

词条 邓小燕

博士,教授,博士生导师。1975年大学本科毕业于华中科技大学,1982年毕业于成都科技大学工程力学系,获生物力学专业硕士学位(是我国第一位被授予生物力学硕士学位的研究生)。1991年毕业于加拿大麦吉尔大学(McGill University)化学工程系及临床研究所,获生物医学工程专业博士学位。1991年至1995年在加拿大魁北克拉瓦尔大学生物材料研究所从事博士后研究工作,1995年至2000年任加拿大魁北克拉瓦尔大学生物材料研究所研究员兼职拉瓦尔大学医学院外科系研究教授,曾任重庆大学生物工程学院教授,院长,现为北京航空航天大学生物工程系教授。


1/1986-10/1991年 生物医学工程专业 博士

加拿大麦吉尔大学 (McGill University),化学工程系及临床研究所

12/1982 年 生物力学专业 硕士


10/1975 年 毕业文凭



2001—现在 北京航空航天大学生物工程系 教授

7/1995--11/2000 加拿大魁北克拉瓦尔大学生物材料研究所 研究员

加拿大魁北克拉瓦尔大学医学院外科系 科研教授

11/1991--6/1995 加拿大魁北克拉瓦尔大学生物材料研究所 博士后

1/1983—6/1985 成都科技大学 (现四川大学)

工程力学系生物力学教研室 助教

1978–9/1980 四川省环境保护研究所 助理工程师

10/1975 --1978 西南核反应堆研究设计院 反应堆操纵员


计算力学学报 编委;中国生物物理学会生物流变学专业委员会 委员






1. Deng X.Y. (1983) Investigation on electrochemical measurement of wall shear stresses in the flow field of cardiac valve prostheses. Proceedings of the Second Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics, Beijing, China. (EI检索)

2. Kang, Z.H. and Deng X.Y. Swirling jet rate sensor and its flow field (1985) In: Fluid Control and Measurement, edited by M. Harada, Pergamon Press, Oxford, England, pp. 599-609.(EI检索)

3. Deng, X.Y., King, M. and Guidoin, R. (1993) Localization of atherogenesis at arterial junctions - Modeling the release rate of low density lipoproteins (LDL) and its breakdown products accumulated in blood vessel walls. American Society for Artificial Internal Organs (ASAIO) Journal 39: 489-495.

4. Chakfé, N., Marois, Y., Guidoin, R., Deng, X.Y., Marois, M., Roy, R. and Douville, Y. (1993) Biocompatibility and biofunctionality of a gelatin impregnated polyester arterial prosthesis. Polymer and Polymer Composites, 1, 229-251. (EI检索)

5. Deng, X.Y., Marois, Y., King, W. M. and Guidoin, R. (1994) Uptake of 3H-7-cholesterol along the arterial wall at an area of stenosis. ASAIO Journal 40: 186-191. (EI检索)

6. Dadgar, L., Deng, X.Y., King, M., Marois, Y., Martin, L. and Guidoin, R. (1994) Longitudinal forces acting on a knitted polyester arterial prosthesis when implanted as a thoracic aorta substitute in the dog. J. Invest. Surg. 7: 377-391.

7. Deng, X.Y., Marois, Y., How, T., Merhi, Y., King, W. M. and Guidoin, R. (1995) Luminal surface concentration of lipoprotein (LDL) and its effect on the wall uptake of cholesterol by canine carotid arteries. J. Vasc. Surg. 21: 135-145. (SCI检索)

8. Deng, X.Y., King, W. M. and Guidoin, R. (1995) Localized atherogenesis at arterial junctions-Concentration distribution of low density lipoproteins (LDL) at the luminal surface in the region of disturbed flow. ASAIO Journal, 41: 58-67. (EI检索)

9. King, M., Marois, Y., Guidoin, R., Ukpabi, P., Deng, X.Y., Martin, L., Paris, E. and Douville, Y. (1995) Evaluating the Dialine® vascular prosthesis knitted from an alternative source of polyester yarns. J. Biomed. Mater. Res. 29: 595-610. (EI, SCI检索)

