词条 | 付遵涛 |
释义 | 付遵涛 ,男,1970年1月出生,北京大学物理学院副教授。 付遵涛 男,1970年1月出生 北京大学 物理学院副教授 博士生导师 教育背景 01/2000-12/2001 北京大学力学系流体力学专业,博士后 (师从佘振苏) 09/1995-12/1999 北京大学地球物理学系气象学专业,理学博士 (师从刘式适) 09/1990-07/1995 北京大学地球物理学系固体地球物理专业,理学学士 研究兴趣 低频波动力学; 中尺度动力学(运动结构、流形等的动力学研究); 非线性动力学(非线性波研究;天气、气候等多尺度时空序列的非线性分析等) 研究工作经历 2002年至今 北京大学物理学院大气科学系教学科研 2000年1月-2001年11月北京大学力学系湍流研究国家重点实验室与长江学者特聘教授佘振苏教授合作做博士后研究 1998年6月参加位于意大利得里雅斯特的 ICTP 举办的国际会议和研讨班 社会关系、社会职务 2000/01~2003/12 中国科学院大气物理研究所大气边界层物理和大气化学国家重点实验室(LAPC)客座 2002~今 北京大学湍流与复杂系统研究国家重点实验室客座 2002/4~2004/7 北京大学物理学院大气科学00级班主任,本班于2002年获得北京大学2001~2002年度先进学风班 “Phys. Lett. A”、“Chaos, Solitons & Fractals”、“Commun. Theor.Phys.”、“大气科学”、“物理学报” 、“高校应用数学学报”等刊物审稿 校“挑战杯”论文评审 2004/9~2008/7 北京大学物理学院04级年级指导教师 所获奖励 1997-1998年度“创新”奖学金. 2002年度北京大学优秀博士论文三等奖 2003年度涂长望青年气象科技一等奖 2004年度北京大学优秀班主任二等奖 基金项目 “气候过程时空场对称性和预测研究(40305006)” “干旱—半干旱区气候过程的平稳与非平稳分析(KJS0404)”,江苏省气象灾害与环境变化重点实验室(KLME)开放课题 “我国干旱和半干旱陆面过程对降水及沙漠化的影响(2002DIB20070)”,科技部科研院所社会公益专项基金 研究生 陈 哲(女)2005年硕士论文(02级2002/09~2005/07) 姚振华(男)2007年硕士论文(04级2004/09~2007/07) 林光星(男)2007年硕士论文(04级2004/09~2007/07) 蒋 磊(男)2008年硕士论文(05级2005/09~2008/07) 李慧群(女)2011年硕士论文(06级2006/09~2011/07) 郑明华(女)2009年硕士论文(06级2006/09~2009/07) 冯 涛(男)2010年硕士论文(07级2007/09~2010/07) 袁乃明(男)2013年博士论文(08级2008/09~2013/07) 邓 星(女)2011年硕士论文(08级2008/09~2011/07) 高力浩(男)2011年硕士论文(08级2008/09~2011/07) 发表论文 SCI收录: 1. Liu SD, Fu ZT, Liu SK Periodic solutions for two coupled nonlinear-partial differential equations COMMUNICATIONS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS 48 (3): 425-427 SEP 15 2007 Times Cited: 0 2. Fu ZT, Liu SD, Liu SK Breather solutions and breather lattice solutions to the sine-Gordon equation PHYSICA SCRIPTA 76 (1): 15-21 JUL 2007 Times Cited: 0 3. Fu ZT, Liu SD, Liu SK A systematical way to find breather lattice solutions to the positive mKdV equation JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL 40 (18): 4739-4750 MAY 4 2007 Times Cited: 0 4. Chen X, Lin GX, Fu ZT Long-range correlations in daily relative humidity fluctuations: A new index to characterize the climate regions over China GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS 34 (7): Art. No. L07804 APR 7 2007 Times Cited: 0 5. Chen Z, Li CY, Fu ZT Periodic structures of Rossby wave under influence of dissipation COMMUNICATIONS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS 47 (1): 35-40 JAN 2007 Times Cited: 0 6. Jiang L, Chen X, Fu ZT, et al. Periodic solutions to KdV-Burgers-Kuramoto equation COMMUNICATIONS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS 45 (5): 815-818 MAY 15 2006 Times Cited: 0 7. Liu SK, Fu ZT, Liu SD Exact solutions to sine-Gordon-type equations PHYSICS LETTERS A 351 (1-2): 59-63 FEB 20 2006 Times Cited: 6 8. Fu ZT, Liu SK, Liu SD Exact Jacobian elliptic function solutions to sinh-Gordon equation COMMUNICATIONS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS 45 (1): 55-60 JAN 2006 Times Cited: 0 9. Liu SK, Fu ZT, Liu SD, et al. Some properties of the elliptic ordinary differential equation ZEITSCHRIFT FUR NATURFORSCHUNG SECTION A-A JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL SCIENCES 60 (8-9): 566-572 AUG-SEP 2005 Times Cited: 1 10. Fu ZT, Lin GX, Liu SK, et al. New rational form solutions to coupled nonlinear wave equations COMMUNICATIONS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS 44 (2): 235-242 AUG 15 2005 Times Cited: 0 11. Fu ZT, Yao ZH, Liu SK, et al. Exact Jacobian elliptic function solutions to sine-Gordon equation COMMUNICATIONS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS 44 (1): 23-30 JUL 15 2005 Times Cited: 1 12. Chen