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释义 | 简介1、出生年月:1964年6月 2、学位:博士学位 3、职称:教授 4、工作院系:材料科学与工程学院材料科学系 教育经历1981.9-1985.7: 武汉工业大学无机非金属材料专业,获工学学士学位; 1988.9-1991.3:武汉工业大学硅酸盐专业,获工学硕士学位; 1994.9-1999.12:武汉工业大学材料学专业、获工学博士学位。 工作经历1985.7-2000.9:湖北工学院,助教/讲师/副教授; 2000.9-2002.10:北京科技大学材料物理与化学博士后流动站,博士后 2002.10-至今:武汉理工大学材料科学与工程学院,教授/博士生导师 1999. 1-1999. 6:Vaasa Institute of Technology, Finland,访问学者 2005. 9-2006. 6: Lund University, the Nanometer Structure Consortium, Sweden, 访问学者 研究领域1、功能氧化物纳米材料 2、功能陶瓷 科研项目1. 国家自然科学基金项目(50972115),氧化锰多层次纳米结构超级电容器电极材料的研究 2. 973计划课题研究 (2009CB939704) 子项目, TiO2基纳米光催化材料及器件的制备与性能优化 3. 国防科工委军品配套项目,200901PT01,功能陶瓷 4. 国家自然科学基金项目(50672072), 铁电纳米线的控制生长及纳米尺度铁电性能研究 5. 教育部科学技术研究重点项目(105124),有序异形纳米ZnO材料的结构与性能相关性研究 代表性论文及著作[1]. L. H. Wang, Y. Dai, and Z. Deng, "Nanoscale and Spatial Variations Investigation of Etch Damage In Integrated Ferroelectric Capacitor Side Wall by Piezoresponse Force Microscopy," Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 48(1): 011401 (2009). [2]. L. H. Wang, Y. Dai, and Z. Deng, "Etch damage evaluation in integrated ferroelectric capacitor side wall by piezoresponse force microscopy," Chinese Physics Letters, 25(9): 3489-92 (2008). [3]. Y. Dai, T. Guo, X. M. Pei, and W. Chen, "Effects of MCAS glass additives on dielectric properties of Al2O3-TiO2-ceramics," Materials Science and Engineering A, 475 (1-2):76-80 (2008). [4]. Y. L. Liu, C. X. Pan, Y. Dai, and W. Chen, "Synthesis of one-dimensional ZnO nanoneedles using thermal oxidation process in the air and its application as filed emitters," Materials Letters, 62(17-18): 2783-86 (2008). [5]. Y. L. Sun, Y. Dai, L. Q. Zhou, and W. Chen, "Single-crystal iron nanowire arrays," Solid State Phenomena, 121-123:17-20 (2007). [6]. L. Q. Zhou, Y. Dai, Y. L. Sun, andW. Chen, "Single-crystal uniform tubes of ZnO," Solid State Phenomena, 121-123:801-04 (2007). [7]. Y. Dai, Y. Zhang, Z. L. Wang, “The octa-twin tetraleg ZnO nanostructures”, Solid State Communications, 126 (11): 629 (2003). [8]. Y. Dai, Y. Zhang, Y. Q. Bai, Z. L. Wang, Wang, Z. L., “Bicrystalline zinc oxide nanowires”, Chemica. Physics Letters, 375 (1-2): 96 (2003). [9]. Y. Dai, Y. Zhang, Q. K. Li, C. W. Nan, “Synthesis and optical properties of tetrapod-like zinc oxide nanorods”, Chemical Physics Letters, 358 (1-2): 83 (2002). Book chapter: Zhang, Y., Dai, Y. “The Controlled Synthesis, growth mechanism and optical properties of zinc oxide nanostructures”, chapter 8 in the book "Nanowires and Nanobelts ? materials, properties and devices", edited by Wang, Z.L., USA: Kluwer Academic Publisher, 2003 |
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