

词条 芊柏集



芊柏集自然疗法教育中心,拥有国际顶级行业协会—国际芳香治疗师协会( International Federation of Aromatherapy,IFA) 的授权和认证,中心注册编号:10/06/218。是中国区唯一将芳香疗法和临床医学结合进行培训的正规机构,旨在培养能够独立开设身心疗愈工作室的高级专业人才。

Qianbaiji aromatherapy training, authorized and accredited by IFA (International Federation of Aromatherapy), the internationally acknowledged professional aromatherapy association, is the only standard and authorized training institute after Tammy’s training school, specialized in the combination of aromatherapy and clinic medicine. Qianbaiji aims to develop training on high-class professionals who is potential working on physical and mental curing studio.



All the training courses in Qianbaiji are lectured by experienced senior clinic doctors and doctors in medicines. Based on the client’s need of authorized aromatherapy treatment in China, Qianbaiji combines the modern evidence-based medicine, Chinese medical science, Chinese medicine, psychology and aromatherapy closely to ensure the doctor-like professionalism, spirit, and disposition of the aromatherapist.


芊柏集有6年在中国开设专业自然疗法工作室的成功经验,熟悉客人的身心需求,更统御运营工作室的细节需求,能够向治疗师提供宝贵的经验和样板店开放,指导其独立开设有影响力的、把握高端客户的个人诊疗单元(personal care and therapy unit)。

Qianbaiji is proud of it successful experience by opening natural aromatherapy workshop for 6 years in China. We are familiar with the individual requirement of each client and pay careful attention to the operation of our studio. We are happy to offer valuable experience for individual aromatherapist and guide them for sample workshop, also providing them with influential personal care and therapy unit.


The training course of Qianbaiji, enables the aromatherapist to understand themselves and clients, to realize the magic of natural therapy with suitable treatment, attentive care and deep understanding.

在芊柏集学习自然疗法---悦己 、悦人、拥有财富未来。

Learning in Qianbaiji ---Enjoy aromatherapy, enjoy pleasure.

---Embrace fortune, embrace future.





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更新时间:2025/3/18 3:52:42