10. Dadgar, L., Downs, A. R. Deng, X.Y., Marois, Y., King, M. and Guidoin, R. (1995) Longitudinal forces acting at side-to-end and end-to-side anastomoses when a knitted polyester arterial prosthesis is implanted in the dog. J. Invest. Surg. 8: 163-178. (SCI检索)

11. Ukpabi, P., Marois, Y., King, M., Deng, X.Y., Martin, L., Laroche, G., Douville, Y. and Guidoin, R. (1995) The GelweaveR polyester arterial prosthesis. Can. J. Surg. 38: 322-331. (SCI检索)

12. Marois, Y., Chakfé, N., Deng, X.Y., King, M.W., Marois, M. and Guidoin, R. (1995) Carbodiimide cross-linked gelatin, a new coating for porous polyester arterial prosthesis. Biomaterials 16: 1131-1139. (EI, SCI检索)

13. Deng, X.Y., Stroman, P.W. and Guidoin, R. (1996) Theoretical modelling of the release rate of low-density lipoprotein and their breakdown products at arterial stenoses. Clinical and Investigative Medicine 19: 83-91. (SCI检索)

14. Deng, X.Y., Marois, Y., Guidoin, R., Merhi, Y., Stroman, P., King, M. and Douville, Y. (1996) Efficiency of external wrap to reduce lipid infiltration into venous grafts: in vitro evaluation. Artificial Organs 20: 1208-1214. (SCI检索)

15. Karino, T. and Deng, X. Y. and Naiki, T. (1995) Flow-dependent concentration polarization of lipoproteins at the blood-endothelium boundary. Proceedings of the 1995 Bioengineering Conference, Beaver Creek, Colorado, USA, pp. 13-14. (EI检索)

16. Guidoin, R., Marois, Y., Deng, X.Y., Chakfé, N., Marois, M., Roy, R., King, M., and Douville, Y. (1996) Can collagen-impregnated polyester arterial prostheses be recommended as blood conduits of small diameter? ASAIO Journal 42: 974-983. (EI, SCI检索)

17. Ghalichi, F., Deng, X. Y., Marois, Y., De Champlain, A. and Guidoin, R. (1996) Hemodynamic performance of polyester protein-impregnated arterial prostheses after implantation: A plea for faster resorption of the coating. Proceedings of The Canadian Medical and Biological Engineering Society Conference, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada, pp. 68-69.

18. Dadgar, L., Marois, Y., Deng, X.Y. and Guidoin, R. (1997) Arterial wall mechanical characteristics after treatment with collagenase: an in vitro aneurysm model. Clinical and Investigative Medicine 20: 25-34 (SCI检索).

19. Yang, M., Deng, X.Y., Zhang, Z., Julien, M., Pelletier, F., Desaulniers, D., Cossette, R., Teijeira, F., Laroche, G. and Guidoin, R. (1997) Are intraaortic balloons suitable for reuse? A survey study of 127 used intraaortic balloons. Artificial Organs 21: 121-130. (SCI检索)

20. Guidoin, R., King, M., Marois, Y., Ukpabi, P., Deng, X.Y., Zhang, Z., Yang, C., Badour, B., Laroche, G. and Martin, L. (1997) Polyester arterial prostheses: Recent developments from the Czech Republic and Poland. ASAIO Journal 43: 69-83. (EI, SCI检索)

21. Guidoin, R., Deng, X.Y., and Marois, Y. (1997) Failure modes and performance of synthetic, autologous and endovascular grafts. ASAIO Journal 43: 239-241. (EI, SCI检索)

22. Marois, Y., Guidoin, R., Deng, X.Y., King, M., Martin, L. and Roy, R. (1997) The Dialine II, A new collagen-impregnated warp-knitted polyester arterial prosthesis. Ann. Vasc. Surg. 11: 133-140. (SCI检索)

23. Yang, M., Deng, X.Y., Laroche, G., Hahn, C., King, M. and Guidoin, R. (1997) A capillary method to measure water transmission through polyurethane membranes. ASAIO Journal. 43: 890-896. (EI, SCI检索)

24. Deng, X.Y, Marois, Y, Guidoin, R. (1998) Fluid Filtration Across the Arterial Wall under Flow Conditions: Is Wall Shear Rate Another Factor Affecting Filtration Rate? Annals of New York Academy of Sciences 858: 105-115. (SCI检索)

