

词条 戴建生


戴建生 男,1957年 7月生,江苏吴县人。高级政工师,经济师,中共党员。毕业于苏州大学研究生班。现任江苏省吴县市经济委员会副主任、化学医药工业公司(局)经理(局长)兼农药化工集团总经理、党委书记。领导科研所走借助外力与自己开发之路,研制了国际农药新品并被列入国家项目,利用闲置设备开发了具有较高附加值的国内化工新品,同时还实现了“车间发展”策略,开发适销产品,做到了车间一主多副、双管齐下,内部挖潜,增产不增人,扩产不增资。为了进一步立足国内外两大市场,在企业内部开展了“创名牌,打品牌,争份额”的质量攻关战役和ISO9002质量认证工作,加强了以质量为中心的生产管理,以财务为中心的资金管理,以效益为中心的成本管理,以市场为向导,强化经营决策,不仅健全了“地毯式”加“满天星”的销售网络,而且不断把产品销售结构调优调治,用新的营销思路和理念构筑一体化销售模式,使产品占全国市场覆盖率达75%。一遍净获江苏省名牌产品,企业成为江苏省高新技术企业。积极拓宽外销渠道,多品种、多口岸、多渠道出口产品,1997年上半年集团获取自营进出口权,年内又顺利通过ISO9002国际质量体系认证,为产品参与国际市场竞争奠定了基础。1996年,分别获吴县市、苏州市劳动模范和“十佳”优秀厂长称号,并获1996年度苏州市优秀厂长(经理)殊荣。1998年获江苏省“五一”劳动奖章。最近,所领导的农化集团在资本运作、机制转换方面又迈出了新的一步,与中国华源集团所属四家上市公司之一的上海华源股份公司牵手合作,实行资产重组,加盟“华源”,登上“航空母舰”,进入上市公司。在近几年内将迅速发展成为全国农药行业中规模最大、科技含量最高、市场覆盖率最大的大型企业。并尽快进入创业板块。并尽快进入创业板块,获取资本运作的更大发展,在地方经济中成为实践华源理论的巨人。



职称:教授、 博导 、博士后导师




工学学士(BEng) 09.1978-07.1982 中国 上海交通大学 机械工程

工学硕士(MSc) 09.1982-11.1984 中国 上海交通大学 机械工程

工学博士(PhD) 05.1989-05.1993 英国 University of Salford 机械工程

高等教育学硕士(CertEd(HE)) 09.1997-07.2000(在职) 英国 University of Sunderland 教育学


2010年至今, 国家“千人计划”专家教授, 先进机构学和机器人学中心主任, 中国, 天津大学

2007年至今, 长江学者讲座教授, 中国, 天津大学

1999年至今, 首席教授,机构学和机器人中心主任,英国,伦敦大学国王学院(Kings College London)

1997年-1999年, 高级讲师, 英国, 桑德兰大学机械工程系 ( University of Sunderland)

1996年-1997年, 高级研究员, 英国, 联合利华研究部,(Unilever Research)

1996年, 高级访问学者, 日本, 日本山梨大学牧野洋研究室 (University of Yamanashi)

1993年-1995年, 博士后, 英国, 英国索尔福德大学机械系 (University of Salford)

1985年-1988年, 研究员, 中国, 上海交通大学机械工程系 (Shanghai Jiaotong University)







2010年至今, IEEE Transactions on Robotics 副主编,

2009年至今, ASME Journal of Mechanism and Robotics 副主编,

2007年至今, Robotica 副主编,

2010年至今, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science 副主编

2009年, Robotica 手术机器人专辑特邀主编,

2009年, Advances in Mechanical Engineering 特邀主编

2008年至今, Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering in China 编委


2010年至今, 美国机械工程师学会(ASME)英国和爱尔兰地区主席

2005年至今, 美国机械工程师学会(ASME)机构学和机器人学专业委员会理事

1998年至今, 世界机构和机械学理论研究联合会 (IFToMM) 理论史理事会终身理事 (1998年当选),

2005年至2008年, 电子电气工程师学会(IEEE)英国和爱尔兰分会三人委员会理事(2003年当选)

1998年至今, 英国机械工程师学会(IMechE)机电、控制和信息理事会理事(1998年当选)

2005年至今, 国际和英国机器人及机器人装备标准制定委员会委员(2005年当选)


03.2010-05.2010 法国先进力学研究所(IFMA)高级访问教授

08.2007-08.2010 意大利理工学院(IIT)先进机器人中心高级研究指导教授(兼职)

07.2005-07.2008 上海交通大学客座教授

03.2004-02.2008 北京邮电大学兼职教授

04.2007-05.2007 哈尔滨工业大学深圳研究生院访问讲座教授

06.2004-06.2007 大连理工大学“海天学者”访问教授

11.1999-11.2009 北京航空航天大学兼职教授

07.1998-08.1998 华中科技大学“春晖计划”成员



2010 获伦敦大学国王学院2010年度全校最佳博士生指导教师奖(全校每年一名)。

2010 获英国系统和控制工程学报《Journal of Systems and Control Engineering》最佳杂志论文奖 (2010

PEPublishing Award)

2006-2007 获美国电气和电子工程师学会 (IEEE) 和机械工程师学会 (ASME) 颁发的Service Awards(共两项)

