

词条 余锡宾


余锡宾教授,工学硕士。1987年硕士毕业于合肥工业大学应用化学专业;1995年评为中国机械工业青年科技专家;1998年进入上海师范大学化学系工作。2002-2006年任上海师范大学化学系教授、系主任;2006 年在美国加州大学作访问学者,现任上海师范大学生命与环境科学学院教授、副院长、稀土功能材料上海市重点实验室副主任、上海师大应用化学学科带头人、上海市稀土学会副秘书长。长期从事稀土功能材料的研究开发工作。

2005年以来先后主持教育部和上海市重点项目、上海市重点领域创新专项及上海市高新技术产业化重点项目18项,并取得多项重要科研成果。在J. Mater.Chem.J. P.C.C., J. E.S., J. M. R.J.N.N.J. Alloys Compd.J. Lumin.J. Non-Cryst SolidsOpt. Mater.等重要学术刊物上发表论文70多篇;申请国家发明专利31项,其中18项获得授权。2007年获得上海市技术发明三等奖;2008年获得“宝钢优秀教师奖”、 “上汽教育杯” 优秀指导奖;2009年获得上海市大学生“挑战杯” 优秀指导教师奖;2010年获得上海市科学技术三等奖、上海市科技进步三等奖。

指导的研究生2007年获得全国大学生“挑战杯”一等奖、上海市“科创杯”一等奖;2008年获得“上汽教育杯”一等奖、陈嘉庚青少年发明三等奖;2009年获得 “中国青少年科技创新奖”, “宝钢优秀学生奖”,全国大学生“挑战杯”三等奖、上海市大学生“挑战杯”一、三等奖;2010年获得上海市“科创杯”二等奖,上海市“市长提名奖”。


1. LED用稀土发光材料的设计与合成技术;

2. 太阳能电池增效光转换薄膜材料;


4. 气敏材料。


1. 活性Al-Re合金催化水解制氢材料的制备及其制氢效率的研究 09市科委重点计划(09520500500)

2. 稀土掺杂复合纳米材料及节能隔热薄膜涂料生产线 10年度上海市高新技术产业化重点项目计划

3. 高显色性白光LED稀土荧光粉系列开发及应用 08上海市重点领域创新专项 (BLA901)

4. 纳孔发光玻璃中激活剂离子的组装与构效关系 08市教委重点项目 (09ZZ136)

5. 太阳光谱选择吸收纳米复合材料与薄膜的研制,07市科委创新计划 (No.0752nm008)


