

词条 方国家


一、 简介




1996.3~1997.3 在英国伦敦大学帝国理工学院(Imperial College London)电子工程系光半导体器件研究室访问工作,同Mino Green教授合作,从事多孔二氧化硅及WO3光半导体器件方面的研究工作。







2002年入选湖北省新世纪高层次人才工程。目前主要从事纳米岛光刻技术(Island Lithography)及硅纳米器件、氧化物半导体低维纳米结构及发光显示器件、宽禁带半导体光电子薄膜及场致电子发射器件等方面的研究工作。现为国际信息显示器协会(SID)会员、全国高协组织教材研究与编写委员会委员、湖北省青年科技工作者协会理事、国家自然科学基金委信息学部、数理学部、材料科学与工程学部通讯评审人。J. Phys Chem、Physica Status Solidi A、Physica Status Solidi:RRL、Nano Trends、Electrochemical and Solid State Letters、Journal of Material Science and Technology、Journal of Material Science、《物理学报》《物理化学学报》《功能材料与器件学报》等重要学术杂志的特邀审稿人。






承担本科生课程:半导体器件物理(I); 微电子工艺原理与实践;硅平面工艺与光电薄膜综合实验(异质结器件制备与表征).

研究生课程:半导体器件物理(II); 纳米光电子材料与器件。



1. n-ZnO/p-NiO异质结紫外发光器件(APL, 2009)

2. MIS结构ZnO基紫外发光器件(IEEE EDL, 2009)

3. ZnO基柔性电致变色器件(Nanotechnology,2009)

4. ZnO纳米杆/硅异质结构紫外光探测器(APL2009, 94, 063512

5.CNT阵列的可控生长及场发射特性(Diamond and Related Materials,2009)


1. Huihui Huang, Guojia Fang*, Xiaoming Mo, Hao Long, Longyan Yuan, Binzhong Dong, Xianquan Meng, and Xingzhong Zhao, ZnO-Based Fairly Pure Ultraviolet-Light-Emitting Diodes With a Low Operation Voltage, IEEE Electron Device Letters, 2009, in press。

2. Hai Zhou, Guojia Fang*, Longyan Yuan, Chong Wang, Xiaoxia Yang, Huihui Huang, Conghua Zhou and Xingzhong Zhao, Deep ultraviolet and near infrared photodiode based on n-ZnO/p-silicon nanowire heterojunction fabricated at low temperature, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 2009, 94, 013503.

3. Huihui Huang, Guojia Fang*, Xiaoming Mo, Longyan Yuan, Hai Zhou, Mingjun Wang, Hongbin Xiao, Xingzhong Zhao, Zero-biased near-ultraviolet and visible photodetector based on ZnO nanorods/n-Si heterojunction, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 2009, 94(6), 063512.

4. Hao Long, Guojia Fang*, et al., Ultraviolet electroluminescence from ZnO/NiO-based heterojunction light-emitting diodes, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 2009, 95, 013509.

5. Mingjun Wang, Guojia Fang*, et al., High optical switching speed and flexible electrochromic display based on WO3 nanoparticles with ZnO nanorod arrays supported electrode, Nanotechnology, 2009, 20,185304.

6. Nanhai Sun, Guojia Fang, et al., The application of anode material (ITAZO) and hole transportation material (NiO) in organic solar cell, The International Symposium on Photonics and Optoelectronics (SOPO 2009), August 14th to 16th, 2009, Wuhan.

7. Xiaoxia Yang, Guojia Fang*, Nishuang Liu, Chong Wang, Qiao Zheng, Hai Zhou, Dongshan Zhao, Hao Long, YuPing Liu, Xingzhong Zhao,Synthesis and field emission properties of carbon nanotubes grown in ethanol flame based on a photoresist-assisted catalyst annealing process, Applied Surface Science 255 (2009) 7905–7911.

8. Nanhai Sun, Guojia Fang*, Qiao Zheng, MingjunWang,Nishuang Liu1,Wei Liu1 and Xingzhong Zhao, Transparent conducting ITAZO anode films grown by a composite target RF magnetron sputtering at room temperature for organic solar cells, Semiconductor Science & Technology24 (2009) 085025

9. Longyan Yuan, Guojia Fang*, Hai Zhou, Yihua Gao, Chang Liu and Xingzhong Zhao, Suppression of near-edge optical absorption band in sputter deposited hafnium oxynitride via nitrogen incorporation and annealing, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 42(2009) 145302.

10. Wei Zeng, Guojia Fang*, Nishuang Liu, Longyan Yuan, Xiaoxia Yang, Shishang Guo, Dianyuan Wang, Zhiqiang Liu, Xingzhong Zhao, Numerical calculations of field enhancement and field amplification factors for a vertical carbon nanotube in parallel-plate geometry, Diamond and Related Materials, 2009,in press.

11. Nishuang Liu, Guojia Fang*, Xiaoxia Yang, Wei Zeng, Chun Li, Mingjun Wang, Jun Li and Xingzhong Zhao, Synthesis of patterned carbon nanotube arrays for field emission using a two layer Sn/Ni catalyst in an ethanol flame, Diamond and Related Materials, 2009, in press.