2005/2007 获美国机械工程师学会 (ASME) 颁发的Service Awards(共两项)

2004 ”变胞机构及其应用研究”获英国国家应用科学和工程研究基金奖的国际领先奖(共两项)

2003 “变胞机构在包装机机械手上的应用”,“欠驱动机器人机构研究”,“机器人机构可重构研究”分别获


1998 获美国机械工程师学会机构学双年度大会最佳论文奖(1990至2000年仅4篇论文获该奖项)


2006 被英国机械工程院授予“英国机械工程院 Fellow”

1996 被授予欧盟特许工程师(EUR ING)

1995 被授予英国皇家宪章终身特许工程师(Chartered Engineer)



戴建生教授作为大会主席主办了首届国际可重构机构和机器人大会(ReMAR2009)等多个大型学术会议;主持完成英国、欧盟及国际合作科研项目40余项,累计科研经费约450万英镑(约4500万人民币);发表国际期刊/会议论文300余篇,其中国际高水平期刊论文140余篇,核心国际会议论文130余篇;论文被SCI收录140余篇,被EI收录180篇;SCI h-指数 13,引用512次. Scopus h-指数 18,引用 1018 次.;研究论文获1998年ASME 机构学双年度大会“最佳论文奖”(属于1990至2000 年十年中维一获奖的 4 篇最佳论文之一)和 国际系统和控制工程期刊《Journal of Systems and Control Engineering》最佳杂志论文奖(2010年 PE Publishing);被邀请为 IEEE Transactions on Robotics 副主编,Robotica 副主编,以及 ASME Transactions: Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics(机构学和机器人学最高级别杂志)副主编。



工学学士(BEng) 09.1978-07.1982 中国 上海交通大学 机械工程

工学硕士(MSc) 09.1982-11.1984 中国 上海交通大学 机械工程

工学博士(PhD) 05.1989-05.1993 英国 University of Salford 机械工程

高等教育学硕士(CertEd(HE)) 09.1997-07.2000(在职) 英国 University of Sunderland 教育学


2010年至今, 国家“千人计划”专家教授, 先进机构学和机器人学中心主任, 中国, 天津大学

2007年至今, 长江学者讲座教授, 中国, 天津大学

1999年至今,首席教授,机构学和机器人中心主任,英国,伦敦大学国王学院(Kings College London)

1997年-1999年, 高级讲师, 英国, 桑德兰大学机械工程系 ( University of Sunderland)

1996年-1997年, 高级研究员, 英国, 联合利华研究部,(Unilever Research)

1996年, 高级访问学者, 日本, 日本山梨大学牧野洋研究室 (University of Yamanashi)

1993年-1995年, 博士后, 英国, 英国索尔福德大学机械系 (University of Salford)

1985年-1988年, 研究员, 中国, 上海交通大学机械工程系 (Shanghai Jiaotong University)


Theoretical Development: Kinematics, Screw Theory, Lie Algebra and Lie Group, Rigid Body Displacement.

Mechanisms Development: Mechanisms, Metamorphic Mechanisms (Topology-Varying Mechanisms), Reconfigurable Mechanisms, Reconfigurable Parallel Mechanisms, Redundantly Actuated Mechanisms, Underactuations, Applied Mechanics of Advanced Machinery.

Robotics: Multi-fingered Robotic Hand, Metamorphic Robotic Hand, Dexterous Grippers, Serial and Parallel Manipulators, Robotic Ironing, Mobile Robots.

Industrial Applications: Folding Origami, Complex Carton Packaging, Flimsy Material Handling, Motion Control, High Speed Machinery, Automated Assembly, Cost Modelling in Manufacturing.

Biomechanical Sciences: Sprained Ankle Rehabilitation, Robotic Massaging, Prosthesis, Dental Robotic Devices, Assistive Surgical Robotic Devices.

Artiomimetics: Folding Origami, Origami Oriented Mechanisms, New Robot Structures.







2010年至今, IEEE Transactions on Robotics 副主编,

2009年至今, ASME Journal of Mechanism and Robotics 副主编,

2007年至今, Robotica 副主编,

2010年至今, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science 副主编

2009年, Robotica 手术机器人专辑特邀主编,

2009年, Advances in Mechanical Engineering 特邀主编

2008年至今, Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering in China 编委


2010年至今, 美国机械工程师学会(ASME)英国和爱尔兰地区主席

2005年至今, 美国机械工程师学会(ASME)机构学和机器人学专业委员会理事

1998年至今, 世界机构和机械学理论研究联合会 (IFToMM) 理论史理事会终身理事 (1998年当选),

2005年至2008年, 电子电气工程师学会(IEEE)英国和爱尔兰分会三人委员会理事(2003年当选)

1998年至今, 英国机械工程师学会(IMechE)机电、控制和信息理事会理事(1998年当选)

2005年至今, 国际和英国机器人及机器人装备标准制定委员会委员(2005年当选)


03.2010-05.2010 法国先进力学研究所(IFMA)高级访问教授

08.2007-08.2010 意大利理工学院(IIT)先进机器人中心高级研究指导教授(兼职)