25. Fatouraee, N. Deng, X.Y., De Champlain, A. and Guidoin, R. (1998) Concentration polarization in the arterial system. Annals of New York Academy of Sciences 858: 137-146. (SCI)

26. Ghalichi, F., Deng, X.Y., De Champlain, A., Douville, Y., King, M. and Guidoin, R. (1998) Low Reynolds number turbulence modeling of blood flow in arterial stenoses. Biorheology 35: 281-294. (SCI检索)

27. Ghalichi, F., Deng, X.Y., Marois, Y., De Champlain, A., King, M and Guidoin, R. (1998) Theoretical prediction on hemodynamic performance of polyester protein-impregnated arterial prostheses after implantation: A plea for faster resorption of the coating. ASAIO Journal 45: 18-24. (EI, SCI检索)

28. Marois, Y., Zhang, Z., Vert, M., Deng, X.Y., Lenz, R. and Guidoin, R. (1999) Effect of sterization on the physical and structural characteristics of polyhydroxyoctanoate (PHO). Journal of Biomaterials Science: Polymer Edition 10: 469-482.(SCI检索)

29. Marois, Y., Zhang, Z., Vert, M., Deng, X.Y., Lenz, R. and Guidoin, R. (1999) Hydrolytic and enzymatic incubation of polyhydroxyoctanoate (PHO): A short-term in vitro study of a degradable bacterial polyester. Journal of Biomaterials Science: Polymer Edition 10: 483-499 (SCI检索).

30. Deng, X.Y., Marinov, G., Marois, Y. and Guidoin, R. (1999) Mechanical characteristics of the canine thoracic duct: What are the driving forces of the lymph flow? Biorheology 36, 391-399. (SCI检索)

31. Marois, Y., Zhang, Z., Vert, M., Deng, X.Y., Lenz, R. and Guidoin, R. (2000). Mechanism and rate of degradation of polyhydroxyoctanoate films in aqueous media: A long-term in vitro study. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research 49, 216-224. (EI, SCI检索)

32. Deng X.Y. and Guidoin R. (2000) Alternative blood conduits: could the porosity of synthetic prostheses be the key to long-term biofunctionality? Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 38, 219-225. (EI, SCI检索)

33. Wang, G.X., Cai, S.X., Deng X.Y., Ouyang, K., Xie, G.M. and Guidoin R (2000) Secretory response of endothelin-1 in cultured human glomerular microvascular endothelial cells to shear stress. Biorheology 37, 291-299. (SCI检索)

34. Wang, G.X., Deng X.Y. and Guidoin R (2002) Concentration polarization of macromolecules in canine carotid arteries and its implication for the localization of atherogenesis. Journal of Biomechanics (付印).

35. Deng X.Y. and Wang, G.X. (2002) 动脉系统中致动脉粥样性脂质的浓度极化现象。 《中国科学》(中英文版) (付印).

36. Deng X.Y. (2002) 动脉狭窄内低密度脂蛋白传输的数值研究:LDL的浓度极化现象。《计算力学》 (付印).

著述 (Book chapters)

1. Guidoin, R., King, M., Deng, X.Y., Paris, E. and Douville, Y. (1992) Les protheses arterielles en polyester: Une fibre unique pour des modèles variés. In: Les Substituts Arteriels, Edited by Edouard Kieffer, AERCV, Paris, pp. 3-51.

2. Paris, E., King, M., Guidion, R., Delorme, J., Deng, X.Y., and Douville, Y. (1994) Innovations and deviations in therapeutic vascular devices. In: Polymeric Materials for Biomedical Applications. Edited by Severian Dumitriu. Marcel Dekker Inc. (New York), pp.245-275.

3. Deng, X.Y. and Guidoin, R. (1998) Engineering data on human arteries, veins and lymphatic vessels. In: Handbook of Biomaterials Properties. Edited by Black, J. and Hastings, G.W., Chapman&Hall, London, pp. 81-105


1. Deng, X. Y. and Karino, T. (1986) Flow patterns at venous junctions and their implication in the pathogenesis of venous thrombosis. Biorheology 23, 222. (SCI 检索)

2. Deng, X. Y. and Karino, T. (1988) Mass transfer to and from the vessel wall distal to a sudden tubular expansion. World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, San Antonio, Texas, USA.