Z, Fu ZT, Liu SK Periodic structures of oceanic Rossby wave under the influence of wind stress CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS 26 (5): 1467-1473 DEC 2005 Times Cited: 0 13. Fu ZT, Liu SK, Liu SD Exact solutions to triple sine-Gordon equation COMMUNICATIONS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS 43 (6): 1023-1026 JUN 15 2005 Times Cited: 1 14. Fu ZT, Liu SK, Liu SD Exact Jacobian elliptic function solutions to the double sine-Gordon equation ZEITSCHRIFT FUR NATURFORSCHUNG SECTION A-A JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL SCIENCES 60 (5): 301-312 MAY 2005 Times Cited: 0 15. Liu SK, Liu SD, Fu ZT, et al. A nonlinear coupled soil moisture-vegetation model ADVANCES IN ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES 22 (3): 337-342 MAY 2005 Times Cited: 1 16. Fu ZT, Liu SD, Liu SK, et al. Homoclinic (Heteroclinic) orbit of complex dynamical system and spiral structure COMMUNICATIONS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS 43 (4): 601-603 APR 15 2005 Times Cited: 0 17. Liu SD, Shi SY, Liu SK, et al. Vortex of fluid field as viewed from curvature COMMUNICATIONS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS 43 (4): 604-606 APR 15 2005 Times Cited: 0 18. Zhao Q, Liu SK, Fu ZT New soliton-like solutions for combined KdV and mKdV equation COMMUNICATIONS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS 43 (4): 615-616 APR 15 2005 Times Cited: 3 19. Fu ZT, Liu SK, Liu SD New rational form solutions to mKdV equation COMMUNICATIONS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS 43 (3): 423-426 MAR 15 2005 Times Cited: 0 20. Shi SY, Liu SD, Fu ZT, et al. The characteristic analysis of weather and climate time series CHINESE JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICS-CHINESE EDITION 48 (2): 259-264 MAR 2005 Times Cited: 0 21. Fu ZT, Liu SK, Liu SD Exact solutions to double and triple Sinh-Gordon equations ZEITSCHRIFT FUR NATURFORSCHUNG SECTION A-A JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL SCIENCES 59 (12): 933-937 DEC 2004 Times Cited: 8 22. Liu SK, Fu ZT, Liu SD Periodic solutions for a class of coupled nonlinear partial differential equations PHYSICS LETTERS A 336 (2-3): 175-179 MAR 7 2005 Times Cited: 2 23. Fu ZT, Liu SK, Liu SD Equatorial Rossby solitary wave under the external forcing COMMUNICATIONS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS 43 (1): 45-48 JAN 15 2005 Times Cited: 0 24. Liu SK, Fu ZT, Liu SD, et al. Solitary wave and wave front as viewed from curvature COMMUNICATIONS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS 42 (6): 814-816 DEC 15 2004 Times Cited: 0 25. Fu ZT, Liu SK, Liu SD Multiple structures of two-dimensional nonlinear Rossby wave CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS 24 (1): 383-390 APR 2005 Times Cited: 2 26. Liu SK, Fu ZT, Liu SD Lame function and multi-order exact solutions to nonlinear coupled systems COMMUNICATIONS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS 42 (5): 699-702 NOV 15 2004 Times Cited: 0 27. Liu SK, Fu ZT, Liu SD, et al. A theory on the funnel structure of Tornado CHINESE JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICS-CHINESE EDITION 47 (6): 959-963 NOV 2004 Times Cited: 0 28. Liu SK, Fu ZT, Liu SD, et al. Combinability of travelling wave solutions to nonlinear evolution equation ZEITSCHRIFT FUR NATURFORSCHUNG SECTION A-A JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL SCIENCES 59 (10): 623-628 OCT 2004 Times Cited: 1 29. Fu ZT, Liu SD, Liu SK Structures of equatorial envelope