词条 | Edward Y. M. Zhu |
释义 | Edward Y. M. Zhu先生有超过20年的从商经验,是熙可集团的创始人及首席执行官。在朱演铭先生(Edward Y. M. Zhu)任职于熙可CEO期间,他提供了国际视野,全球战略,领导能力,商业模式,配套制度,系统实施以及熙可文化的角色楷模等作用。在其中西结合的管理与领导经验下,熙可成为了一家极具领先优势的前沿公司,其合作伙伴都是各行业中的领导品牌如DEL MONTE USA; 亨氏, 可口可乐, Yum,SPECTRUM BRANDS等。 人生经历朱演铭先生(Edward Y. M. Zhu)是中欧国际工商学院EMBA毕业生和杰出校友,他常常被邀请到中欧国际工商学院的高层经理培训课程给一些中国知名企业的CEO和CFO教授财务课程EVA(经济增加值)。在朱演铭先生(Edward Y. M. Zhu)早期的职业发展历程中,他在斯坦福大学、沃顿商学院也接受过金融、营销、供应链管理、人力资源管理和综合管理等相关课程培训。 · 1996至1999年,朱演铭先生(Edward Y. M. Zhu)为Dr. Martens Airwair中国有限公司的独立执行董事。在3年的时间里,他定位和命名了一个名叫“Doc-Martens”的流行时尚鞋类品牌。Dr. Martens是世界第一的非运动时尚鞋品牌的市场营销公司,在中国取得了前所未有的成功。 · 1995至1999年 创始人及总裁——熙可物流是一家总部位于上海的中国物流企业,其物流服务是当时中国物流网络覆盖面最广的中国物流企业。熙可物流是中国供应商管理库存服务理念的先驱。 · 1993至1995年 副总裁——中美投资发展有限公司是一家位于美国加州旧金山的投资发展公司。朱演铭先生(Edward Y. M. Zhu)负责与中国企业的谈判和尽职调查。 · 1992至1994年 总经理——ATF货运国际有限公司,是一家位于美国加州的货运物流公司。 集团简介熙可集团总部设立在中国上海,分部遍及美洲、欧洲、大洋洲、亚洲和东南亚,是一家以食品、农业、全供应链整合管理为主营业务的跨国集团公司。 熙可集团于1995年进入中国,目前在国内外有19家分公司、8家下属工厂,在全球拥有超过450多名管理人员和10000多名员工。业务涉及食品、农业、园艺、医疗、全供应链管理、生态城乡统筹的投资与发展六大领域。熙可食品是我国最大的酸性水果出口加工商,生产的加工柑橘占美国45%的市场份额。 熙可集团定位于一家SIMIS公司,即向全球合作伙伴提供商业解决方案(Solution),投资(Investment),管理(Management),创新(Innovation)及服务(Service)。做为一家立足于全供应链整合管理的SIMIS公司,熙可为我们的全球战略合作伙伴创造了巨大价值。 集团实体规模在重庆拥有一家企业橄榄种植园(25000亩),以及一家橄榄苗圃园和采穗圃(170亩)。 在湖南有一家7800亩的柑橘类水果(柑橘)企业种植园 在江西有一家1000亩的柑橘类水果(柑橘)示范园 在安徽有一家500亩的落叶类水果(梨、桃)示范园 在山东有一家蓝莓的示范园。 六家国际规模的控股水果加工厂 一家控股的超高压食品加工设备生产厂 一家控股的合资公司专业生产园艺产品 主要领域熙可携农熙可携农农业科技有限公司专门从事水果、蔬菜,养殖等农副产品的研发,生产、加工、流通和出口的农业产业化企业。熙可携农以其专业知识,追求实施有机,环保,生态,节能,减碳的可循环,可持续农业。积极参与协助政府解决三农问题,打造新风尚乐活宜居的生态统筹城乡。 熙可食品熙可食品致力于农业,加工,研发,食品供应链管理,全球市场优质食品的销售,以及中国机构和零售食品服务等方面。熙可食品是我国最大的酸性水果出口加工商,生产的加工柑橘占美国45%的市场份额。其产品包括新鲜水果,加工水果,HPP果汁,调味品,蔬菜,宠物零食等。熙可食品是中国首屈一指的水果加工企业。基于全球化的市场营销以及产品、服务和业务模式的创新竞争优势,熙可食品已成为中国加工水果行业的领导者。 中英对照Mr. Edward Yan Ming Zhu Group Chief Executive Officer – Chiic & Chic Group Mr. Zhu(Edward Y. M. Zhu) has more than 20 years of business experience including that of a manager, a leader, an entrepreneur, a financier, an investor, a supply chain management expert, a manufacturer, and a founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Chic Group. China Holdings in International Commerce International (CHIIC), is an international company, established in 1996 with its headquarters located in Shanghai, China. It’s humble beginning with that of a freight forwarding and logistic company, has evolved into a diversified conglomerate with subsidiaries focused on food, agriculture, home and garden products, medical equipments, supply chain management solution and execution, and Ecological Integrated Rural-Urbanization investment and development. Chic Group is positioned as a SIMIS company, providing Solution, Investment, Management, Innovation, and Services to its strategic partners throughout the world. Chic Group is a SIMIS company sitting on top of the end-to-end supply chains, creating value for its strategic partners in the focused industries today. In Mr. Zhu’s(Edward Y. M. Zhu) capacity as Chic Group CEO, he provides the global vision, strategy, leadership, policies, system implementation, and role model of Chic’s culture. With management and leadership experience in the U.S. and China, Mr. Zhu(Edward Y. M. Zhu) has built Chic Group into a leading edge company whose clients and corporate partners are brand leaders in their industry sectors including DEL MONTE USA; HEINZ, SPECTRUM BRANDS, Coca Cola, Yum . Mr. Zhu(Edward Y. M. Zhu) is an Honored Executive MBA Graduate and frequent guest lecturer at the China European International Business School in Shanghai. He teaches the subject of EVA (Economic Value Added) in Finance as an invited visiting lecturer at EDP department of CEIBS, to the CFOs of CEOs of today’s Chinese leaders. CEIBS is one of the top 10 schools in the Global MBA Rankings conducted by Financial Times, right on the same level of Wharton, Harvard, Stanford and Insead. Mr. Edward Yan Ming Zhu also attended many relevant Executive Education and Training Programs at Stanford University and Wharton Business School in his early years of career development, in Finance, Marketing, Supply Chain Management, Human Resource Management, General Management. Mr. Zhu(Edward Y. M. Zhu) sits on the advisory board of CEIBS. In 2009 at CEIBS’s 15th anniversary celebration, Mr. Zhu(Edward Y. M. Zhu) was awarded as one of the most outstanding alumni in contribution to CEIBS ever since the school was established. His various innovative ways of sponsoring CEIBS and the LDF program (Chic’s MBA Leadership Development Fund) creates a sustainable sponsorship model to CEIBS in a very long run. |
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