词条 | 公职人员 |
释义 | 公职人员,这个概念的关键在于“公职”二字。现在社会普遍认知的“公职”主要是指各级党政机关、国有的企事业单位、人民团体等等。这些职位的普遍特点是:享有编制、有很好的福利体系、社会地位较高、工作稳定有保障等。和在私企工作的人员不同,这一类人员的工作有着更大的稳定性,在缺乏安全感的时代里被更多人所向往。 含义公职人员是指依法履行公共职务的国家立法机关、司法机关、行政机关、中国共产党和各个民主党派的党务机关、各人民团体以及国有企业的工作人员。或者是指具有国家公职身份或其他从事公职事务的人员,也就是通常说的“干部”。公职人员的概念内涵和外延,也在随时代和国家形势发展而不断变化。公职人员核心的东西是所谓的“公职”概念,“履行公职”这个概念非常广泛,核心词是“公职”,就把很多单位、机关的人员都包含进来了,比如国家机关,或者说政府序列以外的人员,如果他也是在履行公职,同时又占有编制,财政上负担他的工资福利,他就是公职人员。显然公职人员的范围要大于国家公务员。 国家公务员是指国家依法定方式和程序任用的,在中央和地方各级国家行政机关中工作的,依法行使国家行政职权,执行国家公务的人员。在我国依《国家公务员暂行条例》规定,各级行政机关中除工勤人员以外的工作人员都是国家公务员。国家公务员特点为: (1)国家公务员是经法定方式和程序任用的人员; (2)国家公务员是中央和地方各级国家行政机关中工作的人员; (3)国家公务员是指行政机关中依法行使国家职权、执行国家公务的人员。 公务员提出和演变93年国务院的条例叫做《国家公务员暂行条例》,这次这部法把“国家”两个字拿掉了。原来的国家公务员是以行政机关有行政职位的人员为主要对象的,也就是以工勤人员以外的行政任职人员为对象,或者说它主要是一个行政机关工作人员法。现在这个范围就不一样了,现在这部法律可以叫做“地方公职人员法”(是与军官法区别开来的),是指在国家的官员制度的管理上发生了很大变化。93年搞条例的时候,基本的指导思想是干部管理的分类,或者说对公职人员实行分类管理,并且严格区分企事业单位与国家机关这样一个前提。93年时搞公务员条例实际上是讲“地方行政机关工作人员条例”的意思,当然有的地方和部门也用公务员的方式来管,但是那叫做“参照管理”,立法的本意是管行政机关的,像人大、法院,都不是直接属于公务员管理的范畴。这次就变了,意思是说,除了军队的干部,因为军官也是国家官员,现在是讲除了军官以外的所有地方公职人员全部都受这部法管理。所以这部法是国家官员制度建设的一个重大改革,与93年的情况有一个很大很大的不同。当然,它主要涉及的范围,核心的东西是所谓的“公职”概念,“履行公职”这个概念非常广泛,核心词是“公职”,就把很多单位、机关的人员都包含进来了,比如国家机关,或者说政府序列以外的人员,如果他也是在履行公职,同时又占有编制,财政上负担他的工资福利,他就要受这部法律的约束。出了利用公职、占编制、吃财政三个要素以外,还有一部分企事业单位的人员也要受这部法约束。所以,这部法律的管辖范围大规模的扩大,是《公务员法》与公务员条例一个最大的区别,是对国家官员管理制度的一个重大变革,为什么这样讲呢?因为法里面所涉及到的制度有《警察法》、《法官法》、《检察官法》、《组织法》、《选举法》、93年的《公务员条例》、97年的《国家行政机关工作人员奖惩暂行规定》等,这部法律与以上这些法律都有一定的关系。 财产申报公布法中华人民共和国县处级以上公职人员财产申报公布法(草案) 第 一 条 为了保障和加强廉政建设,防止贪污腐败,维护人民民主权利,保障社会主义现代化建设的顺利进行,根据中华人民共和国宪法的规定制定本法。 第 二 条 国家级正职和副职、省部级正职和副职、厅局级正职和副职、县处级正职和副职的公职人员,包括国有企业(包括国有控股企业)中相当于上述级别的公职人员,都是法定申报人,都须依照本法申报财产。 经省、自治区、直辖市人民代表大会决定,可以将某些经济发达地区的乡科级正职和副职的公职人员列为法定申报人。 省、自治区、直辖市人民代表大会和常务委员会认为需要申报的其他人员。 本法所称公职人员,是指依法履行公共职务的国家立法机关、司法机关、行政机关、中国共产党和各个民主党派的党务机关、各人民团体以及国有企业的工作人员。 第 三 条 法定申报人应申报的财产,包括本人家庭成员的全部财产和已单独成立家庭的子女及其配偶的全部财产。 本法所称全部财产包括:土地、建筑物以及附着其上不可分割的物等不动产;现金、存款、有价证券和期权,汽车和其他贵重用品、饰品和字画、古玩等收藏品,以及价值在3000元以上的其他动产。申报人在境外、国外的财产亦须申报。 申报的各项财产,应逐项列明种类、数量和价值及其来源。其中的主要财产还须列明所有权(或占有权、使用权、收益权)证件的颁发机关、颁发时间和编号。 申报人和家属及另立家庭的子女及其配偶参与的所有金融活动和不动产交易,均须实行实名制。 第 四 条 最高廉政监察院和地方各级廉政监察院,是本法的执行机关。 各级廉政监察院负责受理、公布、审核和管理申报人的申报,有对申报人及相关的人员和组织进行调查的权力,以及对涉嫌违法者进行检查、建议处分(行政、纪律处分)和对涉嫌犯罪者起诉(追究法律责任)的权力。 最高廉政监察院院长,由全国人民代表大会选举;地方各级廉政监察院的院长由同级人民代表大会选举。 各级廉政监察院向同级人民代表大会负责并报告工作,由人民代表大会予以审议。报告全文及审议结果应在互联网和大众媒体上公布。 各级廉政监察院在人民代表大会闭会期间,受同级人民代表大会常务委员会领导和监督。 上级廉政监察院领导和监督下级廉政监察院的工作。 第 五 条 法定申报人在就职后二十日内应向同级廉政监察院进行申报。在职期间,须在每年五月二十日前申报上年度的全部财产,其中新增加的财产,应具体说明其来源。 主管机构在公示遴选新的领导人员之前二十日,应通知被遴选的法定申报人申报全部财产,并将申报内容列入公示之中。 法定申报人在离职(包括调动、退休等)后的二十日之内,须向同级廉政监察院进行申报。 第 六 条 各级廉政监察院在收到法定申报人的申报后,应于十五日内将申报内容在相应范围的互联网的专设系统上和大众媒体上公布,即:中央国家机关申报人的申报,在全国人大网站和中央级报刊上公布;各部委申报人的申报,在本部委的网站和报刊上公布;各省、自治区、直辖市申报人的申报,在本省、自治区、直辖市的网站和报刊上公布;各县申报人的申报,在本县的网站和报刊上公布;国有企业申报人的申报,在本系统内公布。 