1. 余锡宾,丁云峰等,KCaEuSiO3Cl.SiO2蓝色荧光材料、其制备方法和用途, 专利号:ZL 02136994.1

2. 余锡宾,丁云峰等,(Eu2MxMoO)yNC2O4红色荧光材料、其制备方法和用途, 专利号:ZL 02136995.X

3. 余锡宾,蔡惠华,(CaEu)S稀土纳米红色荧光材料的制备方法, 专利号:ZL 200310108959.9

4. 余锡宾,许晓琳,(CaKEu)5(PO4)3Cl蓝色荧光材料、其制备方法以及用途, 专利号:ZL 200310108960.1

5. 余锡宾,周平乐等,稀土纳米硅酸盐红色荧光粉及其制备方法, 专利号:ZL200510025724.2

6. 余锡宾,周春蕾等,半导体照明稀土锌酸盐红色荧光材料及其制备方法, 专利号:ZL200510026705.1

7. 余锡宾,周平乐等,宽紫外或黄绿光光转换红光纳米材料及其制备方法, 专利号:ZL200510026704.7

8. 余锡宾,周平乐等,宽带激发光色可控纳米荧光体及其低温制备方法, 专利号:ZL200510031099.2

9. 余锡宾,唐锦锋等,一种新型三基色荧光粉及其制备方法, 专利号:ZL200510026617.1

10.余锡宾,叶平等,一种红外吸收材料及其制备方法, 专利号:ZL200510031100.1

11.余锡宾、陶振卫等 一种短波紫外激发的蓝色发光材料及制备和应用 专利号:ZL200710044646.X

12.余锡宾、杨广乾等 一种长波紫外激发的绿光发光材料及其制备和应用 专利号:ZL200710044645.5

13. 余锡宾、杨广乾等 一种长波紫外激发的白光发光材料及其制备和应用 专利号:ZL200710044644.0

14.余锡宾,周平乐等,近紫外或紫光激发的半导体发光材料及其制法, 专利号:ZL 200610024036.9

15. 余锡宾、陶振卫等 宽带紫外激发的绿色发光材料及其制备方法 专利号:ZL 200710045108.2

16. 余锡宾、杨广乾等 长波紫外激发的白色发光材料及其制备方法 专利号:ZL 200710045100.6

17. 余锡宾、费晓燕等 短波紫外激发的绿光发光材料及其制备方法和应用 专利号:ZL 200710047073.6

18. 余锡宾、杨广乾等 宽带紫外激发的白色发光材料及其制备方法 申请号:200710045099.7

19. 余锡宾、杨绪勇等 一种蓝光激发的红光荧光体及其制备方法 申请号:200810039842.2

20. 余锡宾、杨绪勇等 一种新型复合导电陶瓷及其制备方法 申请号:200810204483.1

21. 余锡宾、浦旭鑫等 一种高效包膜型控释尿素及其制备方法 申请号: 20091004163.4

22. 余宾锡、汪正军等 一种红外反射隔热无机材料及其制备方法和应用 申请号:200910051517.2

23. 余锡宾、杨绪勇等 长波宽带紫外激发的发光玻璃及其制备方法 申请号:200910048892.1

24. 余锡宾,汪正军等 一种热反射隔热复合涂料的制备方法 申请号:200910056669.1

25. 余锡宾,罗辉等 一种铝-稀土微纳米复合制氢材料 申请号:201010123004.0

26. 余锡宾,汪正军等 一种高灵敏度快速响应气敏材料及制备方法 申请号:201010251033.5

27. 余锡宾,张坤等 一种高效太阳光谱光催化材料及制备方法 申请号:201010247518.7


02年获省科学技术三等奖 (硅氧烷有机杂化材料)





09年第十一届上海市大学生“挑战杯” 优秀指导教师




1. Zhengjun Wang, Jie Liu, Feijiu Wang, Siya Chen, Hui Luo, and Xibin Yu∗ Size-Controlled Synthesis of ZnSnO3 Cubic Crystallites at Low Temperatures and Their HCHO-Sensing Properties J. Phys. Chem. C 2010, 114, 13577–13582

2. Weiying Wang, Jie Liu, Xibin Yu∗and Guangqian Yang Transparent Poly(methyl methacrylate)/ZnO

Nanocomposites Basedon KH570 Surface Modified ZnO Quantum Dots J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 10, 1–6, 2010

3. Yongqin Zhou, Jie Liu, Xuyong Yang, Xibin Yu∗and Jie Zhuang A Promising Deep Red Phosphor AgLaMo2O8:Pr3+ with Blue Excitation for White LED Application, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 157 (3)H278-H280(2010)

4. GUO Yuzhu, YU Xibin∗, LIU Jie, YANG Xuyong. Photoluminescence of Eu2+-activated Na1–xAl1–xSi1+xO4 upon UV excitation. J. Rare Earths, (28)2010:34-36

5. Jieyu Liu, Yiming Lu, Jie Liu, Xuyong Yang, XiBin Yu∗Investigation of near infrared reflectance by tuning the shape of SnO2 nanoparticles Journal of Alloys and Compounds 496 (2010) 261–264

6. Xuyong Yang , Jie Liu , Hong Yang , XiBin Yu∗, Yuzhu Guo , Yongqin Zhou and Jieyu Liu,Synthesis and characterization of new red phosphors for white LED applications J. Mater. Chem., 2009, 19, 3771–3774

