词条 | 远程通信中的非线性光学 |
释义 | 本书全面、系统地从物理学的观点考察了非线性效应,并讨论了利用非线性效应提高信号容量的相关问题。更大的带宽、更密的频道间隔和更高的信号强度使得非线性效应在远程通信系统性能中的作用更加重要。本书包含了作者丰富的实践经验和实验结果,分别讨论了非线性效应在信号处理、超快光学开关、波长转换、非线性放大以及光学相位中的应用,本书作者——德国电信的施奈德(Thomas Schneider)向读者展现了如何利用非线性效应来增加带宽以及克服先前局限的创新想法。本书每章后配有总结和习题,可以作为研究生教材使用。 本书目录: 1.Introduction Part I.Fundamentals of Linear and Nonlinear Optics 2.Overview of Linear Optical Effects 2.1 The Wave Equation for Linear Media 2.2 Solution of the Linear Wave Equation 2.3 The Harmonic Oscillator Model 2.4 Attenuation 2.5 Amplification 2.6 The Refractive Index 2.6.1 The Sellmeier Equation 2.6.2 Phase Velocity, Group Velocity, and Dispersion 2.7 Birefringence Summary Exercises 3.Optical Telecommumcations 3.1 Fiber Types 3.1.1 Step-Index and Graded-Index Fibers 3.2 Single Mode Fibers 3.2.1 Single Mode Fiber Types 3.3 Highly Nonlinear and Photonic Fibers 3.4 Modulation 3.5 Optical Transport Technologies Summary Exercises 4.Nonlinear Effects 4.1 The Nonlinear Oscillator 4.2 Nonlinear Polarization 4.3 The Nonlinear Susceptibility 4.3.1 Estimation of the Order of Magnitude of the Susceptibilities 4.4 The Nonlinear Wave Equation 4.5 Second Order Nonlinear Phenomena 4.6 Third Order Nonlinear Phenomena 4.7 The Nonlinear Refractive Index 4.8 Effective Area and Nonlinear Coefficient 4.9 Effective Length 4.10 Phase Matching 4.11 Capacity Limit of Optical Fibers Summary Exercises Part II.Nonlinear Effects in Optical Waveguides 5.The Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation 5.1 Derivation of the Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation 5.2 Dispersion and Nonlinear Length 5.3 The Linear Term 5.4 Dispersion Management 5.5 The Nonlinear Term 5.6 Numerical Solution of the NSE Summary Exercises 6.Self-and Cross-Phase Modulation 6.1 Self-Phase Modulation (SPM) 6.1.1 SPM\\'s Impact on Communication Systems 6.1.2 Experimental Results 6.2 Cross-Phase Modulation (XPM) 6.2.1 Polarization Dependence of XPM 6.2.2 XPM\\'s Impact on Communication Systems Summary Exercises 7.Four-Wave-Mixing (FWM) 7.1 Mixing between WDM Channels 7.2 Mathematical Description of FWM 7.3 Phase Matching 7.4 FWM\\'s Impact on Communication Systems 7.5 FWM Suppression 7.6 Experimental Results 7.7 Polarization Dependence of FWM 7.7.1 Numerical Simulation 7.7.2 Results Summary Exercises 8.Intrachannel Nonlinear Effects 8.1 Mathematical Description 8.2 SPM and IXPM 8.3 IFWM and Ghost Pulses 8.4 IFWM Suppression Summary Exercises 9.Solitons 9.1 Mathematical Description 9.2 Higher Order Solitons 9.3 Limits of Solitons 9.3.1 The Gordon-Haus Effect 9.3.2 The Acoustic Effect 9.4 Increasing the Bit Rate in Soliton Systems 9.5 Mutual Interaction Between Solitons 9.6 Dispersion-Managed Solitons Summary Exercises 10.Raman Scattering 10.1 The Scattering of Light 10.2 Origin of Raman Scattering 10.2.1 Raman Scattering in the Harmonic Oscillator Model..244 10.3 Raman Scattering in Optical Fibers 10.3.1 Spontaneous and Stimulated Scattering 10.3.2 Threshold of Raman Scattering in Optical Waveguides 253 10.4 Impact of Raman Scattering on Communication Systems Summary Exercises 11.Brillouin Scattering 11.1 Scattering of Optical Waves at Sound Waves 11.2 Spontaneous and Stimulated Brillouin Scattering 11.3 The Brillouin Gain 11.3.1 Spectral Distribution 11.3.2 Frequency Shift 11.3.3 Gain Maximum 11.4 Threshold of Brillouin Scattering 11.5 SBS\\'s impact on Communication Systems 11.6 Brillouin Scattering for Distributed Temperature and Strain Sensors Summary Exercises Part III.Applications of Nonlinear Effects in Telecommunications 12.Optical Signal Processing 12.1 Spectrum Slicing and Nonlinear WDM Sources 12.2 Wavelength Conversion 12.2.1 Wavelength Conversion with FWM 12.2.2 Wavelength Conversion with XPM 12.2.3 Wavelength Conversion with SOA 12.3 Optical Switching 12.3.1 Photorefractive Optical Switches 12.3.2 Optical Switching with the XPM Effect 12.3.3 FWM for Optical Switching 12.3.4 Ultrafast Optical Switching 12.4 Retiming, Reshaping, and All-Optical Clock Recovery 12.5 Optical Filters with SBS Summary Exercises 13.Nonlinear Lasers and Amplifiers 13.1 Raman Amplifier 13.2 Raman Laser 13.3 Brillouin Amplifiers and Lasers 13.3.1 Radio-over-Fiber 13.4 Parametric Amplifiers Summary Exercises 14.Nonlinear Optical Phase Conjugation 14.1 Phase-Conjugating Mirrors 14.2 Distortion Compensation due to Phase Conjugation 14.3 Theoretical Description of NPC 14.4 Phase Conjugation as Holographic Model 14.5 Mid-span Spectral Inversion Summary Exercises A.Appendices A.1 div, grad, curl, rot A.2 The Gaussian Pulse A.3 Logarithmical Units References Index |
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