

词条 枸杞猪肝菠菜粥









枸杞:补肾生精,养肝,明目,坚精骨,去疲劳,易颜色,变白,明目安神,令人长寿。” 枸杞子有滋补肝肾,明目,益面色,长肌肉,坚筋骨之功效。久服有延年益寿,延缓衰老之效果。“治肝肾阴亏,腰膝酸软,头晕,目眩,目昏多泪,虚劳咳嗽,消渴。

猪肝:含有丰富的“锌”元素,能促进骨格的生长发育。猪肝营养丰富,其中铁的含量为猪肉的18倍多,蛋白质含量也远高于瘦肉,因此是滋补气血的佳品,可防治视力模糊两目干涩,夜盲及目赤等眼疾,猪肝的营养含量是猪肉的10多倍,动物肝中维生素A的含量超过奶、蛋、肉、鱼等食品能保护眼睛,维持正常视力,防止眼睛干涩、疲劳。 维持健康的肤色,维持正常生长和生殖功能,增强人体的免疫反应,抗氧化、防衰老。更重要的是它具有补血补铁、补肝明目的作用。

菠菜:通肠导便,且能促进胰腺分泌,帮助消化。促进生长发育,增强抗病能力菠菜中所含的胡萝卜素,在人体内转变成维生素A,能维护正常视力,保障营养,增进健康 ,供给人体多种营养物质;其所含铁质,对缺铁性贫血有较好的辅助治疗作用。促进人体新陈代谢,延缓衰老菠菜中的含氟-生齐酚、6-羟甲基蝶陡二酮及微量元素物质,能促进人体新陈代谢,增进身体健康。洁皮肤,抗衰老 菠菜提取物具有促进培养细胞增殖作用,既抗衰老又增强青春活力。



Spinach, liver, ginger, rice, salt, chicken powder, sesame oil, medlar, onion, pepper. Practice:

1 Wash the rice porridge revolve;

2, liver slices, flies Water Drain, rinse Xuemo methodology;

3, shredded ginger, green onion cut foam, Chinese wolfberry with blisters open, remove and cut into sections about spinach scalded with boiling water (to remove the spinach inside oxalate);

4, will boil into the liver slice porridge, spinach, shredded ginger with salt, chicken powder, pepper wolfberry leaves the pot into a bowl and pour a little sesame oil, sprinkle chive foam can be.


Wolfberry: Bushenshengjing, Liver, eyesight, strong bones essence, to fatigue, easy color, white, eyes and nerves, is longevity. "Medlar have nourishing liver and kidney, improve eyesight, complexion benefits, long muscles, the effect of strong bones. Jiufu have longevity, the effects of aging." Governance liver and kidney yin deficiency, weak waist, dizziness, blurred vision, head faint More Tears, consumptive cough, thirst.

Liver: rich "zinc" element, can promote the growth of bone cells. Nutrient-rich liver, where iron content of pork more than 18 times, far higher than the lean meat protein content, thus nourishing the blood of the share and the two projects can prevent blurred vision, dry, night blindness and red eyes and other eye diseases, swine the nutritional content of pork liver is 10 times higher than animal liver vitamin A content than milk, eggs, meat, fish and other foods can protect the eyes, to maintain normal vision, to prevent dry eyes, fatigue. Maintain a healthy color, maintain normal growth and reproductive function, and enhance the body's immune response, anti-oxidation and aging. More importantly, it has the blood iron is to enrich and improve eyesight.

Spinach: intestinal guide it through, and can promote the secretion of the pancreas to help digest. To promote growth and enhance disease resistance carotene contained in spinach, in the human body into vitamin A, can maintain normal vision, protect the nutrition, health, supply many nutrients the body; it contains iron, on the lack of iron deficiency anemia have a better role of adjuvant therapy. Promote human metabolism, anti-aging spinach fluoride - Health Qi phenol, 6 - hydroxymethyl-dione and trace elements butterfly steep material, can promote human metabolism, promote good health. Clean the skin, anti-aging spinach extracts promote proliferation of cultured cells, both anti-aging has increased its vitality





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