, Jiang X, Xiaokui Guo, and Guoping Zhao. Decreaseof Plasma Platelet-Activating Factor Acetylhydrolase Activity inLipopolysaccharide Induced Mongolian Gerbil Sepsis Model.PLoS ONE 2010, 5(2): e9190. doi:10.1371


17. Cao XJ, Dai J, Xu H, Nie S, Chang X, Hu BY, Sheng QH,Wang LS, Ning ZB, Li YX, Guo XK, Zhao GP, Zeng R. High-coverage proteome analysisreveals the first insight of protein modification systems in the pathogenicspirochete Leptospira interrogans.Cell Res. 2010Feb;20(2):197-210. Epub 2009 Nov 17.

18. Lin W, Yang HL, Yang Y, Hu BY, Tan LZ, Guo XK Cloning, expression, and immunologicalevaluation of a novel protein belonging to OmpA family in Leptospirainterrogans Recent Works on Microbes andInfections in China, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. , 2009.P1-12

19. Jiang,XG, Zhang XY, Zhong WJ, Nie YX, Yin WW, Li XW, Guo XK Surveillance of Leptospirosis and the MurineReservoirs in China 2005 Recent Works on Microbes and Infections in China,World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd, 2009. P13-19

20. Yao Y,Xie Y, Perace D, Zhong Y, Lu J, Tao J,Guo XK, Kim KS*.The type IIIsecretion system is involved in the invasion and intracellular survival ofEscherichia coli K1 in humanbrain microvascular endothelial cells.FEMS Microbiol Lett. 2009, 300(1):18-24

21. JianpingYuan, Ping Li, Jing Tao, Xiaodong Shi, Baoyu Hu, Huabiao Chen and XiaokuiGuo* H.pylori Escape Host Immunoreaction Through Inhibiting ILK ExpressionBy VacA.Cellular & Molecular Immunology, 2009, 6(3): 91-7

22. Zhang ZY, Liu C, Zhu YZ, Zhong Y, Zhu YQ, Zheng HJ, ZhaoGP, Wang SY, Guo XK. Complete genome sequence of Lactobacillus plantarum JDM1.J Bacteriol. 2009Aug;191(15):5020-1. Epub 2009 May 22.

23. Zhang SM, Tian F, Jiang XQ, Li J, Xu C, Guo XK, Zhang FQ.Evidence for calcifying nanoparticles in gingivalcrevicular fluid and dental calculus in periodontitis.J Periodontol. 2009Sep;80(9):1462-70.

24. Tian F,Yu Y, Chen B, Li HR, Yao YF, Guo XK*.Bacterial, archaeal and eukaryotic diversity in Arctic sediment as revealed by16S rRNA and 18S rRNA gene clone libraries analysis. Polar Biology, 2009, 32(1):93-103 ;

25. Zhao W, Chen CY, Zhang XY, Lai WQ, Hu BY, Zhao GP, QinJH, Guo XK.Molecular characterization of the pL40 protein inLeptospira interrogans.Can J Microbiol. 2009Jun;55(6):739-49.

26. FengCY, Li QT, Zhang XY, Dong K, Hu BY,GuoXK*. Immune strategies on single component LipL32 and multi-componentsrecombinant LipL32-41-OmpL1 vaccines against Leptospira. Brazilian Journal of Medical and BiologicalResearch. 2009, 42(9):796-803

27. Liu C, Zhang ZY, Dong K, Yuan JP, Guo XKAntibiotic resistance of probiotic strains of lactic acidbacteria isolated from marketed foods and drugs.Biomed Environ Sci.2009 Oct;22(5):401-12.

28. Qin Lu,De-Hong Yu, Chao Fang, Fang Liu, Xun Ye, Yi Zhao, Jie Qin, Xiao-Kui Guo, Min Liang, Fang Hu and Hong-zhuan Chen*. Influence ofE3 region on conditionally replicative adenovirus mediated cytotoxicity inhepatocellular carcinoma cells. Cancer biology and therapy, 2009, 8(12):1127-1134.

29. Yang RF*,Guo XK, Yang J, Jiang YQ, Pang B,Chen C, Yao YF, Qin JH, Li QT. Genomic research for important pathogenicbacteria in China. Science in China Series C: Life Sciences, 2009,52(1):50-63

30. JunweiYang, Yixuan Zhang, Jing Xu, Yan Geng, Xiaoying Chen,Hongling Yang, ShengnanWang, Hengan Wang,Xucheng Jiang, Xiaokui Guo, Guoping Zhao* Serum activity of platelet-activating factoracetylhydrolase is a potential clinical marker for leptospirosis pulmonaryhemorrhage.PloS ONE. 2009 4(1): e4181.


