词条 | i2p |
释义 | 【I2P】 ¦ I2P 是一个匿名网络项目,它提供了一个简单的网络层提供对身份敏感的程序进行安全的匿名通讯。 ¦ I2P 网络是动态的分布式网络,它在设计上并不信任网络中的任何一方,其中的所有数据都经过多层加—¦密。 ¦ 很多程序可以使用 I2P ,其用途涉及 Email,P2P,IRC 聊天等。 ¦I2P 项目成立于 2003 年旨在建立一套安全、匿名、免受审【和∣谐】查的通讯系统促进社会的和█ ¦谐自【和∣谐】由。 ¦I2P 的开发致力于建立一套低延迟、全分布式、自主管理、可扩展、适应性强的匿名安全网络。它的目标是 ¦能够在充满敌意的网络环境内成功运行。I2P网络的各个部分都是开源免费的,这既可以保证 I2P 软件的真 ¦实有效,又方便人们捐献代码帮助 I2P 改进。 ¦ 匿名与否并非一个绝对状态 - I2P的努力并不是实现所谓的 "完美匿名",而是让针对匿名性的攻击更加 ¦昂贵以至于难于进行。I2P 属于低延迟混淆网络(例如Tor网络),这种类型的网络系统自身存在局限性,但 ¦基于I2P的程序例如Syndie, I2PBote(无服务器电邮),及 I2PTahoe-LAFS(分布式存储) 扩展了 I2P 并提供额 ¦外的功能与防护。 ¦ I2P 仍然处于开发状态目前 I2P 网络的规模还不大,缺乏广泛的学术审计,目前的状态下,请不要指望 ¦它特供“有保证”的匿名性。出于低延迟混淆网络(例如Tor网络)自身的限制,在拥有无限资源的攻击者面 ¦前,I2P 并不是无懈可击的。 ¦ 在欧美 I2P 网络正在快速成长!2009 年 I2P 共发布 9 次更新,流量翻了5倍: ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ∟——————————————————————————————————————————— ¦ I2P 的运行通过其他节点路由数据,其工作方式见下图。所有数据均经过端到端加密。关于 I2P 工作 ¦原 理的更多信息请看 参考资料:介绍. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ∟——————————————————————————————————————————— ¦ 【I2PBote】:I2P-Bote is a serverless pseudonymous email exchange service for the I2P ¦network. Emails are ¦ stored encrypted on other I2P-bote nodes. ¦ There is a SMTP/POP interface [TO BE IMPLEMENTED] to use with an email client, and a web ¦interface ¦ [TO BE IMPLEMENTED] that lets you change settings or send/read email. ¦ Email can be sent through a number of other nodes (relays) for increased security, or directly ¦to ¦ a set of storage nodes for faster delivery. The same applies to retrieving email. ¦ All nodes are created equal. There are no "supernodes" or designated relay/storage nodes. ¦ Everybody acts as a potential relay and storage node. The maximum amount of disk space ¦used for ¦ relayed/stored email packets can be configured by the user. ¦ Before an email is sent to a relay, it is broken up into packets and encrypted with the ¦recipient's ¦ public key. ¦ Email packets are stored redundantly in a distributed hash table (DHT). Stored email packets ¦are ¦ kept for at least 100 days, during which the recipient can download them. ¦ For relays, the guaranteed retention time is only 7 days. ¦ If a node runs out of email storage space, and there are no old packets that can be deleted, ¦the ¦ node refuses storage requests. ¦ Email addresses are entered in the format "username@domain.i2p"; they must match an entry ¦in the ¦ local address book or the distributed email directory. An exception are addresses of the form ¦ "dest_key@bote.i2p", where dest_key is a 516-byte base64-encoded email keypair. No lookup ¦is done ¦ for these addresses; the dest_key part is directly used for routing the email. ∟——————————————————————————————————————————— |
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