凡公民或单位对法定申报人申报的财产及其来源的真实性、合法性提出质疑或检举的,廉政监察院应于一个月内给予书面答复,情节复杂一个月不能予以答复的,不得迟于三个月内给予书面答复,但应向质疑人或检举人说明推迟答复的具体理由。 为了国家利益,最高廉政监察院确认国家核心保密人员的申报,不予公布。 第 七 条 廉政监察院对于申报人不依法定日期申报或申报内容不详的,应责令其限期补报。逾期不报的,以拒报论处。对拒报者,视情节轻重给予相应的行政、纪律处分,并可处以罚款。 廉政监察院对申报人申报的内容应进行严格审核;发现瞒报、谎报的,转移财产的以及新增财产来源不合法或不能说明来源的,情节轻微的,应给予行政或纪律处分,并可处以罚款;触犯刑法的,应承担刑事责任。 第 八 条 廉政监察院的工作人员不依法履行职责,有失职行为的,应予以行政处分;有包庇或诬陷申报人行为或其他渎职行为的,应承担刑事责任。 廉政监察院工作人员的权利受法律保护,其职务未经同级人民代表大会或人民代表大会常务委员会的决定,任何人不得予以变更。 廉政监察院工作人员,在工作中有立功表现的,国家应予奖励,并授予国家反腐倡廉荣誉称号。 申报人和申报人的利益相关人报复陷害廉政监察院工作人员的,应依法从重惩处。 第 九 条 廉政监察院在预防和反对腐败工作中,应主动征求并广泛听取人民群众意见,维护人民群众反对腐败的权利不受侵犯。 廉政监察院应支持、保障和鼓励各种媒体对公职人员的贪污腐败行为进行舆论监督。 各级廉政监察院以外的任何机关、组织和个人,在接到公民检举、揭发贪污腐败和与之有直接关系的举报后,应及时转交廉政监察院或国家检察机关处理。 第 十 条 中华人民共和国公民都有维护政府清廉、反对腐败的权利。 公民对于任何公职人员的贪污腐败行为,有检举、揭发、控告或提出质疑、提供核查线索的权利。 任何公民不得包庇申报人。如有为申报人隐瞒和转移财产以及利用其他方法规避本法之行为的,情节轻微的给予行政处罚,情节严重的应承担刑事责任。 任何公民不得故意捏造或者歪曲事实对申报人进行诬告。对诬告者,情节轻微的给予行政处罚,情节严重的应承担刑事责任。 第 十 一 条 本法自2009年×月×日起施行 台湾公职人员财产申报法主 管 机 关:台湾当局“法务部” 发布 ( 修正 ) 日期: 1995.07.12. 法规中文名称:公职人员财产申报法 法规英译名称: Act on Property-Declaration by Public Servants 中 文 法 规: 中文法规: 第一条 为端正政风,确立公职人员清廉之作为,建立公职人员利害关系之规范,特制定本法。 第二条 左列公职人员应依本法申报财产: “总统”、“副总统”。 行政、立法、司法、考试、监察各院“院长”、“副院长”。 政务官。 有给职之“总统府资政”、“国策顾问”及战略顾问。 简任第十职等或相当职等以上各级政府机关首长;公营事业机构相当简任第十职等以上首长及一级主管。 公立各级学校校长。 少将编阶以上军事单位首长。 依法选举产生之乡(镇、市)级以上政府机关首长。 县(市)级以上各级民意机关民意代表。 法官、检察官。 警政、司法调查、税务、关务、地政、主计、营建、都计、证管、采购之县(市)级以上政府主管人员、国军政风(监察)人员,及其他职务性质特殊经主管院会同考试院核定有申报财产必要之人员。 县(市)级以上公职候选人准用本法之规定,应於选举登记时申报。 第三条 公职人员之财产除应於就(到)职三个月内申报外,并应每年定期申报一次。 第四条 受理财产申报之机关(构)如左: 第二条第一项第一款至第四款、第八款及第九款所定人员之申报机关为监察院。 第二条第一项第五款至第七款、第十款及第十一款所定人员之申报机关(构)为申报人所属机关(构)之政风单位;无政风单位者,由其上级机关(构)之政风单位或其上级机关(构)指定之单位受理。 公职候选人之申报机关为各级选举委员会。 第五条 公职人员应申报之财产如左: 不动产、船舶、汽车及航空器。 一定金额以上之存款、外币、有价证券及其他具有相当价值之财产。 一定金额以上之债权、债务及对各种事业之投资。 公职人员之配偶及未成年子女所有之前项财产,应一并申报。 第六条 受理申报机关(构)于收受申报四十五日内,应将申报资料审核,汇整列册,供人查阅。 县(市)级以上公职候选人之申报机关(构)应于收受申报十日内,予以审核汇整列册,供人查阅。 “总统”、“副总统”、“行政”、“立法”、“司法”、“考试”、“监察”五院“院长”、“副院长”、政务官、“立法委员”、“国民大会代表”、“监察委员”、省(市)议员、县(市)长等人员之申报资料,并应定期刊登政府公报。 申报资料之审核及查阅办法,由“行政院”会同“考试院”、“监察院”于本法公布後三个月内定之。 第七条 “总统”、“副总统”、行政、立法、司法、考试、监察“各院”“院长”、“副院长”、政务官、“立法委员”、省市长、省(市)议员、县(市)长,其本人、配偶及未成年子女买卖、互易、赠受不动产或一定期间内累计交易达一定金额之上市(上柜)股票者,应于左列期间内,向该管受理申报机关申报: 属不动产者,买卖、互易、赠受后一个月。 属上市(上柜)股票者,一定期间届满后一个月。 其他公职人员因其职务关系对特定财产具有利害关系,经主管院核定应申报者,亦适用前项申报之规定。 第六条之规定,于前项之情形准用之。 “总统”、“副总统”、行政、立法、司法、考试、监察“各院”“院长”、“副院长”、政务官、“立法委员”、省市长、省(市)议员、县(市)长应将其个人及其配偶、未成年子女一定金额以上之不动产及上市(上柜)股票,信托与政府承认之信托业代为管理、处分。 其他公职人员因其职务关系对特定财产具有特殊之利害关系者,亦同。 受托人对委托人之财产,应依本法之规定,替代公职人员向受理申报单位申报。 前二项规定,于信托法及信托业法公布施行後实施。 第一项之申报及第三项之信托规定实施时,得选择其一办理。 第八条 “国民大会代表”、“立法委员”、省(市)议员应公布提供助理、服务处所、交通车辆之经费来源,并应定期刊登政府公报。 第九条 公务员对其主管、监督之事务或非主管、监督之事务,有因职权、机会或身分而涉及本身、家族、财产受托人之利害情事时,应行回避。 第十条 受理申报机关(构)认有申报不实者,得向该财产所在地之机关(构)、团体或个人查询,受查询者有据实说明之义务。 受查询之机关(构)、团体或个人无正当理由拒绝说明或为虚伪说明者,处新台币二万元以上十万元以下罚锾,经通知限期提出说明,逾期未提出或提出仍为虚伪者,按次连续处新台币四万元以上二十万元以下罚锾。 第十一条 公职人员明知应依规定申报,无正当理由不为申报,处新台币六万元以上三十万元以下罚锾。 其故意申报不实者,亦同。 