1. Chun Li, Guojia Fang*, Jun Li, Lei Ai, Binzhong Dong and Xingzhong Zhao, Effect of Seed Layer on Structural Properties of ZnO Nanorod Arrays Grown by Vapor-Phase Transport, J Phys Chem C, 2008, 112: 990-995.

2. Bin-Zhong Dong, Hao Hu, Guo-Jia Fang, Xing-Zhong Zhao, Da-Yu Zheng, and Yuan-Ping Sun, Comprehensive investigation of structural, electrical, and optical properties for ZnO:Al films deposited at different substrate temperature and oxygen ambient, J Appl Phys, 2008, 103, 073711

3.Guojia Fang, Yanzhao Cheng, Lei Ai, Chun Li, Jun He, Chong Wang, Huihui Huang, Longyan Yuan, and Xingzhong Zhao, Fabrication and electrical and photosensitive properties of silicon nanowire p–n homojunctions, Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) applications and materials science, 2008,205(11)2722–2728.

4. Huimin Gao, Guojia Fang*, Mingjun Wang, Nishuang Liu, Longyan Yuan, Chun Li, Lei Ai, Jing Zhang, Conghua Zhou, Sujuan Wu, Xingzhong Zhao, The effect of growth conditions on the properties of ZnO nanorod dye-sensitized solar cells, Materials Research Bulletin, 2008, 43, 3345–3351

5. Lei Ai, Guojia Fang*, Longyan Yuan, Nishuang Liu, Mingjun Wang,Chun Li, Qilin Zhang, Jun Li, Xingzhong Zhao, Influence of substrate temperature on electrical and optical properties of p-type semitransparent conductive nickel oxide thin films deposited by radio frequency sputtering, Appl. Surf. Sci., 254(2008) 2401–2405

6. Chun Li, Guojia Fang*, Nishuang Liu, Yaoyao Ren, Xingzhong Zhao, Snowflake-like ZnO Structures: Self-assembled Growth and Characterization, Materials Letters,2008, 62(12-13):1761-1764

7. Jun Li, Guojia Fang*, Chun Li, Longyan Yuan, Lei Ai, Nishuang Liu, and Xingzhong Zhao, Synthesis and Photoluminescence, Field emission properties of the stalactite-like ZnS-ZnO complex nanocrystals, ApplPhys A, 2008, 90:759-763

8. Chun Li, Guojia Fang*, Xiaoxia Yang, Nishuang Liu, Yuping Liu and Xingzhong Zhao, Effect of adsorbates on field emission from flame-synthesized carbon nanotubes, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 41(2008) 195401

9. Longyan Yuan, Guojia Fang, Chun Li, Jun Li, Mingjun Wang, Nishuang Liu, Xingzhong Zhao, Field emission enhancement of ZnO nanorod arrays with hafnium nitride coating, Surface & Coatings Technology202(2008) 3480–3484

10. Chun Li, Guojia Fang, Nishuang Liu, Xiaoxia Yang , Xingzhong Zhao, Flame-synthesis of carbon nanotubes on silicon substrates and their field emission properties, Diamond & Related Materials17(2008) 1015–1020

11. Mingjun Wang, Guojia Fang*, Lei Ai, Nishuang Liu, Longyan Yuan, Hai Zhou, Xingzhong Zhao, Fabrication and characterization of p-poly(9, 9-diethylfluorene)/ n-ZnO nanorods hybrid heterojunction,IEEE Nanoelectronics Conference (NEC08), Shanghai, 2008, 24~27 March. IEEE Explore

12. Wei Liu, Sheng Wang, Yu Chen, Guojia Fang, Meiya Li, Xing-zhong Zhao, La0.5Sr0.5CoO3−δ nanotubes sensor for room temperature detection of ammonia,Sensors and Actuators BChemical: 2008, 134(1)62-65

13. Zuci Quan, Sheng Xu, Hao Hu, Wei Liu, Huiming Huang, Bobby Sebo, Guojia Fang, Meiya Li, Xingzhong Zhao,Microstructure and electrical characteristics of Ba0.65Sr0.35TiO3 thin films etched in CF4/Ar/O2 plasma, Microelectronic Engineering, 2008, 85(11):2269-2275

14. Huiming Huang, Yangjun Ou, Sheng Xu, Guojia Fang, Meiya Li and X.Z. Zhao, Properties of Dy-doped ZnO nanocrystalline thin films prepared by pulsed laser deposition, Applied Surface Science, 2008, 254:2013–2016


1. Chun Li, Guojia Fang*, Nishuang Liu, Jun Li, Lei Liao, Fuhai Su,Guohua Li, Xiaoguang Wu, and Xingzhong Zhao, Structural, Photoluminescence and Field Emission Properties of Vertically Well-aligned ZnO Nanorod Arrays, J Phys Chem C, 2007, 111(34):12566-12571

2. Chun Li, Guojia Fang*, Longyan Yuan, Nishuang Liu, Lei Ai, Qi Xiang, Chunxu Pan, Dongshan Zhao, Xingzhong Zhao, Field emission from carbon nanotube bundle arrays grown on self- aligned ZnO nanorods,Nanotechnology, 2007, 18:155702