07.2005-07.2008 上海交通大学客座教授

03.2004-02.2008 北京邮电大学兼职教授

04.2007-05.2007 哈尔滨工业大学深圳研究生院访问讲座教授

06.2004-06.2007 大连理工大学“海天学者”访问教授

11.1999-11.2009 北京航空航天大学兼职教授

07.1998-08.1998 华中科技大学“春晖计划”成员



2010 获伦敦大学国王学院2010年度全校最佳博士生指导教师奖(全校每年一名)。

2010 获英国系统和控制工程学报《Journal of Systems and Control Engineering》最佳杂志论文奖 (2010 PE Publishing Award)

2006-2007 获美国电气和电子工程师学会 (IEEE) 和机械工程师学会 (ASME) 颁发的Service Awards(共两项)

2005/2007 获美国机械工程师学会 (ASME) 颁发的Service Awards(共两项)

2004 “变胞机构及其应用研究”获英国国家应用科学和工程研究基金奖的国际领先奖(共两项)

2003 “变胞机构在包装机机械手上的应用”,“欠驱动机器人机构研究”,“机器人机构可重构研究”分别获


1998 获美国机械工程师学会机构学双年度大会最佳论文奖(1990至2000年仅4篇论文获该奖项)


2006 被英国机械工程院授予“英国机械工程院 Fellow”

1996 被授予欧盟特许工程师(EUR ING)

1995 被授予英国皇家宪章终身特许工程师(Chartered Engineer)



戴建生教授作为大会主席主办了首届国际可重构机构和机器人大会(ReMAR2009)等多个大型学术会议;主持完成英国、欧盟及国际合作科研项目40余项,累计科研经费约450万英镑(约4500万人民币);发表国际期刊/会议论文300余篇,其中国际高水平期刊论文140余篇,核心国际会议论文130余篇;论文被SCI收录140余篇,被EI收录180篇;SCI h-指数 13,引用512次. Scopus h-指数 18,引用 1018 次.;研究论文获1998年ASME 机构学双年度大会“最佳论文奖”(属于1990至2000 年十年中维一获奖的 4 篇最佳论文之一)和 国际系统和控制工程期刊《Journal of Systems and Control Engineering》最佳杂志论文奖(2010年 PE Publishing);被邀请为 IEEE Transactions on Robotics 副主编,Robotica 副主编,以及 ASME Transactions: Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics(机构学和机器人学最高级别杂志)副主编。

a) Mechanism Innovation ? A New Class of Mechanisms: Metamorphic Mechanisms and Their Reconfigurability

i) The Innovation

ii) Topology Based Mechanism Development and Mechanism Evolution

iii) The Novel Metamorphic Robotic Hand

b) Development in Robotic Kinematics and Dynamics: the Fundamental Science and Application to Robotics

i) Finite Twist of Motion and the Screw Image Space

ii) Screw Algebra Systems and Innovation in Research on Mobility and Dexterity of Robot Manipulators

iii) Inherent Property of Screw Algebra Systems in Jacobian Matrices and the Resultant Novel Algorithm

iv) Stiffness Properties and Dynamic Behaviour of Underactuated Manipulators

v) Historical Review of Over 250 Years of Kinematics Development

c) Medical Devices, New Mechanisms and Applications

i) Rehabilitation device

ii) Surgical device

iii) Prosthetic multifingered hand

iv) Robotic massage

v) Dental measurement investigation

vi) Six-element force transducer based on cable-supported Stewart platform

d) Activities in Medical Devices, New Mechanisms and Applications

e) Industrial Applications

i) Leading Technology in Robotic Packaging and Origami Carton Folding:

ii) Automatic Assembly:

iii) Manufacturing Modelling:


共主持完成英国,欧盟和中国自然基金委科研项目包括基金委重大国际合作项目40余项,累计科研经费约450万英镑(约4500人民币)。获有多项专利包括变胞多指灵巧手,脚踝关节康复机器人。2003 在“变胞机构在包装机机械手上的应用”, “欠驱动机器人机构研究”, “机器人机构可重构研究” 分别获英国国家应用科学和工程研究基金奖的国际优秀奖(共三项); 2004 在“变胞机构及其应用研究”获英国国家应用科学和工程研究基金奖的国际领先奖(共两项).

2007-2010,英国国家应用科学和工程研究基金项目“变胞机构拓扑学的研究”‘;2008-2010,国家自然科学基金重大国际合作研究计划项目“柔性空间变胞机构理论及拓展应用 ”50720135503 ;102 万元,结题评为优秀。


1) Books

1. Yu*, J.J., Liu, X.J., Ding, X.L. and Dai, J.S., Mathematical Foundation for Robotic Mechanisms. China Machine Press, 2008. ISBN: 9787111242567

2. Dai*, J.S., Zoppi, M. and Kong, X.W., Reconfigurable Mechanisms and Robots, Proceeding of the ASME/IFToMM International Conference on Reconfigurable Mechanisms and Robots (ReMAR 2009), KC Edizioni, June 2009.

3. Rodriguez Leal, E., and Dai, J.S., 2010, Evolutionary Design of Parallel Mechanisms: Kinematics of a Family of Parallel Mechanisms with CentralizedMotion, Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbruecken, Germany, ISBN: 3838378768.

2) Chapters in Books

1. Gan, D.M., Dai, J.S.* and Caldwell, D.G., Constraint-Screw System Based Synthesis of Limb Arrangement of the 3-PUP Parallel Mechanism, In: Lenar?i? J, Stani?i? M. M. (eds), Advances in Robot Kinematics: Motion in Man and Machine, Dordrecht, Springer, page 485-492, 2010.