第二条第一项第一款至第四款、第八款及第九款所列公职人员受前项处罚者,公告其姓名。 公职人员受第一项处罚后,经受理申报机关(构)通知限期申报或补正,无正当理由仍未申报或补正者,处一年以下有期徒刑、拘役或科新台币十万元以上五十万元以下罚金。 对於第六条第一项申报之资料,基於营利、徵信、募款或其他不正当目的使用者,处新台币六万元以上三十万元以下罚锾。 第十二条 本法所处罚锾,由左列机关为之: 受理机关为“监察院”者,由“该院”处理。 受理机关(构)为政风单位或经指定之单位者,移由“法务部”处理。 受理机关为各级选举委员会者,由各该选举委员会处理。 第十三条 依本法所处之罚锾,经通知缴纳逾期不缴纳者,移送法院强制执行。 第十四条 受理财产申报机关(构),於申报人丧失第二条第一项所定公职人员身分之日起届满一年,或第二条第二项所定公职候选人自公告当选之日起届满六个月,应将其申报财产资料发还申报人;不能发还者,应销毁之。 但司法机关、监察机关依法通知留存者,不在此限。 第十五条 本法所称一定金额及其他具有相当价值之财产,由“行政院”会同“考试院”、“监察院”定之。 第十六条 本法施行细则,由“行政院”会同“考试院”、“监察院”定之。 第十七条 本法自“中华民国”八十二年九月一日施行。 英 文 法 规Article 1 The Act is enacted to well form government employee ethics, to preserve integrity of public servants, and to establish norms to be followed by public servants facing interests. Article 2 The following public servants shall make property-declaration pursuant to the Act: The President and the Vice President. Premier and Vice Premier of the Executive Yuan, Legislation Yuan, Judicial Yuan, Examination Yuan, and Control Yuan. Political administrator(s). Senior Advisors, Policy Consultants, and Strategy Consultants of the Office of the President that are gainful-positions. Chiefs not less than the 10 th rank or equivalent rank of governments at various levels, chiefs and first-level directors not less than the 10 th rank or equivalent rank of state-run enterprises. Masters of public schools at various levels. Chiefs not less than the rank of general major in military units. Governors at above village (town, city) level elected pursuant to acts. Legislators/councilors at the Legislation Yuan/Councils above county (city) level. Judges and procurators. Directors above county (city) level in charge of police, judicial investigation, taxation, customs, land administration, budget accounting, construction, urban planning, securities administration and purchase, government employee ethics officers (supervisors) in the military units, and other officials approved to make declarations by the competent authority Yuan jointly with the Examination Yuan on account of the special nature of their positions. Public candidates above county (city) level apply mutatis mutandis to the Act, shall make declarations at the time of registration for election. Article 3 The public servant(s) shall make property-declaration within three months of assuming the position and shall make declarations periodically once in a year. Article 4 The following organs/units shall be the competent organs/units in charge of handling property-declarations: To persons prescribed in Article 2, Paragraph 1, Subparagraph 1 to 4, 8 and 9 of the Act, the Control Yuan. To persons prescribed in Article 2, Paragraph 1, Subparagraph 5 to 7, 10 and 11 of the Act, the Government Employee Ethics Units in the organs with which they serve and where there is no Government Employee