

词条 Dear John

1 分手信的英文名称

@分手信 2010年美国查宁·塔图姆主演电影

3 Taylor Swift 演唱歌曲

1 分手信的英文名称

Dear John letter

A "Dear John letter" is a letter written to a husband or boyfriend to inform him their relationship is over, usually because the author has found another lover. Dear John Letters are often written out of an inability or unwillingness to inform the man in person. The reverse situation, in which someone writes to his wife or girlfriend to break off the relationship, is referred to as a "Dear Jane letter".所谓“Dear John letter”是指一个女子写给丈夫或男友表示分手的信件,通常是在写信人另有所爱的情况下所写,且往往写信人不能够或不想要当面告知男方这一情况。反之,如果是写给妻子或女友告知分手的信,则被称作“Dear Jane letter”。

Dear John等于“分手信”的来历

While the exact origins of the phrase are unknown, it is commonly believed to have been coined by Americans during World War II. Large numbers of American troops were stationed overseas for many months or years, and as time passed many of their wives or girlfriends decided to begin a relationship with a new man rather than wait for their old one to return.

“分手信”为什么叫Dear John letter

确切的起源还真不可考证,但人们普遍认为这个词由美国人缔造于二战时期。当时大量的美军部队被派往海外,短则数月,长则多年。光阴流转,军嫂们或者在家的女朋友不愿再独守空闺,盼着良人归来,决定开始一段全新的感情。As letters to servicemen from wives or girlfriends back home would typically contain affectionate language (such as "Dear Johnny", "My dearest John", or simply "Darling"), a serviceman receiving a note beginning with a curt "Dear John" would instantly be aware of the letter's purpose.


A writer in the Democrat and Chronicle of Rochester, NY, summed it up in August 1945:1945年八月,一位作家总结道:"Dear John," the letter began. "I have found someone else whom I think the world of. I think the only way out is for us to get a divorce," it said. They usually began like that, those letters that told of infidelity on the part of the wives of servicemen... The men called them "Dear Johns".“亲爱的约翰,”信是这么开头的,“我找到了另一个人,我愿意与他共度一生。唯一的解决方案就是,咱俩离婚吧。”这类信通常都是这么写的,这些军嫂们婉转坦白自己背叛的信件。而那些被一脚踢开的男人们,称自己为“亲爱的约翰们。”


There are a number of theories on why the name John is used rather than any other. John was a common name in America at the time the term was coined. John is also the name used in many other terms that refer to an anonymous man or men, such as "John Doe" or "John Smith".为什么偏偏是约翰而不是迈克或者理查德呢?因为约翰在美国实在是一个超级大众的名字,尤其在这个词组诞生的时候格外普遍。另外呢,约翰这个名字也往往被用来指示无名人士,比方很常见的John Doe或者John Smith。

3 Taylor Swift 演唱歌曲

单曲《Dear John》已被公认为是讲述Taylor Swift与约翰-迈尔(John Mayer)的故事:现年30岁的迈尔曾在去年与斯威夫特有过一段短暂的恋情。在《Dear John》中,斯威夫特写下了这样的歌词:“你是不是认为我太年轻/所以无法相处/你是否觉得19岁还过于年轻/无法与你一起玩那黑暗而扭曲的游戏/当我是如此爱你的时候。”


【歌曲】Dear John【歌手】Taylor Swift

【地区】美 国

【公司】 Big Machine

【发行时间】 2010-10-25

【语种】 英 语

【专辑类型】 CD

【音乐类型】 乡村/流行音乐


4座葛莱美得主、2008与2009全美年度专辑销售最高歌手-「国民小公主」taylor swift 于2010年10月25日发行新专辑speak now 该专辑第五首歌为dear john TS借这首歌抨击了前男友John Mayer

据国外媒报道,美国乡村乐天后泰勒-斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)的新专辑《Speak Now》即将发行。斯威夫特在新专辑中将曾与自己有过故事的人写进歌中,最新单曲《Dear John》则抨击了曾与自己有过短暂恋情的音乐人约翰-迈尔(John Mayer)。

