词条 | 德里克·梅耶斯 |
释义 | 基本信息中文名:德里克·梅耶斯 英文名:Derek Mears 性别:男 星座:金牛座 出生日期:1972-04-29 出生地:美国,加利福尼亚州,贝克斯菲尔德 职业:演员 获奖履历2009 MTV电影奖 最佳银幕反派(提名)黑色星期五(2009) 电影作品作为演员Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides ------- (2011) 杀戮游戏 The Killing Game ------- (2011) /终极战士团(台)/铁血战士S(港) Predators ------- (2010) 百战天虫/马克格鲁伯 MacGruber ------- (2010) Untitled Friday the 13th Sequel Project ------- (2010) 13号星期五/黑色星期五(港) Friday the 13th ------- (2009) His Name Was Jason: 30 Years of Friday the 13th ------- (2009) The Rebirth of Jason Voorhees ------- (2009) 龙之战/龙之战争 D-War ------- (2008) 隔山有眼2/深山大屠杀2 The Hills Have Eyes II ------- (2007) "Up Close with Carrie Keagan" ------- (2007) "Acceptable TV" ------- (2007) "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" ------- (2007) The Hills Have Eyes 2: Mutant Attacks ------- (2007) 诅咒/被诅咒者 Cursed ------- (2005) 迷走星球/勇敢者的游戏2/太空飞行棋/逃出科幻纪 Zathura: A Space Adventure ------- (2005) Behind the Fangs: The Making of 'Cursed' ------- (2005) The Lady Policeman ------- (2005) 幽灵鬼屋/鬼咁多大屋 The Haunted Mansion ------- (2003) Ultraforce ------- (2003) "Time Belt" ------- (2003) 黑衣人2/MIB星际战警2(台)/黑超特警组2(港) Men in Black II ------- (2002) 别叫我杀手 Love and a Bullet ------- (2002) Creature Featurettes ------- (2002) The Wonder Cabinet ------- (1999) Hurricane Festival ------- (1997) 终极歼灭者 The Demolitionist ------- (1995) 仁心仁术 "ER" ------- (1994) 特技演员夺宝奇兵4:水晶头骨王国/印地安纳琼斯:水晶骷髅王国(台)/夺宝奇兵之水晶骷髅国(港) Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull ------- (2008) 半职业选手/灌篮大帝 Semi-Pro ------- (2008) 冰刀双人组/荣誉之刃/锉冰贱行曲 Blades of Glory ------- (2007) 加勒比海盗:亡灵宝藏/神鬼奇航:加勒比海盗(台)/加勒比海盗:决战魔盗王(港) Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest ------- (2006) 世贸中心 World Trade Center ------- (2006) No Rules ------- (2005) 加勒比海盗:黑珍珠号的诅咒/神鬼奇航:鬼盗船魔咒(台)/魔盗王:决战鬼盗船(港) Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl ------- (2003) 天兆/麦田怪圈/灵异象限/惊兆 Signs ------- (2002) 火线危机/火影神偷 Firetrap ------- (2001) "Enterprise" ------- (2001) "Enterprise" Broken Bow: Part 1 ------- (2001) 飙风战警/狂野西部/超智特务显神通/超智特务 Wild Wild West ------- (1999) 天使 "Angel" ------- (1999) 圣女魔咒 "Charmed" ------- (1998) 其他职员生化危机:恶化 Resident Evil: Degeneration ------- (2008) "Enterprise" Broken Bow: Part 1 ------- (2001)
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