Ethics Unit, the declaration shall be handled by Government Employee Ethics Unit of its superior organ or units designated by the superior organ. To public candidates, the election committee at various levels. Article 5 The public servant(s) shall make declaration in respective of the following properties: Immovable property, vessel, car and aircraft. Deposit, foreign currency, securities or other valuable properties above certain amount. Obligatory right, debt and investment to various enterprises above certain amount. Abovementioned properties owned by spouse or infant children of the public servant(s) shall be declared together. Article 6 Within forty-five days of receiving declaration, the handling organs/units shall examine the materials declared and compile the information into books, which shall be available for browsing by public. Within ten day of receiving declaration by public candidates above county (city) level, the handling organs/units shall examine the materials declared and compile the information into books, which shall be available for browsing by public. Information declared by the President, Vice President, Premier and Vice Premier of the Executive Yuan, the Legislation Yuan, the Judicial Yuan, the Examination Yuan and the Control Yuan, political administrators, legislators, representatives of the National Assembly, supervisors, councilors at provincial (municipal) level, governors of counties (cities) shall be published at government gazette periodically. Regulations Governing Examination and Browsing of Materials of Property-Declaration by Public Servants shall be enacted by the Executive Yuan jointly with the Examination Yuan and the Control Yuan within three months after the promulgation of the Act. Article 7 Where the President, Vice President, Premier and Vice Premier of the Executive Yuan, the Legislation Yuan, the Judicial Yuan, the Examination Yuan and the Control Yuan, political administrators, legislators, governors of provinces (municipals), councilors at provincial (municipal) level, governors of counties (cities) themselves or their spouses and infant children conduct sales, exchange, granting/granted of immovable properties as present or engage in transaction of listed stocks (stocks over the counter trading places) to certain accumulated amount within certain time period, they shall make declarations to respective handling organs/units within the period provided as follows: In case of immovable properties, within one month of the sale, exchange or granting/granted. In case of listed stocks (stocks over the counter trading places), within one moth after expiration of certain period. Other public servants approved to make declarations by the competent authority Yuan on account of the possessing interests to specific