

词条 左恒峰


姓 名: 左恒峰

出生日期: 1965年11月26日

职 务: 清华大学美术学院副教授


1999-2003 英国诺丁汉特伦特大学,获设计艺术学博士学位

1996-1997 意大利帕多瓦设计学院,获工业设计硕士学位

1987-1990 南京理工大学材料科学与工程系,获材料科学硕士学位

1983-1987 南京理工大学材料科学与工程系,获工学学士学位


2009-现在 清华大学美术学院工业设计系副教授,英国南安普敦索伦特大学设计学院客座教授

2004-2009 英国南安普敦索伦特大学设计学院研究员,博士生导师

2004-现在 意大利米兰皮奇纳多国际设计机构(Ottorino Piccinato)中国地区设计总监

1997-1999 意大利帕多瓦思齐亚福卡罗公司产品设计师

1993-1996 湖南大学工业设计系讲师,系实验室主任

1990-1993 中南工业大学机械工程系助教

2000-现在 英国材料学会(IoM3)高级会员

2004-现在 英国设计研究协会(Design Research Society)会员

2006-现在 英国中英科技贸易协会(China-Britain Technology Trade Association)理事

2006-2008 山东科技大学设计艺术学院兼职教授



研究方向: 材料美学与感知觉、材料选择数据库、设计美学、产品语义学


Hengfeng Zuo, (2008), Investigation into Aesthetic Association in Design, Social Science Research, Vol.74, No 12, 2008, P.92-97. ISSN: 1562-3211, NR3995/111/01. (Best Paper Prize)

Hengfeng Zuo, Mark Jones, (2008), Re-envisaging Texture, in Proceedings of 11th International Conference Generative Art, Dec 2008, Milan.

Hengfeng Zuo, (2007), On-line database ‘Materials Aesthetics’ launched July 2007. This database integrates research results of sensory perception of materials and supplies guidelines for designers in material/texture selection to match humans’ aesthetic and perceptual expectations.

Hengfeng Zuo, Mark Jones, (2007), An Exploration into Aesthetic Association of Product Form, Edited by Loe Feijs, Steven Kyffin, Bob Yong, Proceedings of 3rd International Conference Design and Semantics of Form and Movement, Dec 2007, Newcastle, UK. P12-18. ISBN: 13: 978-0-9549587-1-8.

Hengfeng Zuo, Mark Jones, (2007), Evolution of Organic and Curvaceous Shape as a Gene Element in Product Design. Proceedings of 10th International Generative Art Conference, 12-14, Dec, 2007, Milan, Italy. P.280-288.

Hengfeng Zuo, Mark Jones, Qiu Song, Liu Xin, (2006), Aesthetic Perception in Design (Developing a Product Language), 9th International Conference Generative Art, 2006, Milan Italy.

Hengfeng Zuo, Mark Jones, (2005), Exploration into Formal Aesthetics in Design: (material) texture, Proceedings of 8th International Conference Generative Art, Milan, Italy.

Hengfeng Zuo, Mark Jones, Tony Hope, (2005), The Selection of Materials to Match Human Sensory and Aesthetic Expectation in Product Design, Proceedings of International Conference Engagability and Design.

Hengfeng Zuo, Mark Jones, Tony Hope, (2005), Material Texture Perception in Product Design, Proceedings of International Conference The Art of Plastics Design.

Hengfeng Zuo, Mark Jones, Tony Hope, (2004), A Matrix of Material Representation, Proceedings of International Conference ‘Futureground’, edited by John Redmond, David Durling and Arthur de Bono. Abstract on Page 247, full paper in CD-Rom of the proceedings. ISBN: 0-9756060-2-6.

Hengfeng Zuo, Tony Hope, Paul Castle, Mark Jones, (2003), Sensory interaction with Materials, in Design and Emotion, edited by D McDonagh, P Hekkert et al, Taylor & Francis, p. 223-227. ISBN: 0-415-30363-X.

Hengfeng Zuo, Tony Hope, Paul Castle, Mark Jones, (2001), An Investigation into the Sensory Properties of Materials, Proceedings of The 2th International Conference on Affective Human Factors Design, Asean Academic Press, London, P.500~507. ISBN: 1-901919-28-5. (Best Paper Prize)

首席科学家(Principal Investigator),主持英国艺术与人文科学基金AHRC (UK)项目 ’英中材料美学和文化比较研究’,2008-2010,20万英镑

主持英国高等教育基金项目‘基于材料美学和感觉性能的材料数据库研发’(英)(‘Developing a Database of Material Representation in Design, based on Sensory Perception’, £250,000 (2004-2009)

主持南安普敦索伦特大学发展基金项目’材料的感知觉’ (Sensory Perception of Materials in Design) ,2004-2009,25万英镑

主持南安普敦索伦特大学发展基金项目 ’形式美学及产品语言’(Formal Aesthetics and Product Language System),2005-2008,5000英镑

主持工业界合作项目(Remington Ltd UK)’电吹风材料质感分析与进化设计’ (Materials and Texture Evolution of Hairdryers),2005

主持工业界合作项目(Morphy Richards UK)’电水壶材料质感分析与进化设计’(Materials and Texture Evolution of Kettles),2005

主持南安普敦索伦特大学国际合作项目‘通用美学工作坊’(中、英、意)(Universal Aesthetics Workshops)(2006-2008)

2005年10月德国柏林‘塑料设计的艺术’国际会议分会主席Session Chair and Presenter of International Conference The Art of Plastics Design, Berlin, 18-19, Oct, 2005

2007年11月中国上海,受意大利设计‘MadeInDesign’ 国际设计展邀请做‘食品包装设计材料 ’的主题报告(Keynote speaker)



视觉标识系统设计(for C-link, Southampton, UK) 2008.

电子音乐谱架概念设计UK, 2006.

视觉标识系统设计(for ‘Blue Concepts Ltd, London)2005.

美发沙龙室内装修设计 (for Lecina Hair Dressing Saloon, Southampton, UK) 2004.

手动工具改进设计(for Test Rite, UK)2004.

地毯编织枪造型设计(’Carpet Tufting Gun’ for Schiavo Carlo S.A.S., Padova, Italy)1997-1999.

地毯平毛机造型设计(’Carpet cutting machine’ for Schiavo Carlo S.A.S., Padova, Italy)1997-1999.

电子吸湿器设计 (‘Dehumidifier’ for De Longhi, Italy) 1997

城市自行车设计(‘City Bike’ for Carraro, Italy)1997

卫浴设施设计(‘Bathroom Accessories’ for Open Kristallux, Italy) 1997

移动的墙办公家具设计(‘Office furniture’ – moveable wall – for Faram, Italy)1997.





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