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1988年7月-2001年4月,中国科学院软件研究所, 研究员

2001年5月-,中国科学院计算技术研究所, 研究员





[1] Sui Yuefei, On the problem of critical bound, Acta Math. Sinica 10(1994), 225-230.

[2] S.Lempp and Sui Yuefei, Extended Lachlan splitting theorem, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 79(1996), 53-59.

[3] Sui Yuefei, Local noncappability in R/M, Chinese J. Advanced Software Research 4(1997), 87-95.

[4] Sui Yuefei and Zhang Zaiyue, The cupping theorem in R/M, J. of Symbolic Logic 64(1999), 643-650.

[5] Sui Yuefei, Wang Ju and Jiang Yuncheng, Formalization of the conditional entropy in rough set theory, 软件学报, 12(2001), suppl., 23-25.

[6] Sui Yuefei, Two online algorithms for the ambulance systems, J. Computer Science and Tech., 16(2001), no.2, 176-181.

[7] Zhang Z. and Sui, Y., Local noncuppability in R/M, Science in China Series F, 44(2001), no. 2, 126-135.

[8] Sui, Y., Gao, Y. and Cao, C., Ontologies, Frames and Logical Theories in NKI, 软件学报(2005),(12).

[9] Y. Sun and Y. Sui, The logical sentences as the intent of concepts, in J. of Computer Science and Technology, 20(3):338-344, 2005.

[10] Zhang, Z., Sui, Y., Cao, C. and Wu, G., A formal fuzzy reasoning system and reasoning mechanism based on propositional modal logic, Theoretical Computer Science 368(2006), 149-160.

[11] S. Ma, Y. Sui and K. Xu, Well-limit behaviors of term rewritting systems, Frontiers of Computer Science in China 1(2007)(3), 283-296.

[12] Feng Jiang, Yuefei Sui, and Cungen Cao: A Rough Set Approach to Outlier Detection. International Journal of General Systems 37(2008), 519-536.

[13] Feng Jiang, Yuefei Sui, and Cungen Cao: Formal Concept Analysis in Relational Database and Rough Relational Database. Fundamenta Informaticae 80(2007), 435-451.

[14] X.Zhang, Z.Zhang, C. Cao and Y. Sui, Types, Structures and Theories in NKI, Frontiers of Computer Science in China 2(2008),451-459.

[15] Y. Lei, Y. Sui and C. Cao, Normalized-scale Relations and Their Concept Lattices in Relational Databases. Fundamenta Informaticae, 93(2009):393-409.

[16] C. Cao, Y. Sui and J. Wang, The representation of separation logic in predicate modal logic and first-order logic, 软件学报,接受待发表.

[17] F.Jiang, Y. and C. Cao, Some issues about outlier detection in rough set theory. Expert Syst. Appl. 36(3): 4680-4687 (2009).国际会议论文

[1] K.Hu, Y.Sui, Y.Lu, J.Wang and C.Shi, Concept approximations in concept lattices, in: the Proceedings of the 5-th Pacific Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Datamining (PAKDD2001), LNCS 2035, 167-173.

[2] Zhang, Z., Sui, Y. and Cao, C., Description of fuzzy first-order modal logic based on constant domain semantics, in: D. Slezak, et al.(Eds.): RSFDGrC 2005, LNAI 3641, 642-650.

[3] Y. Sun and Y. Sui, The Ontology Revision, in Proc.of International Joint Conference of Artificial Intelligence, 2005, 1583-1584.

[4] Y. Sun and Y. Sui, Translating Ontologies to Default Logic, in Proc.of 2th IFIP Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations, pp. 135-144, 2005.

[5] Y. Sun and Y. Sui, A Logical Foundation for Ontology Representation in NKI, in Proc.of IEEE International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering, 2005.

[6] Sun, Y. and Sui, Y., Default description logics with reasoning inference rules, in Y. Y. et al.(eds.), Fifth IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Informatics (ICCI 2006),280-285.

[7] Cao, C., Sui, Y. and Zhang, Z., The rough logic and roughness of logical theories, Proc. of the first Int. Conf. on Rough Set and Knowledge Technology (RSKT 2006). LNAI 4062, Chongqing,

[8] Jiang, F., Sui, Y. and Cao, C., An Ontology-based First-order Modal Logic. In: Proc. of the 5th Int. Conf. on Rough Set and Knowledge Technology (RSCTC 2006). LNAI 4259, Kobe, Japan (2006) 517-526 P.R. China (2006) 610-617.

[9] Y. Lei and Y. Sui, The Logical Operations on Relations, Scales and Concept Lattices. SKG2009 (Regular Paper)

[10] Y.Shen, Y. Sui and J. Wang, The Dual Spatial Connectives of Separation Logic. KSEM 2009: 90-99


1996年以来在国内外主要数学和计算机科学刊物上发表论文70多篇. 主要研究成果:改进Guntsch和 Gediga关于 Wong 和Ziark猜测的结果;证明粗关系数据库中信息熵关于粗关系数据库的加细的单调性;提出分层在线调页算法.在可计算性理论方面, 独立或合作解决4个可计算性理论中的未解决问题;在可计算性理论研究中提出了同时及时允许的概念.

所属部门: 智能信息重点实验室

专家类别: 正高

其他备注: 博导计算机软件与理论





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