此前,已有乔伊-乔纳斯(Joe Jonas),坎耶-韦斯特(Kanye West)与一些音乐评论人成为斯威夫特新专辑歌曲的歌词素材,这些人曾与斯威夫特有过交往与过节,令这位年仅20岁的美女歌手伤心或愤怒。斯威夫特凭借发行于2009年度的最佳畅销专辑《Fearless》一举赢得了格莱美年度专辑奖。在谈到全新大碟《Speak Now》时,斯威夫特表示,新专辑中的每首单曲都是对于她身边不同人的一次坦白。

目前已经有多首单曲在iTunes发行,而斯威夫特的新专辑《Speak Now》未经发行便已经引发了乐迷与评论圈的热议。



Long were the nights / 那些夜晚好漫长

When my days once revolved around you / 而那些白天都绕着你飞转

Counting my footsteps / 细数着我的脚步

Praying the floor won't fall through again / 祈祷着地板不会再次塌陷

My mother accused me of losing my mind / 我妈妈总指责我鬼迷心窍

But I swore I was fine / 可我发誓我还好

You paint me a blue sky / 你画给我一片蓝天

And go back and turn it to rain / 回头又缀满了雨点

And I lived in your chess game / 我活在你的棋局里

But you changed the rules every day / 可游戏规则你一天一改

Wondering which version of you / 不知今晚哪一个你

I might get on the phone tonight / 会出现在电话那端

Well I stopped picking up / 我不再继续选歌

And this song is to let you know why / 就用这一首让你知道原委

Dear John / 亲爱的约翰

I see it all now that you're gone / 你走以后,我才看透

Don't you think I was too young to be messed with? / 你难道不觉得我还太小不该被你玩弄

The girl in the dress cried the whole way home / 穿裙子的姑娘,眼泪洒满归途

I should've known / 我早该知道

Well, maybe it's me / 也许该怪我

And my blind optimism to blame / 怪我那盲目的乐观

Maybe it's you and your sick need / 也许该怪你,怪你的恶癖:

To give love then take it away / 先给予爱再将它夺回

And you'll add my name / 我也会被你加进

To your long list of traitors / 那长长的背叛者名单

Who don't understand / 她们都还不知情

And I'll look back in regret / 而我则不堪回首

How I ignored when they said / 悔不听人们的规劝:

"Run as fast as you can" / “能跑多快,就跑多快”

Dear John / 亲爱的约翰

I see it all now that you're gone / 你走以后,我才看透

Don't you think I was too young to be messed with? / 你是觉得我还太小,还是不碰为好

The girl in the dress cried the whole way home / 穿裙子的姑娘,眼泪洒满归途

Dear John / 亲爱的约翰

I see it all now it was wrong / 这是个错,我才看透

Don't you think nineteen is too young to be played / 你难道不觉得19岁的我不应该陪你玩

By your dark twisted games when I loved you so? / 那些阴暗扭曲的爱情游戏,何况我如此爱你

I should've known / 我早该知道

You are an expert at sorry / 道起歉来你轻车熟路

And keeping lines blurry / 话都说得模棱两可

Never impressed by me acing your tests / 你的考试我门门满分,你仍不心动

All the girls that you run dry / 被你榨干泪水的女孩

Have tired, lifeless eyes / 目光都疲惫发呆

Cause you burned them out / 是你把她们烧焦

But I took your matches / 我抢下你的火柴

Before fire could catch me / 赶在火上身之前

So don't look now: / 所以你别看:

I'm shining like fireworks / 现在的我亮如烟花

Over your sad, empty town / 越过你空空的殇城

Dear John / 亲爱的约翰

I see it all now that you're gone / 你走以后,我才看透

Don't you think I was too young to be messed with? / 你是觉得我还太小,还是不碰为好

The girl in the dress cried the whole way home / 穿裙子的姑娘,眼泪洒满归途

I see it all now that you're gone / 你走以后,我才看透

Don't you think I was too young to be messed with? / 你是觉得我还太小,还是不碰为好

The girl in the dress wrote you a song / 穿裙子的姑娘,为你写了首歌

You should've known / 你早该知道

You should've known / 你早该知道

Don't you think I was too young? / 你是觉得我还太小?

You should've known / 你早该知道


泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift),美国乡村音乐女创作歌手,会用木吉他、钢琴演奏。她在2006年与独立唱片公司Big Machine签约。曾获得美国乡村音乐协会奖年度最佳专辑奖、格莱美年度专辑奖等荣誉。





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