

词条 方亚鹏

方亚鹏,男,博士,生于1977年7月。1995-2002年就读于上海交通大学化学化工学院,获高分子化学与物理本科与硕士学位。2002年在日本文部省国费奖学金的资助下,赴大阪市立大学攻读博士,研究微生物多糖的分子表征、溶液性质、流变行为和凝胶化转变。2005年获食品科学与健康专业博士学位。随后在欧盟第六框架协议玛丽居里博士后基金资助下,在荷兰鹿特丹联合利华食品与健康研究所从事博士后工作,研究多糖与蛋白质混合体系的相互作用、相分离及其在食品中的应用。2006年受聘为联合利华生物高分子永久科学家,从事减肥食品SlimFast的基础研究与产品开发。2006年加盟英国威尔士大学菲利普斯亲水胶体研究所,担任高级研究员。2009年晋升为英国格林威大学副教授,获博士生导师资格。2010年9月被湖北工业大学聘为湖北省“楚天学者计划”食品科学学科特聘教授、学科带头人。组建湖北工业大学菲利普斯亲水胶体研究中心,担任研究中心主任,从事亲水胶体与食品科学的教学与研究工作。在Macromolecules、Journal of Physical Chemistry B、Langmuir、Biomacromolecules、Food Hydrocolloids等刊物发表Sci论文35篇,影响因子累计超过105,被引近330次。申请国际专利1项。承担国家级、省部级、欧盟和工业界项目10余项。







2. 不稳定功能因子界面保护机理,国家自然科学基金(31101260),20万,2012-2014

3. 甜菜果胶乳化剂的乳液稳定性,武汉市科技局科技攻关计划项目(201120822280),20万,2011-2013

4. 湖北工业大学“楚天学者计划”启动项目,200万,2010-2015


1. Yapeng Fang, Liangbin Li, Rob Vreeker, Xiaolin Yao, Jianguo Wang, Qing Ma, Fatang Jiang, Glyn O. Phillips. “Rehydration of dried alginate gel beads: effect of the presence of gelatin and gum arabic”, Carbohydrate Polymers, 2011, 86, 1145-1150.

2. Yapeng Fang, Saphwan Al-assaf, Glyn O. Phillips, Katsuyoshi Nishinari, Peter A. Williams."Interaction of Gum Arabic with Fatty Acid Studied Using Electron Paramagnetic Resonance".Biomacromolecules, 2010, 11, 1398-1405.

3. Yapeng Fang, Saphwan Al-assaf, Glyn O. Phillips, Katsuyoshi Nishinari, Takahiro Funami, Peter A. Williams."Participation of Ions in Promoting Intermolecular Associations of Cell Wall Polysaccharides".Structural Chemistry, 2009, 20, 317-324.

4. Xiaobei Li, Yapeng Fang, Saphwan Al-assaf, Glyn O. Phillips, Katsuyoshi Nishinari, Hongbin Zhang."Rheological Studies of Gum Arabic Solutions: Interpretation Based on Molecular Self-association".Food Hydrocolloids, 2009, 23, 2394-2402.

5. Takahiro Funami, Yapeng Fang, Sakie Noda, Makoto Nakamura, Sayaka Ishihara, Kurt I. Draget, Saphwan Al-Assaf, Katsuyoshi Nishinari, Glyn O. Phillips. "Rheological Properties of Sodium Alginate in an Aqueous System during Gelation in Relation to Calcium Binding and Microscopic Super-Molecular Structure".Food Hydrocolloids, 2009, 23, 1746-1755.

6. Yapeng Fang, Saphwan Al-assaf, Glyn O. Phillips, Katsuyoshi Nishinari, Takahiro Funami, and Peter A. Williams."Binding Behavior of Calcium to Polyuronates. Part II. Comparison of Pectin with Alginate".Carbohydrate Polymers, 2008, 72, 334-341.

7. Yapeng Fang, Saphwan Al-assaf, Makoto Sakata, Glyn O. Phillips, Matthias Schultz, and Vivianne Monnier. "Origin and Thermodynamic Properties of the Instability of Synthetic Azo Colorants in Gum Arabic Solutions". Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2007, 55, 9274-9282.

8. Yapeng Fang, Saphwan Al-assaf, Glyn O. Phillips, Katsuyoshi Nishinari, Takahiro Funami, Peter A. Williams, and Liangbin Li."Multiple Steps and Critical Behaviors of the Binding of Calcium to Alginate".Journal of Physical Chemistry, B, 2007, 111, 2456-2462.

9. Liangbin Li, Yapeng Fang, Rob Vreeker, Ingrid Appelqvist, Eduardo Mendes."Reexamining the Egg-Box Model in Calcium-Alginate Gels with X-ray Diffraction".Biomacromolecules, 2007, 8, 464-468.

10. Yapeng Fang, Liangbin Li, Chiharu Inoue, Leif Lundin, Ingrid Appelqvist."Associative and Segregative Phase Separations of Gelatin/k-Carrageenan Aqueous Systems".Langmuir, 2006, 22, 9532-9537.

11. Yapeng Fang, Rheo Takahashi, and Katsuyoshi Nishinari. "Protein/Polysaccharide Cogel Formation Based on Gelatin and Chemically Modified Schizophyllan". Biomacromolecules, 2005, 6, 3202-3208.

12. Yapeng Fang, Rheo Takahashi, and Katsuyoshi Nishinari. "A Gel Network Constituted by Rigid Schizophyllan Chains and Nonpermanent Cross-Links". Biomacromolecules, 2004, 5, 126-136.

13. Yapeng Fang, Katsuyoshi Nishinari. "Gelation Behaviors of Schizophyllan-Sorbitol Aqueous Solutions". Biopolymers, 2004, 73, 44-60.

14. Yapeng Fang, Rheo Takahashi, and Katsuyoshi Nishinari. "Rheological Characterization of Schizophyllan Aqueous Solutions after Denaturation-Renaturation Treatment".Biopolymers, 2004, 74, 302-315.

15. Yapeng Fang, Makoto Takemasa, and Katsuyoshi Nishinari. "Rheology of Schizophyllan Solutions in Isotropic and Anisotropic Phase Regions". Journal of Rheology, 2004, 48, 1147-1166.

16. Yoko Nitta, Yapeng Fang, Makoto Takemasa, and Katsuyoshi Nishinari. "Gelation of xyloglucan by addition of epigallocatechin gallate as studied by rheology and calorimetry". Biomacromolecules, 2004, 5(4), 1206-1213.

17. Yapeng Fang, Xinyuan Zhu, Deyue Yan, Qinghua Lu and Pingfang Zhu. "Investigations on Poly(ethylene Oxide)-p-bromotoluene Intercalate by In Situ Heating Fourier Transform IR Spectroscopy". Colloid and Polymer Science, 2002, 280, 59-64.

18. Xinyuan Zhu, Deyue Yan, and Yapeng Fang. "In Situ FTIR Spectroscopic Study of the Conformational Change of Isotactic Polypropylene during the Crystallization Process". Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2001, 105, 12461-12463.





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