2. Wei, G., Zhang, R. and Dai, J.S.*, Carton Motion-Moment Diagram and Stiffness Characteristics, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence/Computer Science, edited by H. Liu, H. Ding, Z. Xiong and X. Zhu, Springer, 2010.

3. Wei, G. and Dai, J.S.*, Overconstrained Mechanisms with Radially Reciprocating Motion, Advances in Robotic Kinematics: Motion in Man and Machine, edited by Jadran Lenar?i? and Michael M. Stani?i?, pp. 293-300, 2010, Springer, ISBN: 978-90-481-9261-8.

4. Cui, L. and Dai, J.S.*, Advance in Mechanisms and Robotics in Europe, Advances in Mechanisms and Robotics, 2, H. Zou, Ed.: Higher Education Press, pp. 141-158, 2010.

5. Cui, L. and Dai, J.S.*, Geometric Kinematics of Rigid Bodies with Point Contact, Advances in Robotic Kinematics: Motion in Man and Machine, edited by Jadran Lenar?i? and Michael M. Stani?i?, pp. 293-300, 2010, Springer, ISBN: 978-90-481-9261-8.

6. Cui, L. and Dai*, J.S., The Axis Constraint Equation and a General 6R Double-Spherical Overconstrained Mechanism, in Computational Kinematics, Andrés Kecskeméthy and Andreas Müller (Eds), Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 233-240, ISBN 978-3-642-01946-3, 2009.

7. Dai*, J.S., Zoppi, M. and Kong, X.W., Editorial preface in Reconfigurable Mechanisms and Robots, Proceeding of the ASME/IFToMM International Conference on Reconfigurable Mechanisms and Robots (ReMAR 2009), KC Edizioni, June 2009.

8. Rodriguez-Leal, E., Dai*, J.S., and Pennock, G.R., The Axis Constraint Equation and a General 6R Double-Spherical Overconstrained Mechanism, in Computational Kinematics, Andrés Kecskeméthy and Andreas Müller (Eds), Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 85-92, ISBN 978-3-642-01946-3, 2009.

9. Dai*, J.S., Metamorphic Principle and Development of Metamorphic Mechanisms, in Development of Morden Mechanisms, Higher Education Press, ISBN:704020431 ,2008.

10. Dubey*, V. N. and Dai, J. S., Complex Carton Packaging with Dexterous Robot Hands. In Huat, L.K., ed. Industrial Robotics: Programming, Simulation and Applications. Mammendorf, Germany: pro Literatur verlag Robert Mayer-Scholz/Advanced Robotics Systems International, pp. 583-594, 2007.

11. Luo*, Z. and Dai, J.S., Searching for Undiscovered Planar Straight-Line Linkages, in Advances in Robotic Kinematics (ARK), Mechanisms and Motion, Lenar?i?, J and Roth, B (Eds), Springer, the Netherlands, pp.113-122, ISBN 1-4020-4940-4, 2006.

12. Dai*, J.S., The Fundamental and Development of Metamorphic Mechanisms, in Advances in Mechanisms Theory, Zou, H.J. and Gao, F. (Eds), Higher Education Press, Beijing, pp. 91-111, ISBN 7-0402-0431-2, 2006.

13. Dai*, J.S., Kerr, D.R., and Sanger, D.J., Intelligent Grasping Systems, in Advanced Robotics and Intelligent Machines, Gray, J.O. and Caldwell, D.G. (Eds), IEE Control Engineering Series 51, Pentland Press Ltd., Peter Peregrinus, pp. 61-69, ISBN: 0-85296-853-1, 1995.

3) Articles in Journals

1. Cui, L. and Dai, J.S.*, Posture, Workspace and Manipulative Dexterity of the Metamorphic Multifingered Hand with an Articulated Palm, Transactions of the ASME: Journal of Mechanical Design, 2011.

2. Wurdemann, H.A., Aminzadeh, V., Dai, J.S.*, Reed, J. and Purnell, G., Introducing a New 3D Ordering Process for Discrete Food Products Using Food Categorisation, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Industrial Robot: An International Journal, 37 (6), pp. 562-570, 2010.

3. Aminzadeh, V., Wurdemann, H.A., Dai, J.S.*, Reed, J. and Purnell, G., A New Algorithm for Pick and Place Operations, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Industrial Robot: An International Journal, 37 (6), pp.527-531, 2010.

4. Liu, H., Puangmali, P., Zbyszewski, D., Elhage, O., Dasgupta, P., Dai, J. S., Seneviratne, L., and K. Althoefer, An indentation depth-force sensing wheeled probe for abnormality identification during minimally invasive surgery, Proc Inst Mech Eng Part H, 224 (6) pp. 751-763, 2010.

5. Yao, W., Dai, J.S.*, Medland, T., Mullineux, G., A reconfigurable robotic folding system for confectionery industry, Industrial Robot: An International Journal, 37 (6), pp. 542-551, 2010.

6. Zhang, K., Dai, J.S.* and Fang, Y., Topology and Constraint Analysis of Phase Change in the Metamorphic Chain and Its Evolved Mechanism, Transactions of the ASME: Journal of Mechanical Design, pp. 121001, 2010.