property due to his official duties shall apply the above paragraph. In the above circumstances shall apply mutatis mutandis the Article 6 of the Act. The President, Vice President, Premier and Vice Premier of the Executive Yuan, the Legislation Yuan, the Judicial Yuan, the Examination Yuan and the Control Yuan, political administrators, legislators, governors of provinces (municipals), councilors at provincial (municipal) level, governors of counties (cities) shall entrust the immovable properties and listed stocks (stocks over the counter trading places) owned by themselves or their spouses or infant children the value of which reach certain amount to the trust companies recognized by the government to manage and dispose of on their behalf. This provision shall also applied to other public servants approved to make declarations by the competent authority Yuan on account of the possessing interests to specific property due to his official duties. The trustee shall make declarations to the handling organs/units on behalf of the trustor pursuant to the Act. Provisions of the above two paragraphs shall be implemented after the promulgation in effect of the Trust Act and the Trust Companies Act. After implementation of the provisions of trust regulations referred to above, the public servants involved may choose either to make declaration pursuant to the paragraph 1 or to entrust pursuant to the paragraph 3 hereof. Article 8 Representatives of the National Assembly, legislators and councilors at provincial (municipal) level shall make announcement as to the source of expense paid for their assistants, offices and transportation facilities and publish the same at government gazette periodically. Article 9 Regarding affairs whether the public servant is in charge of or under his supervision, where interests are involved on part of himself, his family members or trustees of his property owing to his official duties, opportunities or status, the public servants shall recuse. Article 10 If the handling organs/units deems the declaration to be inconsistent with facts, it may make inquiries to the organs/units, groups or individuals of the place where the property involved situates, who shall have obligation to give statements based on the facts. If the organ/units, groups or individuals to whom the inquiries are addressed refuse to give statements without justifiable reasons or give false statements, a penalty of between NTD 20,000 to 100,000 shall be imposed and where after being informed to give statements within prescribed time period, the same still fail to give statements or give false statements, consecutive penalties of between NTD 40,000 to 200,000 shall be imposed according to the times of exceeding the time limit or false statements. Article 11 Where