

词条 符云新

符云新 Yun-xin Fu

符云新(Yun-xin Fu)教授,海南东方人,美国德克萨斯州立大学人类遗传学研究中心( UT-Houston School of Public Health Human Genetics Center)特聘教授,云南大学特聘教授,《genetics》杂志副主编。

符教授在群体遗传学和理论进化遗传学界有很高声望。他提出的几种符氏理论在中性检验中有广泛应用,是群体遗传教科书中必不可少的内容。美国NIH遗传研究委员会成员,世界著名杂志《遗传学》(Genetics)和《分子生物学和进化》(Molcular Biology and evolution)副主编。

1982年毕业于中山大学;1986-1988年在英国雷丁大学从事生物统计学研究,获博士学位;1988-1989年、1989-1990年、1990-1991年分别在英国国家医学研究院、美国佐治亚大学、德克萨斯大学从事博士后研究。主要从事计算生物学研究, 包括分子群体遗传学和分子进化;自2003年起担任云南省生物资源保护与利用重点实验室特聘教授,组建了计算基因组学实验室并任研究组长,目前已招收数名博士和硕士研究生。

Research Interests: Molecular evolution; population genetics; bioinformatics; computational

genomics The long term objective of my research is to characterize the molecular evolution of

organism and to reconstruct the evolutionary histories of genes and species. Approaches

include (1) mathematical development of the theories of population genetics and evolution of

DNA sequences; (2) development of statistical methods for analyzing molecular data and for

reconstructing molecular phylogenies, especially the methods for testing important hypotheses

about molecular evolution; and (3) utilization of databases of the human genome as well as

other organisms for comparative study, including functional analysis of DNA polymorphism.

A tutorial in my laboratory would provide experiences in the mathematics and statistics of

population genetics, molecular evolution, molecular data analysis and programming in Java.


Fu YX (2001) Estimating mutation rate and generation time from longitudinal samples of DNA sequences. Molecular Biology & Evolution. 18:620-626

Fu YX, Li WH (1999) Coalescing into the 21st century: An overview and prospects of coalescent theory. Theoretical Population Biology 56:1-10

Fu YX, Chakraborty R(1998) Simultaneous estimation of all the parameters of a stepwise mutation model. Genetics. 150:487-497

Deng HW, Fu YX (1998) On the three methods for estimating deleterious genomic mutation parameters. Genetical Res. 71:223-236

Fu YX(1998) Probability of a segregating pattern in a sample of DNA sequences. Theoret Popul Biol 54:1-10

Deng HW, Fu YX (1998) Conditions for positive and negative correlations between fitness and heterozygosity in equilibrium populations. Genetics. 148:1333-40

Fu YX (1997) Statistical tests of neutrality of mutations against population growth, hitchhiking and background selection. Genetics. 147:915-25

Fu YX (1997) Coalescent theory for a partially selfing population. Genetics. 146:1489-99

Deng HW, Fu YX (1996) The effects of variable mutation rates across sites on the phylogenetic estimation of effective population size or mutation rate of DNA sequences. Genetics. 144:1271-81

Fu YX (1996) Estimating the age of the common ancestor of a DNA sample using the number of segregating sites. Genetics. 144:829-38





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