词条 | 龚淑玲 |
释义 | 1989年毕业于武汉大学化学系。1994年8月获理学博士学位。2003年至2004年在英国 University of East Anglia 作访问学者。 中文名:龚淑玲 外文名:Gong Shuling 国籍:中国 出生日期:1967年11月 职业:教师 毕业院校:武汉大学 职称:教授 职务:高分子系主任 简介湖北省化学化工学会高分子专业委员会秘书长 学科专业:高分子化学与物理 研究1. 功能高分子 2. 超分子化学 3. 有机硅化学 4. 涂料及粘合剂 教学主讲本科生基础课《高分子化学》、《有机结构分析》,研究生课程《高聚物合成工艺》、《高分子科学进展》。主编并出版《有机波谱分析》第二版,45万字,2003,武汉大学出版社。 获奖(1)《高分子负载硅氢化配位催化剂》获1997年国家教委科技进步奖三等奖 (2)1999年获武汉大学青年教师优秀教学成果奖二等奖 (3)2003年被评为优秀研究生导师 (4)2004年获武汉大学优秀教学成果奖二等奖 科研项目(2002-2007年)(1)主持国家级项目:“聚氨酯胶粘剂” (2)主持湖北省自然科学基金项目:非水液膜体系的研究 (3)主持教育部有机硅化合物及材料研究中心项目:双端氢聚硅氧烷 (4)承担国家自然科学基金项目:杯芳烃分子管道的设计与合成 2002-2007年发表论文1. Qin Zheng, Shuling Gong*, Haiqing Dong, and Yuanyin Chen. Calix[4]arenes Used as a NewType of Chain Extender in the Preparation of Polyurethanes. Aust. J. Chem. 2007, 60: 167. 2. Xiong Li, Shuling Gong*, Yu-Fang Liu, Qin Zheng and Yuan-Yin Chen. 1,3-Alternate thiacalix[4]bisazacrown chloroformdisolvate. Acta Crystallogr. Sect. E.-Struct Rep. Online, 2007, E63, o2097. 3. Linbo Gong, Shuling Gong*, Qin Zheng, Xiong Li, Yuanyin Chen. High extraction ability of 1,3-dialkynyl calixarene towards mercury(Ⅱ) ion. Chin. Chem. Lett., 2007, 18: 435. 4. 郑琴, 龚淑玲*, 张春雷, 王巍, 陈远荫. 双杯芳烃研究进展, 化学进展, 2007, 19(5): 722. 5. Xiaoju Lu, Shuling Gong, Lingzhi Meng*, Cheng Li, Shu Yang, Lifen Zhang. Controllable synthesis of poly(N-vinylpyrrolidone) and its block copolymers by atom transfer radical polymerization. Polymer, 2007, 48, 2835. 6. Xiong Li, Shuling Gong*, Chunlei Zhang, Qin Zheng, Yuanyin Chen. (1+1) or (2+2) Coupling for bis(tosyloxyethoxy)benzenes with calix[4]arene and thiacalix[4]arene. Tetrahedron Lett., 2006, 47: 7695. (SCI) 7. Wei Wang, Shuling Gong*, Yuanyin Chen, Lingzhi Meng. The effects of intramolecular hydrogen bonding on the reaction of phenols with epoxide in the presence of nano calcium carbonate. Supramol. Chem., 2006, 18 (4): 311. 8. 龚淑玲*, 胡才仲, 王巍, 孟令芝, 陈远荫. 杯芳烃交联聚硅氧烷热稳定性能研究, 高分子学报, 2006, (1): 180. 9. 龚林波, 龚淑玲*, 董海青, 张春雷, 陈远荫. 偶氮苯光色基元修饰的杯芳烃的荧光性能和液晶行为, 应用化学, 2006, 23(9): 1023. 10. Bing Guan, Shuling Gong, Xiaojun Wu, Yuanyin Chen. One-step synthesis of p-tert-butylcalix[6]-1,4-2,5-biscrown-4 and its tosyloxyethoxyethylate derivative. J. Incln. Phenon. Macro., 2006, 54 (1-2): 81. 11. Zhiyang Luo, Shuling Gong, Cunlei Zhang, Qin Zheng, Yuanyin Chen. Synthesis of 1,3- and 1,4- diacetylamido-bridged p-tert-butylcalix[7]arenes. Synlett, 2006, (5): 795. 12. Qingsheng Liu, Shuling Gong, Yuanyin Chen. Thiacrown molecular basket with high extracting selectivity towards Ag+. Chin. Chem. Lett., 2006, 17(2): 228. 13. Lingshuang Cai, Shuling Gong, Mao Chen, Caiying Wu. Vinyl crown ether as a novel radical crosslinked sol–gel SPME fiber for determination of organophosphorus pesticides in food samples. Anal. Chim. Acta, 2006, 559: 89. 