Rossby wave under a generalized external forcing COMMUNICATIONS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS 42 (4): 509-512 OCT 15 2004 Times Cited: 0 30. Fu ZT, Liu SK, Liu SD Elliptic equation and new solutions to nonlinear wave equations COMMUNICATIONS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS 42 (3): 343-346 SEP 15 2004 Times Cited: 4 31. Fu ZT, Liu SK, Liu SD New exact solutions to the KdV-Burgers-Kuramoto equation CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS 23 (2): 609-616 JAN 2005 Times Cited: 4 32. Zhao Q, Liu SK, Fu ZT Exact periodic-wave solutions for (2+1)-dimensional Boussinesq equation and (3+1)-dimensional KP equation COMMUNICATIONS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS 42 (2): 239-241 AUG 15 2004 Times Cited: 0 33. Fu ZT, Chen Z, Liu SD, et al. Periodic structure of equatorial envelope Rossby wave under influence of diabatic heating COMMUNICATIONS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS 42 (1): 43-48 JUL 15 2004 Times Cited: 7 34. Liang FM, Shi SY, Liu SD, et al. Topological structures of atmospheric flow fields CHINESE JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICS-CHINESE EDITION 47 (4): 584-589 JUL 2004 Times Cited: 0 35. Liu SK, Liu SD, Fu ZT, et al. The structure and bifurcation of atmospheric motions ADVANCES IN ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES 21 (4): 557-561 JUL 2004 Times Cited: 0 36. Fu ZT, Zhang L, Liu SD, et al. Basic pattern in atmospheric t'urbulence model COMMUNICATIONS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS 41 (6): 845-848 JUN 15 2004 Times Cited: 2 37. Fu ZT, Liu SD, Liu SK New solutions to mKdV equation PHYSICS LETTERS A 326 (5-6): 364-374 JUN 14 2004 Times Cited: 9 38. Fu ZT, Liu SD, Liu SK, et al. Structures of equatorial envelope Rossby wave under the influence of new type of diabatic heating CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS 22 (2): 335-340 OCT 2004 Times Cited: 5 39. Fu ZT, Chen Z, Liu SD, et al. Elliptic equation and its direct applications to nonlinear wave equations COMMUNICATIONS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS 41 (5): 675-680 MAY 15 2004 Times Cited: 13 40. Zhao Q, Liu SK, Fu ZT Exact periodic-wave solutions to Nizhnik-Novikov-Veselov equation COMMUNICATIONS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS 41 (5): 719-722 MAY 15 2004 Times Cited: 0 41. Fu ZT, Zhang L, Liu SD, et al. Fractional transformation and new solutions to mKdV equation PHYSICS LETTERS A 325 (5-6): 363-369 MAY 24 2004 Times Cited: 4 42. Fu ZT, Liu SD, Liu SK Notes on solutions to Burgers-type equations COMMUNICATIONS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS 41 (4): 527-530 APR 15 2004 Times Cited: 6 43. Liu S, Fu ZT, Liu SK, et al. Stationary periodic solutions and asymptotic series solutions to nonlinear evolution equations CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 42 (2): 127-134 APR 2004 Times Cited: 4 44. Liu SD, Fu ZT, Liu SK, et al. Solitary wave and wavelet COMMUNICATIONS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS 41 (3): 335-338 MAR 15 2004 Times Cited: 2 45. Liu SK, Fu ZT, Liu SD, et al. The periodic solutions for a class of coupled nonlinear Klein-Gordon equations PHYSICS LETTERS A 323 (5-6): 415-420 MAR 29 2004 Times Cited: 5 46. Fu ZT, Liu SD, Liu SK, et al. New exact solutions to KdV equations with variable coefficients or forcing APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND MECHANICS-ENGLISH EDITION 25 (1): 73-79 JAN 2004 Times Cited: 2 47. Fu ZT, Liu SD, Liu SK New