3. Deng, X. Y. and Karino, T. (1988) Fluid dynamics and mass transfer to and from the vessel wall in the models of arterial stenoses. World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, San Antonio, Texas, USA.

4. Deng, X. Y. and Karino, T. (1989) Theoretical study on flow and mass transfer to and from the vessel wall in an axisymmetric arterial stenosis. Biorheology 26, 597.

5. Deng, X. Y. and Karino, T. (1989) Effects of steady laminar recirculation flows on mass transfer from a flowing fluid to a semi-permeable vessel wall. Biorheology 26, 604.

6. Karino T. and Deng X. (1990) Lipoprotein concentration at the blood-endothelium boundary and its implications for the pathogenesis of vascular diseases. J. Japanese College of Angiology 30, 710.

7. Deng, X. Y., King, M. and Guidoin, R. (1993) Localized atherogenesis at arterial junctions - Modeling the effect of flow disturbances on the transfer of low density lipoproteins (LDL). The 39th Annual Meeting of ASAIO, New Orleans, USA, p. 119.

8. Deng, X. Y., King, M. and Guidoin, R. (1993) Localized atherogenesis at arterial junctions - Modeling the effect of flow disturbances on the transfer of low density lipoproteins (LDL). The 39th Annual Meeting of ASAIO, New Orleans, USA, p. 119.

9. Ukpabi, P., King, M., Deng, X. Y., Marois, Y., Martin, L. and Guidoin, R. (1993) Biofunctionality and biostability of new polyester vascular prostheses. The 14th Annual Canadian Biomaterials Society Conference, Hamilton, Canada, p. 1.

10. Guidoin, R., Marois, Y., King , M., Ukpabi, P., Deng, X. Y., Martin, L., Laroche, G., Douville, Y. and Awad, J. (1994) The Gel Weave polyester arterial prosthesis. The 40th Annual Meeting of ASAIO, San Francisco, USA, p. 18.

11. Dadgar, L., Deng, X. Y., and Guidoin, R. (1994) Flow induced wall vibration: a mechanical factor which could cause the formation of anastomotic false aneurysms. The 15th Annunal Canadian Biomaterials Society Conference, Quebec, Canada, p. 35.

12. Deng, X. Y., Marois, Y., Guidoin, R., King, W. M. and Douville, Y. (1994) Effect of pressure on filtration property and 3H-cholesterol uptake rate of blood vessel walls by blood vessel walls. The 15th Annual Canadian Biomaterials Society Conference, Quebec, Canada, p. 39.

13. Marois, Y., Deng, X. Y., King, M. and Guidoin, R. (1995) In vitro and in vivo characterization of a new polyester arterial prosthesis sealed with irradiated collagen. ASAIO Journal (Suppl): p. 110.

14. Deng, X. Y., Marois, Y., Guidoin, R., Merhi, Y., Stroman, P., King, M. and Douville Y. (1995) Rigid external support can prevent vein grafts from atherosclerosis by reducing lipid infiltration. Artificial Organs, 19: p. 1062.

15. Yang, M., Deng, X. Y., Julien, M., Zhang, Z., Desaulniers, D. and Guidoin, R. (1995) Physical and chemical characterization of used polyurethane intraaortic balloon: a survey study of 127 used intraaortic balloons. Artificial Organs, 19: p. 1048.

16. Deng, X. Y., Guidoin, R. and Marois, Y. (1996) The static properties of the canine thoracic duct. The 5th World Biomaterials Congress Vol. II, p. 382. (EI检索)

17. Yang, M., Deng, X. Y., Guidoin, R. (1996) Water permeability of polyurethane membranes. The 5th World Biomaterials Congress Vol. II, p. 820. (EI检索)

18. Deng, X. Y., Karino, T. and Guidoin, R. (1996) Particle adhesion to a semi-permeable wall exposed to flow disturbance: Simulation of the transport of blood components. Haemostasis Vol. 26, Abstact 218.