14. Chunlei Zhang, Shuling Gong, Zhiyang Luo, Xiaojun Wu, Yuanyin Chen. Synthesis, characterization and coordination properties of a novel thiacalix[4]arene with diagonal quinolin-8-yloxy pendants. Supramol. Chem., 2006, 18 (6): 483. 15. Chunlei Zhang, Yan Jin, Shuling Gong, Xiaofeng Zhang, Yuanyin Chen. Syntheses and coordination properties of (thia)calix[4]arenes bearing single quinolin-8-yl-oligooxyethylene pendant. J. Chem. Res.-s, 2006, (9): 596. 16. 张春雷, 曹 蓓, 龚淑玲, 陈远荫. 含卤素端基的单取代对-叔丁基杯[6]芳烃的合成与表征, 有机化学, 2006, 26(3): 310. 17. Wei Wang, Shuling Gong*, Yuanyin Chen, Jianpin Ma. Fibriform one-dimensional hydrogen-bonded network composed of 1,2-alt calix[4]arene tetra acetic acid. New J. Chem., 2005, 29(11): 1390. 18. Wei Wang, Shuling Gong*, Qihua Cao, Tuanyin Chen, Xiujuan Li, Zaorui Zeng. Solid-phase microextraction of aromatic amines with an amide bridged calix[4]arene coated fiber. Chromatographia, 2005, 61(1-2): 75. 19. Bing Guan, Shuling Gong, Xiaojun Wu, Yuanyin Chen. Stereoisomerism and complexation behaviour of functionalized p-tert-calix[6]-1,4-2,5-biscrown-4. Tetrahedron Lett., 2005, 46 (36): 6041. 20. 王巍, 龚淑玲, 孟令芝, 陈远荫. 单炔基桥联双杯[4]芳烃的合成与对溶剂分子的包合性能,高等学校化学学报, 2005, 26(8): 1467. 21. Zhaoqiang Wu, Shuling Gong, Cheng Li, Weihua Huang, Zhen Zhang, Lingzhi Meng, Xiaoju Lu, Yongbin He. Novel water-soluble fluorescent polymer containing recognition units: Synthesis and interactions with PC12 cell. Eur. Polym. J., 2005, 41 (9): 1985. 22. Xiujuan Li, Shuling Gong, Zaorui Zeng. Development of a sol-gel procedure for preparation of a diglycidyloxycalix[4]arene solid-phase microextraction fiber with enhanced extraction efficiency. Chromatographia, 2005, 62 (9-10): 519. 23. Cheng Li, Shuling Gong, Lingzhi Meng, Ling Hu, Huang Huang, Yongbin He. Polysiloxane resins modified by bisglycidyl calix[4]arene: Preparation, characterization, and adsorption behavior toward metal ions. J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 2005, 95 (6): 1310. 24. Shilan Liu, Shuling Gong, Qin Zheng, Yuanyin Chen, Xiaojun Wu. Synthesis and conformations of novel diamide-bridged homooxacalix[3]arenes. J. Chem. Res.-s, 2005, (2): 126. 25. Shilan Liu, Shuling Gong, Yuanyin Chen. Synthesis of diamido bridged homooxacalix[3]arenes and their recognition property for linear alkylammonium ions. Chin. J. Chem., 2005, 23 (12): 1651. 26. Yan Jin, Chunlei Zhang, Shuling Gong, Yuanyin Chen. Aminolysis of p-tert-butyl-tetrakis-[(ethoxycarbonyl)methoxy]thiacalix[4]arene. Synth. Commun., 2005, 35 (24): 3179. 27. Yan Jin, Qiusheng Liu, Shuling Gong, Yuanyin Chen. An approach to double thiacalixarene. Synth. Commun., 2005, 35 (4): 589. 28. 刘庆生, 龚淑玲, 陈远荫. 以二苯基甘脲为母体的酯基冠提篮分子的合成,武汉大学学报(理学版), 2005, 51(2): 172. 29. Shuling Gong, Yikun Chen, Jun Li, Yuanyin Chen. A,C-bridged calix[6]arene: Relationship between the length of bridge and conformation. Chin. J. Chem., 2004, 22 (6): 573. 