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6、指导博士生论文“A statistical approach in studying wicking behavior of fibrous structures”获第6届亚洲纺织大会“Outstanding Student Paper”奖,2001年













1、 Representation of 3D woven structures by parametric method. Journal of Donghua University (English Edition), 2005, 22(1): 67-70

2、Optimizing analysis in the bending rigidity of CFRP circular plate with multiple holes. Materials Science Forum. 2005, Vols. 475-479: 1055

3、On criterions for smoothed particle hydrodynamics kernels in stable field. Journal of Computational Physics, 2005, 202(2): 699-709

4、光氧老化对聚丙烯长丝蠕变行为的影响. 东华大学学报, 2004, 30(6): 50-53

5、Mechanism of strain rate effect on tensile behavior of fibres. Proceedings of the 2 International Textile, Clothing and Design Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia, October 2004, 69-72

6、Effect of surface free energy of liquid on wicking in fiber bundle. Proceedings of the 2 International Textile, Clothing and Design Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia, October 2004, 467-470

7、Simulation of tensile performance of 3D braided fabrics. Proceedings of the 2 International Textile, Clothing and Design Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia, October 2004, 675-680

8、Correlation between accelerated ageing and outdoor exposure of polypropylene Geotextiles. Proceedings of the 2 International Textile, Clothing and Design Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia, October 2004, 825-829

9、 聚苯胺/氨纶防护导电纤维的制备工艺探讨. 东华大学学报, 2004, 30(6): 87-90, 95

10、 短纤维强力的概率分布分析. 东华大学学报, 2004, 30(4): 46-48, 75

11、 纺织品紫外线防护性能的影响因素研究. 东华大学学报, 2004, 30(3): 81-85

12、Permutation analysis of track and column braiding. Journal of Donghua University (English Edition), 2004, 21(2): 34-37

13、 Conventional approach on manufacturing 3D woven preforms used for composites. Journal of Industrial Textiles, 2004, 34(1): 39-50

14、 Monte carlo simulation of the fracture of plain fabric under biaxial extension. Proceedings of the Textile Institute 83 World Conference, Shanghai, China, May 2004, 196-198

15、Experimental investigations of tensile behavior of multi-filament yarn. Proceedings of the Textile Institute 83 World Conference, Shanghai, China, May 2004, 309-311

16、Modeling elastic performance of 3D woven composites. Proceedings of the Textile Institute 83 World Conference, Shanghai, China, May 2004, 960-964

17、Correlation between intrinsic viscosity and tensile strength of polypropylene geo-textiles under ageing conditions. Proceedings of the Textile Institute 83 World Conference, Shanghai, China, May 2004, 1099-1102

18、黄麻纤维增强聚丙烯的力学性能. 玻璃钢/复合材料, 2004, 2: 3-5

19、浸渍过程中树脂流体在纤维集合体内的流动行为. 复合材料学报, 2003, 20(6): 109-114

20、三维机织结构的几何模型. 复合材料学报, 2003, 20(5): 108-113

21、三维机织复合材料弹性性能预报模型. 力学学报, 2003, 35(5): 569-577

22、Influence of manufacturing process of warp-knitted vascular prosthesis on the wall homogeneity. Journal of Donghua University (English Edition), 2003, 20(2): 9-13

23、Evaluation of photo-oxidation of polypropylene geo-textiles. Proceedings of the 5 International Conference on Textile Science, Liberec, Czech Republic, June 2003, 54-56

24、Model to simulate performances of fiber bundle under tensile impact. Proceedings of the 5 International Conference on Textile Science, Liberec, Czech Republic, June 2003, 57-59

25、Study on the homogeneity of tubular wall of warp-knitted vascular prostheses. Proceedings of the 5 International Conference on Textile Science, Liberec, Czech Republic, June 2003, 463-466

26、三维编织复合材料抗侵彻性能―准静态侵彻实验与弹道侵彻有限元计算的对比. 东华大学学报, 2003, 29(4): 1-4

27、三维机织几何结构的数值表征. 东华大学学报, 2003, 29(3): 15-19

28、几种纤维强度的概率分布分析.青岛大学学报, 2003, 18(2): 42-45

29、经编人造血管的制备工序对管壁性能均匀性的影响. 东华大学学报, 2003, 29(2): 1-5

30、三维板状机织预成形件的设计与试织. 棉纺织技术, 2003, 31(5): 23-27

31、人造血管的生物力学性能表征.纺织学报, 2003, 24(1): 7-9

32、Flexural fatigue performance of 3D woven composites. Journal of Advanced Materials, 2003, 35(1): 25-28

33、Analysis of fluid flow through fibrous structures. Textile Research Journal, 2002, 72(9): 751-755

34、On the optimization of training parameters of BP network for modeling 3D woven composites.Journal of Advanced Materials, 2002, 34(3): 3-8

35、Model to analyze in-plane liquid flowing through fibrous assemblies. Proceedings of the 1 International Textile, Clothing and Design Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia, October 2002, 446-451

36、Flexural fatigue performance of 3D woven composite. Proceedings of the 3 Asian-Australasian Conference on Composite Materials, Auckland, New Zealand, July 2002, 761-766

37、纺织复合材料强度的概率分布预测. 青岛大学学报, 2002, 17(3): 42-48

38、 矩形及其组合横截面立体编织物四步法编织纱线运动模拟. 东华大学学报, 2002, 28(2): 71-76

39、Basofil/棉纤维混纺研究. 纺织学报, 2001, 22(6): 21-22

40、Modeling and analyzing liquid wetting in fibrous assemblies.Textile Research Journal, 2001, 71(9): 762-766

41、Model to study resin impregnation process of premix made of friction spun core yarn.Journal of Donghua University (English Edition), 2001, 18(2): 1-4

42、纤维集合体内液体浸润的统计力学模型. 物理化学学报, 2001,17(8):682-686

43、土工合成材料的老化性能研究. 合成材料老化与应用, 2001,2:34-39

44、三维机织复合材料力学性能研究进展. 力学进展, 2001,31(2):161-171

45、Parametric representation of 3D woven structure.Proceedings of the 6 Asian Textile Conference, Hong Kong, China, August 2001, No.103

46、A statistical approach in studying wicking behavior of fibrous structures.Proceedings of the 6 Asian Textile Conference, Hong Kong, China, August 2001, No.206

47、Geometric analysis of 3D woven structures and determination of fiber volume fraction.Proceedings of the 13 International Conference on Composite Materials, Beijing, China, June 2001, ID 1039

48、Iimproving adaptive learning rate of BP neural network for the modeling of 3D woven composites using the golden section law. Journal of Donghua University (English Edition), 2001, 18(1): 81-84




2、新型三维编织机,发明专利, 2003年




2、剑杆织机原理与使用( 编著: 陈元甫, 洪海沧),中国纺织出版社, 1994年







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