exact solutions to NLS equation and coupled NLS equations COMMUNICATIONS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS 41 (2): 189-194 FEB 15 2004 Times Cited: 0 48. Fu ZT, Liu SK, Liu SD A new method to construct solutions to nonlinear wave equations ACTA PHYSICA SINICA 53 (2): 343-348 FEB 2004 Times Cited: 10 49. Fu ZT, Chen Z, Liu SK, et al. New solutions to generalized mKdV equation COMMUNICATIONS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS 41 (1): 25-28 JAN 15 2004 Times Cited: 5 50. Fu ZT, Deng LT, Liu SK, et al. Solutions to generalized mKdV equation COMMUNICATIONS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS 40 (6): 641-644 DEC 15 2003 Times Cited: 3 51. Fu ZT, Liu SD, Liu SK New kinds of solutions to Gardner equation CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS 20 (2): 301-309 APR 2004 Times Cited: 18 52. Fu ZT, Liu SK, Liu SD New multi-order exact solutions to a kind of nonlinear evolution equations ACTA PHYSICA SINICA 52 (12): 2949-2953 DEC 2003 Times Cited: 1 53. Fu ZT, Liu SK, Liu SD Lame function and perturbed solutions to the NLS equation and the coupled NLS equations CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 41 (5): 456-464 OCT 2003 Times Cited: 1 54. Liu SK, Wang SL, Liu SD, et al. The spiral patterns of the Rossby waves CHINESE JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICS-CHINESE EDITION 46 (5): 584-589 SEP 2003 Times Cited: 0 55. Fu ZT, Liu SD, Liu SK Applications of elliptic equation to nonlinear coupled systems COMMUNICATIONS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS 40 (3): 285-292 SEP 2003 Times Cited: 17 56. Liu SK, Fu ZT, Liu SD, et al. Lame function and multi-order exact solutions to nonlinear evolution equations CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS 19 (4): 795-801 MAR 2004 Times Cited: 0 57. Liu SK, Fu ZT, Wang ZG, et al. Lame function and perturbation method to nonlinear evolution equations ACTA PHYSICA SINICA 52 (8): 1837-1841 AUG 2003 Times Cited: 3 58. Liu SK, Chen H, Fu ZT, et al. Lame function and invariants of multi-order exact solutions among nonlinear evolution equations ACTA PHYSICA SINICA 52 (8): 1842-1847 AUG 2003 Times Cited: 6 59. Fu ZT, Liu SK, Liu SD, et al. Lame function and its application to some nonlinear evolution equations COMMUNICATIONS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS 40 (1): 53-56 JUL 15 2003 Times Cited: 2 60. Liu SD, Liu SK, Fu ZT, et al. From 2-D geostrophic wind to 3-D vortex motions CHINESE JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICS-CHINESE EDITION 46 (4): 450-454 JUL 2003 Times Cited: 1 61. Liu SD, Fu ZT, Liu SK, et al. Solitary wave in linear ODE with variable coefficients COMMUNICATIONS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS 39 (6): 643-646 JUN 15 2003 Times Cited: 2 62. Fu ZT, Liu SD, Liu SK Solving nonlinear wave equations by elliptic equation COMMUNICATIONS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS 39 (5): 531-536 MAY 15 2003 Times Cited: 22 63. Liu SK, Fu ZT, Liu SD, et al. Power series expansion method and its applications to nonlinear wave equation PHYSICS LETTERS A 309 (3-4): 234-239 MAR 24 2003 Times Cited: 3 64. Liu SK, Fu ZT, Liu SD, et al. Scaling equation for invariant measure COMMUNICATIONS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS 39 (3): 295-296 MAR 15 2003 Times Cited: 0 65. Liu SD, Fu ZT, Liu SK, et al. Envelope periodic solutions to coupled nonlinear equations COMMUNICATIONS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS 39 (2): 167-172 FEB 15 2003 