30. ShuLing Gong, Zhaoju Yu, Lingzhi Meng, et al. Dye-molecular-imprinted polysiloxanes. II. Preparation, characterization, and recognition behavior. J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 2004, 93(2): 637. 31. 龚淑玲*,胡才仲,王巍,刘庆生. 杯芳烃交联壳聚糖的合成及吸附性能研究,武汉大学学报(理学版), 2004, 50(4): 458. 32. Qingsheng Liu, Shuling Gong, Yan Ding, Yuanyin Chen. New molecular clips from diphenylglycoluril and catechol: preparation, structure and conformation studies, binding properties. Synlett, 2004, (13): 2385. 33. Jun Li, Wei Wang, Shuling Gong, Yuanyin Chen, Xiaojun Wu. Diamide bridged calix[8]arenes. Synlett, 2004, (2): 332. 34. Xiujuan Li, Zhaorui Zeng, Jingjing Zhou, Shuling Gong, Wei Wang, Yuanyin Chen. Novel fiber coated with amide bridged-calix[4]arene used for solid-phase microextraction of aliphatic amines. J Chromatogr. A, 2004, 1041 (1-2): 1. 35. 李秀娟, 龚淑玲, 王巍, 曾昭睿. 胺桥联杯[4]芳烃固相微萃取探头的特性及应用,色谱, 2004, 22(5): 472. 36. Jun Li, Wei Wang, Shuling Gong, Yuanyin Chen. Bridging of calixarenes with N,N’-bis(chloroacetyl)propylenediamine, Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences, 2004, 9(4): 509. 37. Shuling Gong*, Wei Wang, Pengfei Fang, Yuanyin Chen. Nano CaCO3: An Unique Condensation Agent for the Preparation of mono-substituted Calix[4]arene by Ring-opening Reaction. Chin. Chem. Lett., 2003, 14(1): 20. 38. Yuanyin Chen, Shuling Gong. Bridged Calix[6]arenas. J. Incln. Phenon. Macro., 2003, 45: 165. 39. 龚淑玲*, 王巍, 王鹏, 陈金龙. 硅橡胶表面耐磨聚氨酯涂料, 武汉大学学报(理学版), 2003, 49(4): 451. 40. Lingshuang Cai, Yuanyuan Zhao, Shuling Gong, Dong Li, Caiying Wu. Use of a novel sol-gel dibenzo-18-crown-6 solid-phase microextraction fiber and new derivatizing reagent for determinationof alphatic amines in lake water and human urine. Chromatographia, 2003, 58(9/10): 615. 41. Lingzhi Meng, Shuling Gong, Yihua Yin, et al. Network crown ether resin with pendent sulfur ether group: preparation, thermodegradation and adsorption behavior. J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 2003, 87(9): 1445. 42. Shuling Gong*, Wei Wang, Yuanyin Chen, Lingzhi Meng, Tao Wan. Nano CaCO3: playing a special role in the monofunctionalization of calixarenes by epoxides. New J. Chem., 2002, 26: 1827. 43. Shuling Gong, Jun Xing, Pengfei Fang, Xueran Lu, Yuanyin Chen. Non-aqueous liquid membrane system. J Membr. Sci., 2002, 205: 265. 44. Shuling Gong, Zhenlin Zhong, Yuanyin Chen Calixcrown oligomers as cation carriers in a bulk liquid membrane. React. Funct. Polym., 2002, 51: 111. 45. Haibing Li, Chen Yuanyin, Gong Shuling. An interesting approach to bis-calix[5]arene analogue from calix[6]arene. Chin. Chem. Lett., 2002, 13(3): 205. 46. 龚淑玲, 梅功雄, 孟令芝, 胡翎, 张先亮, 张群朝, 陈圣云, 廖俊. 纳米尺寸硅树脂的制备及性能,有机硅材料, 2002, 16(5) : 12. |
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