the public servant is fully aware of the obligation to make declarations, and fails to make declarations without justifiable reasons, a penalty of between NTD 60,000 to 300,000 shall be imposed. This provision shall also apply to circumstances where the public servant deliberately makes declarations not inconsistent with facts. Where the above penalties are imposed on public servants prescribed in the subparagraph 1 to 4 and subparagraph 8 to 9 of paragraph 1 of Article 2 of the Act, their names shall be announced. After penalties under the above paragraph 1 have been imposed, if the public servants still fail to make declarations or make corrections within prescribed time period without justifiable reasons despite being notified by the handling organs/units, an imprisonment of not more than one year, detention or a fine of between NTD 100,000 to 500,000 shall be imposed. For anyone who makes use of the information declared referred to in paragraph 1 of Article 6 of the Act for purpose of for-profit, credit rating or money raising or for other improper purposes, a penalty of between NTD 60,000 to 300,000 shall be imposed. Article 12 Penalties prescribed by the Act shall be made by the following organs: Where the handling organ is the Control Yuan, by the Yuan. Where the handling organ/unit is the Government Employee Ethics Unit or the designated unit, by the Ministry of Justice. Where the handling organ is the election committee at various levels, by the respective election committee. Article 13 Where penalties imposed pursuant to this Act are not paid within prescribed time period by notified, the case shall be evoked to the court for compulsory enforcement. Article 14 The handling organs/units shall return the materials of property-declaration to the person who made the declaration after the expiration of one year from the date of the public servant lost his status as a public servant prescribed in paragraph 1 of Article 2 hereof, or after the expiration of six months from the date of announcement of the elected public candidate prescribed in paragraph 2 of Article 2, Where return is impossible, the materials shall be destroyed. However, if the judicial organs or control organs inform to keep the materials on record authorized by relevant acts, the handling organs/units shall be exempted from this restriction. Article 15 The term “certain amount” and ”other valuable property ” referred to in the Act shall be decided by the Executive Yuan jointly with the Examination Yuan and the Control Yuan. Article 16 Enforcement Rules of this Act shall be enacted by the Executive Yuan jointly with the Examination Yuan and the Control Yuan. Article 17 The Act shall be in force from the date of Sept.1 1993. |
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