19. Marois, Y., Vert, M., Zhang, Z., Deng, X. Y., Lenz, R. and Guidoin, R. (1996) Degradability of polyhydroxyoctanoate films: An hydrolytic or enzymatic process. International Symposium on Bacteria Polyhydroxyalkanoates, Section 9/03. Davos, Switzerland.

20. Karino, T. and Deng, X. Y. (1997) The effects of recirculation flows on mass transfer from a vessel wall to a flowing fluid. International Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine and Science, Vol. 1, p. 128. (First International Interdisciplinary Conference on Cardiovascular Medicine, Surgery, Science, and Mechanics. Washington, DC, USA, June 6-9, 1997)

21. Fatouraee, N., Deng, X. Y., De Champlain, A. and Guidoin, R. (1997) LDL transport from flowing blood to the arterial wall under pulsatile flow conditions. International Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine and Science, Vol. 1, p. 130. (First International Interdisciplinary Conference on Cardiovascular Medicine, Surgery, Science, and Mechanics. Washington, DC, USA, June 6-9, 1997)

22. Fatouraee, N., Deng, X. Y., De Champlain, A. and Guidoin, R. (1997) Numerical simulation of low density lipoprotein transport from flowing blood to the arterial wall under pulsatile flow conditions. The first International Symposium on Advanced Biomaterials. Montreal, Canada, October 2-5, 1997, p. 12.

23. Fatouraee, N., Deng, X. Y., De Champlain, A. and Guidoin, R. (1997) Numerical simulation of blood flow and lipid transport in human carotid artery. Annals of Biomedical Engineering, vol. 25 (Supp. 1), p.s-26. (1997 Annual Fall Meeting of Biomedical Engineering Society, San Diego, California, USA, October 2-5, 1997.)

24. Deng, X.Y, Marois, Y, Guidoin, R. Fluid Filtration Across the Arterial Wall under Flow Conditions: Is Wall Shear Rate Another Factor Affecting Filtration Rate? Biotransport-98, International Symposium of Heat and Mass Transfer in Biological and Medical Engineering, Kusadasi, Turkey, June 8 – 12, 1998.

25. Fatouraee, N., Deng, X.Y., De Champlain, A. and Guidoin, R. Concentration polarization in the arterial system. Biotransport-98, International Symposium of Heat and Mass Transfer in Biological and Medical Engineering, Kusadasi, Turkey, June 8 – 12, 1998.

26. Deng, X.Y, Guidoin, R., Marois, Y. Fluid Filtration Across the Arterial Wall under Flow Conditions. Abstracts of the 11th Conference of the European Society of Biomechanics, J. of Biomechanics, 31 (Suppl. 1), p. 142, Toulouse, France, 8-11 July, 1998.

27. Ghalichi, F., Deng, X.Y., De Champlain, A., Douville, Y. and Guidoin, R. Low Reynolds number turbulence modeling of blood flow in arterial stenoses. Abstracts of the Third World Congress of Biomechanics, Sapporo, Japan, Auguest 2-8, 1998, pp. 412.

28. Fatouraee, N., Deng, X.Y., De Champlain, A. and Guidoin, R. Numerical simulation of lipid transport through arterial stenoses. (Abstract) 1999 ASME Bioengineering Conference, Big Sky, Montana, (USA), June 16-20, 1999. (EI检索)

29. Deng, X.Y., Fatouraee, N. and Guidoin R Concentration polarization of atherogenic lipids and its implication in the localization of atherosclerosis. (Abstract) European Medical & Biological Engineering Conference EMBEC'99, Vienna (Austria), Nov. 04 - 07, 1999.

30. Deng, X.Y., Fatouraee, N. and Guidoin R. Concentration polarization of atherogenic lipids and its implication in the localization of atherosclerosis. (Abstract) European Medical & Biological Engineering Conference EMBEC'99, Vienna (Austria), Nov. 04 - 07, 1999.

31. Wang G. X., Guidoin R., Deng X. Y. An in vitro experimental study on concentration polarization of macromolecules in canine carotid arteries . Proceedings of the 5th Asian Symposium on Biomedical Materials, Hong Kong, December 9-12, 2001, p. 34.