3. Yanzhao Cheng, Guojia Fang*, Chun Li, Longyan Yuan, Lei Ai, Bingruo Chen, Xingzhong Zhao, Zhiyuan Chen, Weibin Bai, Caimao Zhan, Fabrication and electrical, photosensitive properties of p-poly(9, 9-diethylfluorene)/n-Silicon nanowire heterojunction, J. Appl. Phys., 2007, 102, 083516

4. Bin-Zhong Dong, Guo-Jia Fang*, Jian-Feng Wang, Wen-Jie Guan and Xing-Zhong Zhao, Effect of thickness on structural, electrical and optical properties of ZnO:Al films deposited by Pulsed Laser Deposition,J. Appl. Phys., 2007, 101:33713

5. Chun Li, Guojia Fang*, Wenjie Guan, Xingzhong Zhao, Multipod ZnO 3D microstructures, Materials Letters, 2007, 61:3310-3313.

6. Chun Li, Guojia Fang*, Longyan Yuan, Nishuang Liu, Jun Li, Dejie Li, Xingzhong Zhao, Field electron emission improvement of ZnO nanorod arrays after Ar plasma treatment, ApplSurf Sci, 2007,253(20):8478

7. Longyan Yuan, Guojia Fang*, Chun Li, Mingjun Wang, Nishuang Liu, Lei Ai, Yanzhao Cheng, Huimin Gao, Xingzhong Zhao, Influence of N2 flow ratio on the properties of hafnium nitride thin films prepared by DC magnetron sputtering, ApplSurf Sci, 2007,253(20):8538

8. HuimingHuang, Xuefeng Ruan, Guojia Fang, Meiya Li and X Z Zhao,Influence of annealing on structural, electrical and optical properties of Dy-doped ZnO thin films, J Phys D, 2007,40(22):7041

International conference paper:

9. Chun Li, Guojia Fang*, Dejie Li, Xingzhong Zhao, Enhanced field emission of ZnO nanorod arrays by Ar plasma treatment, Proceedings of Asia Display, 2007, 1:664-668, March 12~16, Shanghai

10. Guojia Fang, Chun Li, Longyan Yuan, Fuhai Su, Guohua Li, and Xingzhong Zhao, Characterization and temperature-dependent photoluminescence of vertically aligned ZnO nanorods prepared by hydrothermal method, China Nano 2007, International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology, Beijing, June 4~6, 2007, p78~79

11. Chun Li, Yaoyao Ren, Guojia Fang*, Self-assembled growth and characterization: snowflake-like ZnO, China Nano 2007, International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology, Beijing, June 4~6, 2007, p255~256

12. Guojia Fang, Chun Li, Mingjun Wang, Nishuang Liu,Jun Li, and Xingzhong Zhao, Synthesis, Optical and Field Electron Emission Properties of Low-dimensional ZnO Nano-structure,The 10th Asian Symposium on Information Display (ASID 2007), Singapore,August 2~August 3,2007,p124(Invited talk)


一种基于硅纳米线的异质pn结二极管及其制备方法(ZL 200610019782.9)


1. 一种n-ZnO纳米线/p-NiO异质pn结二极管及其制备方法, (200810197016.0)

2. 场发射阴极碳纳米管发射阵列的制备方法(200810046758.3)

3. 一种复合场致电子发射材料及其制备方法和用途(200710051232.X)

4. 一种碳纳米管阵列场发射阴极的制备方法。(200710168360.2)

5. 一种硅纳米线同质pn结二极管及其制备方法(CN1889274)

6. 一种n硅纳米线/p导电有机物异质pn结二极管及其制备方法(CN1917251)

7. 一种透明导电薄膜及其制备方法(200910060576.6)


(1) 国家863计划,太阳能电池有机无机复合p型薄膜材料与电极材料, (2009AA03Z219), 2009~2011.

(2) 江苏省自然科学基金, 有机无机太阳能电池中空穴传输层及电极材料的研究, (BK2009143), 2009~2011.

(3) 高等学校博士学科点基金项目, 一维ZnO纳米单晶阵列-碳纳米管复合场发射阴极(20070486015), 2008~2010.

(4) 传感器国家重点实验室开放课题,基于氧化锌低维纳米结构的紫外探测器(skt608), 2007~2009

(5) 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金,氧化锌纳米单晶阵列及生物检测(教外司留[2008]101号),2008-2009


多篇论文被国际国内刊物他人引用。多次获湖北省自然科学优秀学术论文。目前在国家自然科学基金、湖北省新世纪高层次人才计划资助下,主要从事纳米岛光刻技术(Island Lithography)及硅纳米器件、氧化物半导体低维纳米结构及发光显示器件、宽禁带半导体光电子薄膜及场致电子发射器件等方面的研究工作。现为国际信息显示器协会(SID)会员、全国高协组织教材研究与编写委员会委员、湖北省青年科技工作者协会理事、国家自然科学基金委信息学部、数理学部、材料科学与工程学部通讯评审专家。





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