7. Dai*, J.S., Editorial: Surgical Robotics and Its Development and Progress, Special Issue on Surgical Robotics, System Development, Application Study and Performance Analysis, Robotica, 28(3): 1-1, 2010.

8. Dai*, J.S. and Caldwell, D.G, Origami-Based Robotic Paper-and-Board Packaging for Food Industry, Invited to submit to special issue of advances in food processing and packaging automation, Trends in Food Science and Technology, 21(3): 153-157, 2010.

9. Wei, G., Ding, X. and Dai*, J.S., Mobility and Geometric Analysis of the Hoberman Switch-Pitch Ball and Its Variant, Transactions of the ASME: Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, Vol. 2, 031010, 2010.

10. Yao, L.*, Gu, B., Huang, S., Wei, G. and Dai, J.S., Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of the External and Internal Double Circular-Arc Spiral Bevel Gears for the Nutation Drive, Transactions of the ASME: Journal of Mechanical Design, 132(2), 021008, 2010.

11. Zhang, K., Fang, Y., Dai*, J.S. and Fang, H., Geometry and Constraint Analysis of the 3-Spherical Kinematic Chain Based Parallel Mechanism, Transactions of the ASME: Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, Vol. 2, 031014, 2010.

12. Ding, X. and Dai*, J.S., Compliance Analysis of Mechanisms with Spatial Continuous Compliance in the Context of Screw Theory and Lie Groups, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Proc. IMechE, Part C, 224(8), pp. 2493-2504, 2010.

13. Cui*, L. and Dai, J.S., A Darboux-Frame-Based Formulation of Spin-Rolling Motion of Rigid Objects with Point Contact, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 26(3), pp. 383-388, 2010.

14. Wei, G. and Dai*, J.S., Geometric and Kinematic Analysis of a Seven-Bar Three-Fixed-Pivoted Compound-Joint Mechanism, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 45(2): 170-184, 2010.

15. Yao, L., Gu, B., Huang, S., Wei, G. and Dai, J.S., Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of the External and Internal Double Circular-Arc Spiral Bevel Gears for the Nutation Drive, Transactions of the ASME: Journal of Mechanical Design, 132(3), 2010.

16. Gan*, D., Liao, Q., Dai, J.S. and Wei, S., Forward kinematics analysis and motion simulation of a new 3CCC parallel mechanism, Robotica, 28(1), 2010.

17. Gan, D.M., Dai, J.S. and Liao, Q.Z., Constraint Analysis on Mobility Change in the Metamorphic Parallel Mechanism, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 45, pp. 1864-1876, 2010.

18. Dai*, J.S., Wang, D.L and Cui, L., Orientation and Workspace Analysis of the Multi?ngered Metamorphic Hand ― Metahand, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 25(4), pp. 942-947, 2009.

19. Zhang, L. and Dai*, J.S., Reconfiguration of Spatial Metamorphic Mechanisms, Transactions of the ASME: Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 1(1): 011012_1-8, 2009.

20. Cui, L., Wang, D.L. and Dai*, J.S., Kinematic Geometry of Circular Surfaces with a Fixed Radius Based on Euclidean Invariants, Transactions of the ASME: Journal of Mechanical Design, 131(10), 101009_1-8, 2009.

21. Gan, D., Dai*, J.S., and Liao, Q, Mobility Change in Two Types of Metamorphic Parallel Mechanisms, Transactions of the ASME: Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 1(4), 041007_1-9, 2009.

22. Saglia*, J.A., Tsagarakis, N.G., Dai, J.S. and Caldwell, A High Performance Redundantly Actuated Parallel Mechanism for Ankle Rehabilitation, International Journal of Robotics Research, 28(9), pp. 1216-1227, 2009.

23. Yu*, J., Dai, J.S., Zhao, T.S., Bi, S.S., and Zong, G.H., Mobility analysis of complex joints by means of screw theory, Robotica, 27(6), pp 915-927 2009.

24. Gan*, D., Liao, Q., Dai, J.S., Wei, S., and Seneviratne, L.D., Forward displacement analysis of the general 6?6 Stewart mechanism using Gr?bner bases, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 44(9), 1640-1647, 2009.

25. Zhao*, J., Zhou, H., Feng, Z. and Dai, J.S., An algebraic methodology to identify the principal screws and their pitches of screw systems, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Proc. IMechE, Part C, 233(8), 1931-1941, 2009.

26. Gan*, D., Liao, Q., Dai, J.S., Wei, S., and Seneviratne, L.D., Forward displacement analysis of a new 1CCC-5SPS parallel mechanism using Grobner theory, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Proc. IMechE, Part C, 223(5): 1233-1241, 2009.

27. Saglia, J.A., Tsagarakis, N.G., Dai*, J.S. and Caldwell, D.G, Inverse-Kinematics-Based Control of a Redundantly Actuated Platform for Rehabilitation, Invited to submit to special issue of dynamics and control of parallel manipulators, Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, Proc. IMechE, Part I, 223(1): 53-70, 2009 (Awarded PE Publishing Best Paper).

28. Dai, J.S., Medland, A., and Mullineux*, G., Carton Erection using Reconfigurable Folder Mechanisms, Packaging Technology and Science, 22: 385-395, 2009.