31. Zhu YZ, Li QT, Wang L, Zhong Y, Ding GH, Li G, Jia PL,Shi TL, Guo XK. Gene expression profiling-based in silico approach toidentify potential vaccine candidates and drug targets against B. pertussis andB. parapertussis.OMICS. 2008 Sep;12(3):161-9.

32. Qin JH, Zhang Q, Zhang ZM, Zhong Y, Yang Y, Hu BY, ZhaoGP, Guo XK. Identification of a novel prophage-like gene clusteractively expressed in both virulent and avirulent strains of Leptospirainterrogans serovar Lai.Infect Immun. 2008Jun;76(6):2411-9. Epub 2008 Mar 24.

33. Zhang YX, Geng Y, Yang JW, Guo XK, Zhao GPCytotoxic activity and probable apoptotic effect of Sph2,a sphigomyelinase hemolysin from Leptospira interrogans strain Lai.BMB Rep. 2008 Feb29;41(2):119-25.


34. He P, Sheng YY, Shi YZ, Jiang XG, Qin JH, Zhang ZM, ZhaoGP, Guo XK. Genetic diversity among major endemic strains ofLeptospira interrogans in China.BMC Genomics. 2007 Jul1;8:204.

35. YingZou, Guo XK, Mathieu Picardeau, HaiXu, Guoping Zhao*. A comprehensive survey on isoleucine biosynthesis pathways inseven epidemic Leptospira interrogansreference strains of China. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 2007, 269(1):90–96


36. Li QT,Zhu YZ, Chu JY,Wang YY, Xu YH, Hou QM, Zhang SM, Guo XK*.Protective immunity against Bordetellapertussis by a recombinant DNA vaccine and the effect of coinjection with agranulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor gene. Microbiol Immunol, 2006,50(12):929-36.


38. Sun JC,Xu JL, Cao JP,Liu Q, Guo XK*, Shi TL*. Predictionand systematic study of protein-protein interaction networks of Leptospira interrogans. Chinesescience Bulletin, 2006, 51(1):1-10.

39. Yang HL, Zhu YZ, Qin JH, He P, Jiang XC, Zhao GP, Guo XK.In silico and microarray-based genomic approaches toidentifying potential vaccine candidates against Leptospira interrogans.BMC Genomics. 2006 Nov16;7:293.

40. Li QT, Zhu YZ, Chu JY, Dong K, He P, Feng CY, Hu BY,Zhang SM, Guo XK. Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor DNAprime-protein boost strategy to enhance efficacy of a recombinant pertussis DNAvaccine.Acta Pharmacol Sin. 2006Nov;27(11):1487-94.

41. Qin JH, Sheng YY, Zhang ZM, Shi YZ, He P, Hu BY, Yang Y,Liu SG, Zhao GP, Guo XK. Genome-wide transcriptional analysis of temperature shiftin L. interrogans serovar lai strain 56601.BMC Microbiol. 2006 Jun9;6:51.

42. Li ZH, Dong K, Yuan JP, Hu BY, Liu JX, Zhao GP, Guo XK. Characterization of the cheY genes from Leptospirainterrogans and their effects on the behavior of Escherichia coli.Biochem Biophys ResCommun. 2006 Jun 30;345(2):858-66. Epub 2006 May 6.

43. Guo XK, Zhao WQ, Kondo C, Shimojo N, Yamashita K, Aoki T,Hayakawa T. Tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases-1 (TIMP-1) and-2(TIMP-2) are major serum factors that stimulate the TIMP-1 gene in humangingival fibroblasts.Biochim Biophys Acta. 2006Mar;1763(3):296-304. Epub 2006 Mar 24.

44. Li ZH, Dong K, Sun JC, Yuan JP, Hu BY, Liu JX, Zhao GP,Guo XKCharacterization of cheW genes of Leptospira interrogansand their effects in Escherichia coli.Acta Biochim BiophysSin (Shanghai). 2006 Feb;38(2):79-88.

45. Yang HL, Jiang XC, Zhang XY, Li WJ, Hu BY, Zhao GP, GuoXKThrombocytopenia in the experimental leptospirosis ofguinea pig is not related to disseminated intravascular coagulation.BMC Infect Dis. 2006Feb 2;6:19.