And more...


<日>冈小天著 心血管血液流变学 第八章 北京 计量出版社 (1984)


1993年 全美人工器官年会青年科学家论文奖(美国新奥尔良)。

1989年 第7届 国际生物流变学学术大会优秀学生论文奖 (法国兰西) 。


计算力学学报’编委; ‘医用生物力学’编委;‘生物医学工程杂志’编委;中国生物医学工程学会理事;中国生物物理学会生物力学及生物流变学专业委员会委员;中国力学学会及生物医学工程学会生物力学专业委员会副主任;国家自然科学基金委员会数理学部第十届评审专家;国家自然科学基金委员会生命学部第十一届评审专家. 目前主持国家自然科学基金重点项目一项、面上两项等。 招聘博士后:因研究项目需要,招聘博士后4名,待遇优厚。 1、生物力学(或力学、机械专业)、血流动力学或计算流体力学两名。 2、细胞生物学两名。




1993年 全美人工器官年会青年科学家论文奖(美国新奥尔良)。 1989年 第7届 国际生物流变学学术大会优秀学生论文奖 (法国兰西) 。 1986年-- 1991年 加拿大麦吉尔大学博士生奖学金。 2005年 重庆市自然科学三等奖“动脉系统中致动脉粥样性脂质的浓度极化现象”证书号:ZR050300801,第一获奖人,2005/3/3。 科研: 1. 主持完成了美国Whitaker Foundation科学基金课题”Flow-dependent luminal surface concentration of atherogenic lipoproteins: Role of hemodynamic factors in atherosclerosis” 2. 主持完成了拉瓦尔大学医学研究中心的课题”Hemodynamics and anastomotic intimal hyperplasia”。 3. 作为主要合作者,参与了多项由加拿大和魁北克政府医学科学基金组织资助的科研课题。 4. “Coeur Artificiel”Foundation, Geneva, Switzerland课题”Design and development of a totally implantable artificial heart”。 主要参加人(负责人工心脏的血流动力学研究)。 5. 国家自然科学基金: “血流动力学与动脉循环系统物质传输的相关性研究”(批准号:10172027,2002.1-2004.12),主持人,24万人民币。 6. 国家自然科学基金: “动脉旁路搭桥术后血管内膜增生及血流流场相关性研究”(批准号:30270360,2003.1-2005.12),主持人,经费20.0万人民币。 7. 重庆市教委:“小口径人造血管漩流导引器的研制” (2004.1-2006.12)主持人,经费:滚动支助,第一年10.0万人民币(批准号030001)。 8. 重庆大学生物力学与组织工程教育部重点实验室开放基金会(2003.1-2003.12),主持人,经费5.0万人民币 9. 重庆大学科研启动经费:“动脉旁路或再造手术后血管内膜增生的血流动力学成因” (2003.7-2006.6) 主持人,经费20.0万人民币。 10. 重庆大学“电动人工全心的研制” 种子经费,主持人,经费30.0万人民币。 11. 重庆市科委“电动人工全心预研” 主持人,经费15.0万人民币(CSTC.2004ac3031) 12. 国家重点基础研究计划(973计划):转基因高等动物的创建与高级脑功能分析(2003CB716600)二级子课题:转基因载体构建及模式动物大脑基因表达的研究(2003CB716601)主要负责人,经费50.0万人民币 13. 国家科技部 ‘新型抗血栓和再狭窄血管内支架的研制’(批准号: 2004DFA064002004.12-2009.12), 第二主持人,经费80万 14. 国家自然科学基金: “胚胎滋养层细胞在子宫脉管系统逆血流迁移的血流动力学研究”(批准号:10572017,2006.1-2008.12),主持人,经费36.0万人民币。 15. 国家自然科学基金: “动脉系统中脂质的浓度极化与脂质在血管内皮层中沉积的相关性研究”(批准号:30670517,2007.1-2009.12),主持人,经费30.0万人民币。 16. 国家自然科学基金: “动脉系统中的旋动流现象-它对血小板运动、粘附和物质(LDL)输运的影响及其在临床中的应用”(批准号:10632010,2007.1-2010.12),主持人,经费190.0万人民币。





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