29. Dai*, J.S. and Cannella, F., Stiffness Characteristics of Carton Folds for Packaging, Transactions of the ASME: Journal of Mechanical Design, 130(2): 022305_1-7, 2008.

30. Ding, X. and Dai*, J.S., Characteristic Equation-Based Dynamics Analysis of Vibratory Bowl Feeders with Three Spatial Compliant Legs, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 5(1): 164-175, 2008.

31. Saglia, J., Dai*, J.S. and Caldwell, D.G., Geometry and Kinematic Analysis of a Redundantly Actuated Parallel Mechanism that Eliminates Singularity and Improves Dexterity, Transactions of the ASME: Journal of Mechanical Design, 130(12): 124501_1-5, 2008.

32. Yao, W. and Dai*, J.S., Dexterous Manipulation of Origami Cartons With Robotic Fingers Based on the Interactive Configuration Space, Transactions of the ASME: Journal of Mechanical Design, 130(2): 022303_1-8, 2008.

33. Zhang, L., Wang, D. and Dai*, J.S., Biological Modeling and Evolution Based Synthesis of Metamorphic Mechanisms, Transactions of the ASME: Journal of Mechanical Design, 130(7): 072303_1-11, 2008.

34. Gan, D., Liao, Q., Wei, S, Dai, J.S., and Qiao, S., Dual Quaternion-Based Inverse Kinematics of the General Spatial 7R Mechanism. Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Proc. IMechE, Part C, 222(8): 1593-1598, 2008.

35. Wei*, G., Yao, L., Cai, Y. and Dai, J.S., Latency Errors in the Mathematical Modelling and Meshing Characteristics of the Toroidal Drive, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 47(9-10): 827?854, 2008.

36. Liu*, H., Dai, J.S., and Seneviratne, L.D., A Model-Based Approach to Cooperative Operation of Multirobot Systems, Industrial Robot, 35(1): 37-45, 2008.

37. Yu*, J., Dai, J.S., Zong, G. and Bi S., Type Synthesis of 3-DOF Orthogonal Translational Parallel Manipulators Based on Atlas of DOF Characteristic Matrix, Progress in Natural Science, 2008(5): 563-574, 2008.

38. Zhao, G.R., Ren*, L., Ren, L.Q., Hutchinson, J.R., Tian, L.M, and Dai, J.S., Segmental Kinematic Coupling of the Human Spinal Column during Locomotion, Journal of Bionic Engineering, 5(4):328-334, 2008.

39. Luo*, Z. and Dai, J.S., Patterned Bootstrap: A New Method That Gives Efficiency for Some Precision Position Synthesis Problems, Transactions of the ASME: Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 129(2): 173-183, 2007.

40. Dai*, J.S. and Wang, D., Geometric Analysis and Synthesis of the Metamorphic Robotic Hand, Transactions of the ASME: Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 129(11): 1191-1197, 2007.

41. Niazi*, A., Dai, J.S., Balabani, S. and Seneviratne, L.D., A New Overhead Estimation Methodology: A Case Study in an Electrical Engineering Company, Journal of Engineering Manufacture, Proc. IMechE, 221(4): 699-710, 2007.

42. Yang, Y., Ding*, X., and Dai, J.S., Design and Analysis of an Umbrella Foldable Compl iant Metamorphic Mechanism, Acta Aeronautica Et Astronautica Sinica, 28(4): 1014-1017, 2007.

43. Dai*, J.S., Huang, Z., Lipkin, H., Mobility of Overconstrained Parallel Mechanisms, Special Supplement on Spatial Mechanisms and Robot Manipulators, Transactions of the ASME: Journal of Mechanical Design, 128(1): 220-229, 2006.

44. Dai*, J.S., and Ding, X.L., Compliance Analysis of a Three-Legged Rigidly-Connected Platform Device, Transactions of the ASME: Journal of Mechanical Design, 128(4): 755-764, 2006.

45. Niazi, A, Dai*, J.S., Balabani, S. and Seneviratne, L, Product Cost Estimation: Technique Classification and Methodology Review, Transactions of the ASME: Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 128(2): 563-575, 2006.

46. Dai*, J.S., An Historical Review of the Theoretical Development of Rigid Body Displacements from Rodrigues Parameters to the Finite Twist, Mechanism and Machine Theory, The scientific journal of the IFToMM, the International Federation for Mechanism and Machine Science, published by Elsevier Ltd., 41(1): 41-52, 2006.

47. Yao, L., Dai, J.S., We, G., Error Analysis and Compensation for Meshing Contact of Toroidal Drives, Transactions of the ASME: Journal of Mechanical Design, 128(3): 610-617, 2006.

48. Yao, L., Dai*, J.S., We, G., Comparative Analysis of Meshing Characteristics with Respect to Different Meshing Rollers of the Toroidal Drive, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 41(7): 863-881, 2006.

49. Luo, Z., and Dai*, J.S., Geometric Analysis and Characteristics of a Three-Fixed-Pivoted Multi-Phalanx Robotic Finger, Special Issue of Kinematics, Kinematic Geometry, and Their Applications, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Proc IMechE, ISSN: 0954-4062, 220(7): 1075-1082, 2006.

50. Cannella, F. and Dai*, J.S., Crease Stiffness and Panel Compliance of Carton Folds and Their Integration in Modelling, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Proc IMechE, 220(6): 847-855, 2006.

