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释义 | 苏州大学特聘教授简介苏州大学特聘教授,低碳经济研究中心主任,博士生导师, 自1993年以来从事锂离子电池关键材料与关键技术的研究与开发,目前主要研究方向包括:1、新型储能关键材料;2、储能电解质及其与电极材料间的相容性;3、锂离子电池关键技术与关键工艺;4、非晶态固体物理。2001年毕业于湖南大学获工学博士学位,2004年在日本京都大学工学部日本电化学会主席Zempachi Ogumi教授实验室访问研究,2007.1-2010.8在美国劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室美国工程院院士John Newman教授领导的团队工作,先后任客座研究员和正式研究员,是美国能源部(DOE)重大项目“Batteries for advanced transportation technologies program(BATT)”的主要研制者和动力锂离子电池工艺学负责人。先后主持或承担完成美国能源部BATT国际联合攻关重大项目1项,中国国家自然科学基金2项、科技部863专项1项(副组长),出版与新能源技术相关的科学著作三部,共计超过100万字。在国内外重要新能源与材料相关期刊发表论文50余篇,申请中国和美国发明专利6项,在动力锂离子电池的关键材料和工艺方面取得了重要进展,获得14届IMBL国际学术奖1项。 完成/在研主要项目:美国能源部重大项目:Batteries for advanced transportation technologies program(BATT) 国家自然科学基金:锂离子电池正负极间的相互作用与机理研究/主持人 科技部“863”科技专项:磷酸铁锂-导电高分子复合正极材料/副组长 国家自然科学基金:室温熔盐用作锂离子电池电解质与电极材料的相容性/主持人 省杰出青年科学基金:纳米储能材料的制备与电极过程的原位光谱学研究/主持人 代表性论著Honghe Zheng, Gao Liu, Vince Battaglia “Film-Forming Properties of Propylene Carbonate in the Presence of a Quaternary Ammonium Ionic Liquid on Graphite Anode”, J. Phys. Chem. C, 114: 6182–6189 Honghe Zheng, Gao Liu, Vince Battaglia “Cathode Performance as a Function of Inactive Material and Void Fraction”, J. Electrochem. Soc. 157:1060-1066 Yuxi Zhang, Honghe Zheng*, Gao Liu, Vince Battaglia. Synthesis and electrochemical studies of a layered spheric TiO2 through low temperature solvothermal method, Electrochimica Acta54:4079-4083,2009 Honghe Zheng, Gao Liu, Xiangyun Song, and Vince Battaglia, Li[Ni1/3Mn1/3Co1/3]O2-based Electrodes for PHEV Applications: An Optimization, ECS Trans. 11:1-7. 2008 G. Liu, H. Zheng, S. Kim Y. Deng, A. M. Minor, X. Song, V. S. Battaglia, Effects of Various Conductive Additive and Polymeric BinderContents on the Performance of a Lithium-Ion Composite CathodeJournal of The Electrochemical Society, 155: A887-A892, 2008 Gao Liu, Honghe Zheng, A. S. Simens, A. M. Minor, V. S. Battaglia, Optimization of Acetylene Black Conductive Additive and PVDF Composition for High-Power Rechargeable Lithium-Ion Cells J. electrochem. Soc., 154 (12): A1129-A1134, 2007 Honghe Zheng, Hucheng Zhang, Takeshi Abe, Zempachi Ogumi, Temperature Effects on the Electrochemical Behavior of Spinel LiMn2O4 in Quaternary Ammonium- Based Ionic Liquid Electrolyte, J. Phys. Chem. B, 109: 13676-13684, 2005 Honghe Zheng,Kai Jiang,Zempachi Ogumi, Electrochemical intercalation of lithium into a natural graphite anode in quaternary ammonium- based ionic liquid electrolytes, Carbon, 44:203-210, 2006 Hucheng Zhang, Jianji Wang, Honghe Zheng, Keilei Zhuo, Interactions of nanosized Al2O3 and ZnO with poly(ethylene oxide)-NaSCN polymer electrolytes, J. Phys. Chem. B, 109, 2610-2616, 2005 Honghe Zheng, Yanbao Fu, Zempachi Ogumi, Potassium Salts: New Electrolyte Additives for Enhancing Electrochemical Performances of Natural Graphite Anodes, Electrochemical and Solid-state Letter, 9: A115, 2006 Honghe Zheng, Bao Li, Yanbao Fu, Takeshi Abe and Zempachi Ogumi, Compatibility of quaternary ammonium-based ionic liquid electrolytes with electrodes in lithium ion batteries, Electrochimica Acta, Electrochimica Acta, 49:1659-1667,2006 Gao Liu, Honghe Zheng, A. S. Simens, A. M. Minor, V. S. Battaglia, J. electrochem. Soc., 154 (12): A1129-A1134, 2007 Honghe Zheng, Jianhua Qin Takeshi Abe, Zempachi Ogumi, Temperature dependence of LiCoO2in ammonium ionic liquid electrolyte, Solid State Ionics 176: 2219-2226, 2005. Honghe Zheng, kai Jiang, Qingzhi Zhang, Jianji Wang, Hucheng Zhang, Critical behavior of viscosity for alginate solutions induced by addition of cupric ions Journal of Chemical Physics, 105(17):7746-7752 (1996) Honghe Zheng, Hucheng Zhang, Qingzhi Zhang, Suting Yang, Jianji Wang Salt effects on the cross-linking mechanism of cupric-induced sol-gel transition Carbohydrate Polymers, 35:215-221,1998 Honghe Zheng Interaction mechanism in sol-gel transition of alginate solutions by addition of divalent cations Carbohydrate Researches, 302:97-101 (1997) Honghe Zheng, Qingzhi Zhang,kai Jiang, Jianji Wang, Solvent effects on sol-gel transition of alginate solution by addition of cupric ions Chemical Physics, 211: 507-513 (1996) Honghe Zheng, Hucheng Zhang, Qingzhi Zhang, Jianji Wang Interaction modes in sol-gel transition of alginate solutions by addition of cupric ions Polymer for Advanced Technologies, 8:717-721, 1997 |
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