Times Cited: 12 66. Fu ZT, Liu SK, Liu SD A new approach to solve nonlinear wave equations COMMUNICATIONS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS 39 (1): 27-30 JAN 15 2003 Times Cited: 4 67. She ZS, Fu ZT, Chen J, et al. Hierarchical structures in climate and atmospheric turbulence PROGRESS IN NATURAL SCIENCE 12 (10): 747-752 OCT 2002 Times Cited: 6 68. Liu SD, Fu ZT, Liu SK, et al. The homoclinic orbit solution for functional equation COMMUNICATIONS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS 38 (5): 553-554 NOV 15 2002 Times Cited: 1 69. Liu SD, Liu SK, Fu ZT, et al. The most intensive fluctuation in chaotic time series and relativity principle CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS 15 (4): 627-630 FEB 2003 Times Cited: 0 70. Liu SK, Fu ZT, Liu SD, et al. Jacobi elliptic function expansion solution to the variable coefficient nonlinear equations ACTA PHYSICA SINICA 51 (9): 1923-1926 SEP 2002 Times Cited: 43 71. Fu ZT, Liu SK, Liu SD New transformations and new approach to find exact solutions to nonlinear equations PHYSICS LETTERS A 299 (5-6): 507-512 JUL 15 2002 Times Cited: 49 72. Liu SD, Fu ZT, Liu SK, et al. The envelope periodic solutions to nonlinear wave equations with Jacobi elliptic function ACTA PHYSICA SINICA 51 (4): 718-722 APR 2002 Times Cited: 70 73. Liu SD, Liu SK, Fu ZT, et al. The Hopf bifurcation and spiral wave solution of the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS 13 (7): 1377-1381 JUN 2002 Times Cited: 4 74. Liu SK, Fu ZT, Liu SD, et al. New periodic solutions to a kind of nonlinear wave equations ACTA PHYSICA SINICA 51 (1): 10-14 JAN 2002 Times Cited: 75 75. Fu ZT, Liu SK, Liu SD, et al. New Jacobi elliptic function expansion and new periodic solutions of nonlinear wave equations PHYSICS LETTERS A 290 (1-2): 72-76 NOV 5 2001 Times Cited: 209 76. Liu SK, Fu ZT, Liu SD, et al. Expansion method about the Jacobi elliptic function and its applications to nonlinear wave equations ACTA PHYSICA SINICA 50 (11): 2068-2073 NOV 2001 Times Cited: 97 77. Liu SK, Fu ZT, Liu SD, et al. Jacobi elliptic function expansion method and periodic wave solutions of nonlinear wave equations PHYSICS LETTERS A 289 (1-2): 69-74 OCT 8 2001 Times Cited: 286 78. Liu SK, Fu ZT, Liu SD, et al. A simple fast method in finding particular solutions of some nonlinear PDE APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND MECHANICS-ENGLISH EDITION 22 (3): 326-331 MAR 2001 Times Cited: 52 79. Zhao Q, Fu ZT, Liu SK Equatorial envelope Rossby solitons in a shear flow ADVANCES IN ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES 18 (3): 418-428 2001 Times Cited: 4 80. Liu SD, Liu SK, Fu ZT, et al. Spiral solutions of the two-dimensional complex Ginzburg-Landau equation COMMUNICATIONS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS 35 (2): 159-161 FEB 15 2001 Times Cited: 0 81. Fu ZT, Zhao Q, Qiao FL, et al. Response of atmospheric low-frequency wave to oceanic forcing in the tropics ADVANCES IN ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES 17 (4): 569-575 2000 Times Cited: 1 82. Liu SK, Fu ZT, Liu SD, et al. Multi-order exact solutions of the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation PHYSICS LETTERS A 269 (5-6): 319-324 MAY 15 2000 Times Cited: 4 83. Liu SK, Liu SD, Fu ZT Earth rotation and El Nino: Theory of waves CHINESE JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICS-CHINESE EDITION 43 (2): 152-159 MAR 2000 Times Cited: 2 84. Liu SK, Liu SD, Fu ZT, et al. 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