51. Dubey*, V.N., and Dai, J.S., A Packaging Robot for Complex Cartons, Industrial Robot: An International Journal, 33(2): 82-87, 2006.

52. Dai*, J.S. and Rees Jones, J., Matrix Representation of Topological Configuration Transformation of Metamorphic Mechanisms. Transactions of the ASME: Journal of Mechanical Design, 127(4): 837-840, 2005.

53. Silversides, R., Dai*, J.S. and Seneviratne, L., Force Analysis of a Vibratory Bowl Feeder for Automatic Assembly. Transactions of the ASME: Journal of Mechanical Design, 127(4): 637-645, 2005.

54. Yao*, L, Dai, J.S., Wei, G., and Li, H., Geometric Modelling and Meshing Characteristics of the Toroidal Drive, Transactions of the ASME: Journal of Mechanical Design, 127(5): 988-996, 2005.

55. Liu*, H., Dai, J.S., Xu, H.Y., and Li, H., Virtual-Mechanism-Based Analysis of Cooperative Manipulation, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Proc IMechE, 219(3): 315-323, 2005.

56. Yao, L., Ye, Z., Dai*, J.S. and Cai, H., Geometric Analysis and Tooth Profiling of a Three-Lobe Helical Rotor of the Roots Blower, Journal of Material Processing Technology, ISSN: 0924-0136, 170(1/2): 259?267, 2005.

57. Gu, B., Yao*, L., Wei, G. and Dai, J.S., The Analysis and Modelling for Nutation Drives with Double Circular-Arc Helical Bevel Gears, Materials Science Forum, ISSN 0255-5476, (Progress on Advanced Manufacture for Micro/Nano Technology) 505/507: 949-954, 2005.

58. Dai*, J.S., Taylor, P.M, Liu, H., and Hua, L, Garment Handling and Corresponding Devices-Technology in Robotic Ironing, Journal of Mechanical Engineering, ISSN 1000-9345, 17: 5-8, 2005.

59. Li, D., Dai*, J.S., and Sun, H., Configuration based synthesis of a Carton-like metamorphic mechanism of foldable and erectable, Journal of Engineering Design, 16(4):375-386, 2005

60. Ghafoor, A., Dai*, J.S. and Duffy, J., Stiffness Modelling of a Soft-Finger Contact in Robotic Grasping, Transactions of ASME: Journal of Mechanical Design, 126(4): 646-656, 2004.

61. Dai*, J.S., Zhao, T. and Nester, C., Sprained Ankle Physiotherapy Based Mechanism Synthesis and Stiffness Analysis of Rehabilitation Robotic Devices, Special Issue on Rehabilitation Robotics, Autonomous Robots, ISSN: 0929-5593, 16(2): 207-218, 2004.

62. Dai*, J.S., Li, D., Zhang, Q.X. and Jin, G.G., Mobility Analysis of a Complex Structured Ball Based on Mechanism Decomposition and Equivalent Screw System Analysis, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 39(4): 445-458, 2004.

63. Yao, L, Dai*, J.S. and Li, H., Mathematical Modelling and Manufacturing of the Internal Toroidal Tooth Profile, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Proc, IMechE, Part C, 218(9): 1043-1051, 2004.

64. Yao*, L, Ye, Z., Cai, H., and Dai, J.S., Design of a Milling Cutter for a Novel Three-Lobe Arc-Cycloidal Helical Rotor, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Proc IMechE C, 218(10): 1233-1241, 2004.

65. Yao*, L., Wei, G.W., Lan, Z.H., Dai, J.S., Comparative Study on Machining the Internal Stationary Toroidal Gear, Key Engineering Materials, Advances in Abrasive Technology VIII, ISSN 1013-9826, 291/292: 483-488, 2004.

66. Dai*, J.S., Taylor, P.M., Liu, H. and Lin, H, Folding Algorithms and Mechanisms Synthesis for Robotic Ironing, International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, ISSN: 0955-6222, 16(1/2): 204-214, 2004.

67. Dai*, J.S., Taylor, P.M., Sanguanpiyapan, P., and Lin, H., Trajectory and Orientation Analysis of the Ironing Process for Robotic Automation, International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, 16(1/2): 215-226, 2004.

68. Dai*, J.S., Characteristics of Metamorphic Mechanisms, Machine Design and Research, 20(12): 276-278, 2004.

69. Dai*, J.S. and Rees Jones, J., A Linear Algebraic Procedure in Obtaining Reciprocal Screw Systems, Special Issue in Commemoration of Prof J Duffy, Journal of Robotic Systems, published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd., ISSN: 0741-2223, 20(7): 401-412, 2003.

70. Lee, C.C. and Dai, J.S., Configuration Analysis of the Schatz Linkage, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Proc. IMechE Part C, ISSN: 0954-4062, 217(7): 779-786, 2003.

71. Zhao, T.S. and Dai*, J.S., Dynamics and Coupling Actuation of Elastic Underactuated Manipulators, Journal of Robotic Systems, 20(3): 135-146, 2003.

72. Dai*, J.S. and Shah, P., Orientation Capability of Planar Manipulators Using Virtual Joint Angle Analysis. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 38(3): 241-252, 2003.