46. Zhang XY, Yu Y, He P, Zhang YX, Hu BY, Yang Y, Nie YX,Jiang XG, Zhao GP, Guo XKExpression and comparative analysis of genes encodingouter membrane proteins LipL21, LipL32 and OmpL1 in epidemic leptospires.Acta Biochim BiophysSin (Shanghai). 2005 Oct;37(10):649-56.

47. Zhang YX, Geng Y, Bi B, He JY, Wu CF, Guo XK, Zhao GP. Identification and classification of all potentialhemolysin encoding genes and their products from Leptospira interrogansserogroup Icterohae-morrhagiae serovar Lai.Acta Pharmacol Sin.2005 Apr;26(4):453-61..

48. Wang HT, Li ZH, Yuan JP, Zhao W, Shi XD, Tong SQ, Guo XK.Effect of Helicobacter pylori VacA on gene expression ofgastric cancer cells.World J Gastroenterol. 2005 Jan7;11(1):109-13.


49. Yuan JP, Li T, Chen HB, Li ZH, Yang GZ, Hu BY, Shi XD,Tong SQ, Li YX, Guo XK. Analysis of gene expression profile in gastric cancercells stimulated with Helicobacter pylori isogenic strains.J Med Microbiol. 2004Oct;53(Pt 10):965-74.

50. Li ZH, Nie BM, Chen H, Chen SY, He P, Lu Y, Guo XK, LiuJX. In vitro anti-coxsackievirus B(3) effect of ethyl acetateextract of Tian-hua-fen.World J Gastroenterol. 2004 Aug1;10(15):2263-6.

51. Zhang YX, Li J, Guo XK, Wu C, Bi B, Ren SX, Wu CF, ZhaoGP. Characterization of a novel toxin-antitoxin module,VapBC, encoded by Leptospira interrogans chromosome.Cell Res. 2004Jun;14(3):208-16.

52. Yuan JP, Li T, Li ZH, Yang GZ, Hu BY, Shi XD, Shi TL,Tong SQ, Guo XKmRNA expression profiling reveals a role of Helicobacterpylori vacuolating toxin in escaping host defense.World J Gastroenterol.2004 May 15;10(10):1528-32.

53. He P,Zhang XY, Guo XK, Hu BY, Huang XT,Yang Y, Zhao GP. Identification and analysis of genes present in Leptospirainterrogans serovar Lai but absent in L. biflexaserovar monvalerio. Acta Biochim Biophys Sinica, 2004,36(12):832-839.

54. Xu H,Zhang Y, Guo XK, Ren S, StaempfliAA, Chiao J, Jiang W, Zhao G. Isoleucine biosynthesis in Leptospira interrogans serotype lai strain 56601 proceeds via a threonine-independent pathway. JBacteriol, 2004, 186(16):5400-5409


55. Yuan JP, Li T, Shi XD, Hu BY, Yang GZ, Tong SQ, Guo XK. Deletion of Helicobacter pylori vacuolating cytotoxingene by introduction of directed mutagenesis.World J Gastroenterol.2003 Oct;9(10):2251-7.

56. Yuan JP, Zhao W, Wang HT, Wu KY, Li T, Guo XK, Tong SQ. Coxsackievirus B3-induced apoptosis and caspase-3.Cell Res. 2003Jun;13(3):203-9.

57. . Ren SX, Fu G, Jiang XG, Zeng R, Miao YG, Xu H, ZhangYX, Xiong H, Lu G, Lu LF, Jiang HQ, Jia J, Tu YF, Jiang JX, Gu WY, Zhang YQ,Cai Z, Sheng HH, Yin HF, Zhang Y, Zhu GF, Wan M, Huang HL, Qian Z, Wang SY, MaW, Yao ZJ, Shen Y, Qiang BQ, Xia QC, Guo XK, Danchin A, Saint Girons I,Somerville RL, Wen YM, Shi MH, Chen Z, Xu JG, Zhao GP.Unique physiological and pathogenicfeatures of Leptospira interrogans revealed by whole-genome sequencing. Nature. 2003 Apr24;422(6934):888-93.


58. ZhaoWQ, Li H, Yamashita-K, Guo XK,Hayakawa-T. Cell cycle-associated accumulation of tissue inhibitor ofmetalloproteinases-1(TIMP-1) in the nuclei of human gingival fibroblasts. Journalof Cell Science, 1998, 111:1147-1153





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