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释义 | 专家荣誉 中华医学会会员 长江超声诊断带头人 上海超声诊断技能竞赛一等奖 专家简介 师从我国医学超声诊断奠基人、著名超声诊断专家周永昌以及国内著名B超专家凌梅立、许玉成,得到老一辈教授的悉心指导。从事超声诊断工作三十余年,并多次参加上海市B超会诊工作。工作兢兢业业,善于将理论与临床结合,认真钻研,多年来对诸多疑难杂症的超声诊断积累了丰富的实践经验。 熟练掌握各种常见疾病的超声诊断,所涉足的领域包括腹腔和盆腔脏器、浅表器官以及颈部、四肢血管等疾病的超声诊断。尤其擅长妇科超声诊断、腹部B超、乳房B超、泌尿外科B超,并熟练掌握不孕症介入超声诊断治疗技术。 从医座右铭 用爱心和精心行医! 英文简介 Minli zhou, the ultrasonography doctor The doctor learned from yongchang zhou, the famous founder of the ultrasonography diagnosis in China, and meili ling, the famous ultrasonographic expert. She has been engaged in the ultrasonography more than 30 years and attended the B-ultrasonic diagnosis in shanghai. The doctor also cumulated the rich clinic experience. The doctor specialize in the ultrasonic diagnosis on the abdominal cavity, the pelvic organ, the vas,and so on. |
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