73. Xu*, H.-Y., Dai, J.S. and Tam, H.Y., Zhou, Y., Angular Feedrate Interpolation for Three-Dimensional Implicit Curves. International Journal of Production Research, 41: 3461-3478, 2003.

74. Liu, H. and Dai*, J.S., An Approach to Carton-Folding Trajectory Planning Using Dual Robotic Fingers. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, affiliated with the International Autonomous System (IAS) Society, published by Elsevier Ltd., ISSN: 0921-8890, 42(1): 47-63, 2003.

75. Liu, H. and Dai*, J.S., Carton Manipulation Analysis Using Configuration Transformation. Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Proc. IMechE. 216(5): 543-555, 2002.

76. Dai*, J.S. and Rees Jones, J., Null Space Construction Using Cofactors from a Screw Algebra Context. Proc. Royal Society, Lond. A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. ISSN: 1364-5021, 458 (2024): 1845-1866, 2002.

77. Dai*, J.S. and Zhao, T., Stiffness Characteristics and Kinematics Analysis of Two-Link Elastic Underactuated Manipulators. Journal of Robotic Systems, 19(4): 169-176, 2002.

78. Zhao, T.S., Dai*, J.S. and Huang, Z, Geometric Analysis of Overconstrained Parallel Manipulators with Three and Four Degrees of Freedom, JSME International Journal, Series C, Mechanical Systems, Machines Elements and Manufacturing (JSME Int. J. Ser. C, Mech. Syst. Mach. Elem. Manuf.), ISSN 1344-7653, Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers International Journal, Series C, 45(3): 730-740, 2002.

79. Zhao, T.S., Dai*, J.S., and Huang, Z., Geometric Synthesis of Spatial Parallel Manipulators with Fewer Than Six Degrees of Freedom, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Proc, IMechE, 216(12): 1175-1185, 2002.

80. Dai*, J.S. and Rees Jones, J., Kinematics and Mobility Analysis of Carton Folds in Packing Manipulation Based on the Mechanism Equivalent, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Proc, IMechE, Part C, 216(10): 959-970, 2002.

81. Shah, P. and Dai*, J.S., Orientation Capability Representation and Application to Manipulator Analysis and Synthesis, Robotica, an official journal of the International Federation of Robotics, ISSN: 0263-5747, 20(5): 529-535, 2002.

82. Dai*, J.S. and Shah, P., Orientation Capability of Planar Serial Manipulators Using Rotatability Analysis Based on Workspace Decomposition. Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Proc. IMechE Part C, 216(3): 275-288, 2002.

83. Xu*, H.-Y. and Dai, J.S., Bi-parameter Curve Interpolation, International Journal of Production Research. ISSN: 0020-7543, 40(8): 1823-1834, 2002.

84. Xu*, H.-Y. and Dai, J.S., Three-Dimensional Implicit Curve Interpolation, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, ISSN: 0268-3768, 19(5): 325-329, 2002.

85. Dai*, J.S. and Kerr, D.R., A Computation Environment for Restraint Analysis and Synthesis in Robotic Grasping, International Journal of Engineering Simulation, ISSN: 1468-1137, 3(2): 16-25, 2002.

86. Xu*, H.-Y, Dai, J.S. and Tam, H.Y., Angular Interpolation for Planar Implicit Curves, International Journal of Production Research, 40(9): 2125-2140, 2002.

87. Dai, J.S. and Rees Jones, J., Interrelationship Between Screw Systems and Corresponding Reciprocal Systems and Applications, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 36(5): 633-651, 2001.

88. Dubey*, V.N. and Dai, J.S., Modelling and Kinematics Simulation of a Mechanism Extracted from a Cardboard Fold. International Journal of Engineering Simulation, 2(3): 3-10, 2001.

89. Ghafoor, A, Dai, J.S. and Duffy, J. Fine Motion Control Based on Constraint Criteria under Pre-Loading Configurations, Journal of Robotic Systems, 17(4): 171-185, 2000.

90. Dai*, J.S. and Kerr, D.R., Six-Component Contact Force Measurement Device Based on the Stewart Platform, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Proc. of IMechE, 214(5): 687-697. (The article was used as a sample for the last 6 years in the journal website and nominated as a best paper of the journal), 2000.

91. Dai*, J.S. and Zhang, Q.X., Metamorphic Mechanisms and Their Configuration Models, Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 13(3): 212-218, 2000.

92. Dai*, J.S. and Rees Jones, J., Mobility in Metamorphic Mechanisms of Foldable/Erectable Kinds, Transactions of ASME: Journal of Mechanical Design, 121(3): 375-382. (Published from the 1998 ASME Mechanisms Committee Biennial Best Paper: 1999.

93. Dai*, J.S. and Kerr, D.R., Analysis of Force Distribution in Grasps Using Augmentation, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Proc, I MechE, Part C, 210(1): 15 22, 1996.

94. Dai*, J.S., Holland, N. and Kerr, D.R., Finite Twist Mapping and Its Application to Planar Serial Manipulators with Revolute Joints, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Proc, IMechE, Part C, 209(3): 263 271, 1995.

95. Dai*, J.S. and Kerr, D.R., Geometric Analysis and Optimisation of a Symmetrical Watt Six Bar Mechanism, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Proc, IMechE, Part C, 205(4): 275 280, 1991.





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