词条 | 地理石 |
释义 | 中文名:地理石 英文名:Geography Stone 是对自然石材划分的一种统称。 地理石是指在地理环境中自然形成的珍贵石材,他们分布世界各国,其纹理与色泽是亿万年的地壳变迁中经高温、高压、风化、雨蚀等自然因素而形成,被称为“天地纹理的石纪”。因其具有强烈的自然纹路和鲜明的地理色泽,被视为是石材中的珍品。 马可波罗文化陶瓷历时4年多的家居空间和地理文化探索,并以“地理”之名取材大自然的原汁原味与鬼斧神工,以“石”文化的匠心设计构筑唯美空间,最终在世界各国优选并推出“石”尚名作——地理石。 Geography Stone is precious stone material which formed in natural geography environment,they exist in every world's countries ,its vein and color formed after high temperature、high pressure、efflorescence、damp weathering of crustal movement from immemorial ages ,so they deserved "stone record of nature's vein" . Geography stone is regard as precious because of its strong nature streaks and vivid color. After 4 years home space and geography culture exploring ,and in the name of "geography" sourcing from nature's authentic purity and creatation,based on "stone "culture to design and contruct artistic space, strictly choose material from world's countries , Marco Polo Cultural Ceramics bring the stone fashion classics -- geography stone finally. 感谢阿尔卑斯山,感谢热带雨林,感谢沙漠。。。 带来2500万年地理石的选材灵感! 有人说马可波罗是地质学家,有人说他是探险家,其实在马可波罗文化陶瓷的眼中,他是一个地理的自然发现家。早在2006年,马可波罗文化陶瓷就组建由70多名设计师组成的地理发现“marcopolo discoveries”团队,奔赴世界各地专业发掘大自然原汁原味的地理美学,为马可波罗文化陶瓷取材大自然提供无限可能。 在世界地理的版图上,我们在阿尔卑斯山脉雪峰的深处发现黑金花的傲雅,在威尼斯海岸的悬崖上发现岁月的沧桑与柔和,在穿越赤道雨林中惊叹被自然洗礼之后的娇颜,也在激情与奔放的西班牙斗牛场发现珊瑚红的经典,还有来自神奇国度土耳其的超凡与淡雅…… 陶瓷的创作就是一次地理文化的探索之旅,这就是地理石系列诞生的起源。当然对于马可波罗文化陶瓷的家居空间与地理文化探索与发现,这只是一个开始…… 黑金花:源于石材王国意大利的阿尔卑斯山,是马可波罗地理石之精品。承袭天然黑金花的各项完美属性:以纯黑为底色,金色花纹,花样自然高雅,立体感强。源于石材而胜于石材,彰显高贵时尚。 Portoro Series:originate from stone kingdom Italian Alps ,which is quality products , inherit te the perfect nature from Portoro, golden vein with pure black background. it come from stone but much perfect than stone nature with its natural and elegant style. 丁香米黄:灵感源自经典如玉的土耳其米黄石。意境幽雅,清新灵动;色调柔和温暖、白中有微黄,淡雅脱俗,特有的色泽和富有幻想的纹理图案,给人以高雅脱俗、温馨舒适的感觉。 Toprak Beige Series : Spirits originate from Turkish Botticino,its color is warm white with little yellow, unique color and vein style take outstanding and comfort feeling to people. 威尼斯米黄:以威尼斯米黄石为创作蓝本,经由马可波罗文化陶瓷先进的工艺技术打造,效果胜过天然米黄系列石材,色泽柔和,纹理均匀细致,让空间安静柔和,弥漫着优雅、奢华的味道。 Venice Cream :its creatation based on Venice Cream Stone, processed by Marco Polo Cultural Ceramics advaced technology , its perfomance is more excellent than natural stone, soft color and even streaks bring quiet and luxious elegance to space . 珊瑚红:灵感源于世界上最著名的红色大理石——西班牙珊瑚红。纹理纵横交错,宛如蝉翼上的纹理,具轻盈飘逸之美;光泽度高,透露出玉石质感,将空间的华丽典雅、高档自然展露无遗。 Coral Series : originate from world most famouse red marble -Spanish coral , it brings luxurious and elegant nature effect with crossed vein and jade texture. 珊瑚金:源于西班牙顶级红品的设计灵感。独特的金红色,华美柔和;金色纹理纵横交织,呈现出原始古朴的自然风貌;色泽丰润凝厚,花纹自然清晰,具有华丽高雅,奢华大方的装饰效果。 Coral Golden: originate from Spanish top coral , it brings luxurious and elegant effect with crossed vein and original nature. 雨林绿:源于印度,具有东南亚热带雨林之色泽和纹理。以墨绿为底色,表面有宛如被雨水冲刷后留下的道道褐色纹理,深浅不一,纵横交错,为现代建筑空间增添自然清爽的气息。 Rain Forest Green :originate from India ,its color and vein like tropical rain forest in Southeast Asia , black green background and brown line surface like be washed by rain water,so that recalling fresh nature flavors. 雨林啡:源于印度,具有东南亚热带雨林之色泽和纹理。砖面呈橙黄色,纹理深邃有力,表面粗糙大气,具粗犷之美,独具历史岁月的痕迹,有一种古朴的、回归自然的亲切感。 Rain Forest Coffee Series : originate from India which color and vein like tropical rain forest in Southeast Asia ,its orange surface and deep strong lines bring a long history and amiable nature feeling. 卡拉卡塔:原产地意大利,是意大利白色大理石中的顶级产品。石相为底色纯白,灰线带金丝。色调柔和温馨,宛如一幅天然的水墨山水画,将玉石质感表现得淋漓尽致,为空间带来高品位装饰效果。 Calacatta Series : originate from Italy , it is top Italian white marble,pure white background and gray vein with golden silk,whick like natural ink painting bring excellent jade effect to space. |
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