7 Honge Wu, Xuyong Yang, Xibin Yu∗, Jie Liu, Hong Yang, Hongbin Lv, Kaizhong Yin. Preparation and optical properties of Eu3+/Eu2+ in phosphors based on exchanging Eu3+-zeolite 13X Journal of Alloys and Compounds 480 (2009) 867–869

8. Xuyong Yang, XiBin Yu∗, Hong Yang, Yuzhu Guo, Yongqin Zhou. The investigation of optical properties by doping halogen in the BaMoO4:Pr3+ phosphor system Journal of Alloys and Compounds 479 (2009) 307–309

9. Zhenwei Tao, Xiaoyan Fei, Qing Zhou, Xibin Yu∗, Jie Liu, Shiping Yang, Liangzhun Yang Morphology conversion and highly enhanced green emission of ZnO phosphors by annealing of ZnS in KCl flux Journal of Alloys and Compounds 470 (2009) 536–538

10. GUO Yuzhu, YU Xibin∗, LIU Jie, YANG Xuyong. Luminescence of RE(RE=Ce3+, Eu2+, Tb3+) doped Ca2BO3Cl as a Potential Phosphor for White-Light UVLED. Journal of Shanghai Normal University(Natural Sciences), (38)2009:628-631

11. Zhenwei Tao, Xibin Yu∗, Xiaoyan Fei, Jie Liu, Guangqian Yang, Yongheng Zhao, Shiping Yang, Liangzhun Yang Synthesis and photoluminescence of Cl-doped ZnO nanospheres Optical Materials 31(2008) 1-5

12. Zhenwei Tao, Xibin Yu∗, Jie Liu, Liangzhun Yang, Shiping Yang A facile synthesis and photoluminescence of porous S-doped ZnO architectures, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 459 (2008) 395–398

13. Zhenwei Tao, Xibin Yu∗, Xiaoyan Fei, Jie Liu, Yongheng Zhao, Honge Wu, 4 Guangqian Yang, Shiping Yang, Liangzhun Yang, Synthesis and optical properties of halogen-doped ZnO phosphor Materials Letters 62 (2008) 3018–3020

14. Liangzhun Yang, Xibin Yu∗, Shiping Yang, Chunlei Zhou, Pingle Zhou, Wenjie Gao, Ping Ye Preparation and luminescence properties of LED conversion novel phosphors SrZnO2:Sm Materials Letters 62 (2008) 907–910

15. Zhenwei Tao, Xibin Yu∗, Xiaoyan Fei, Jie Liu, Liangzhun Yang, Shiping Yang A facile synthesis and optical properties of ZnO:S,Cl apertured architectures Materials Letters 62 (2008) 1187–1189

16. Jinping Huang, Hongshan Luo, Xibin Yu, Yikang Li, Weilong Zou White-light emission derived from yttrium tungstate-chloride xerogel without activator ions Journal of Luminescence 128 (2008) 589–594

17. Liangzhun Yang, Longzhang Zhu, Chao Liu, Min Fang,Guohua Liu, Xibin Yu∗,Synthesis and photocatalytic property of porous TiO2 microspheres Materials Research Bulletin 43 (2008) 806–810

18. Liangzhun Yang∗, Min Fang, Lifen Du a, Zhaojie Zhang, Liwen Ren a, Xibin Yu Synthesis and photoluminescence properties of CaSiO3:Eu3+ spheres prepared by the reverse micelles soft template, Materials Research Bulletin 43 (2008) 2538–2543

19. Xibin Yu∗, Liangzhun Yang, Shiping Yang, Pingle Zhou, Morphological Control and Photoluminescence of ZnS:Mn microstructure, J.M.R-2007,22(5),1207-1213

20. Xibin Yu∗, Ping Ye, Liangzhun Yang, Shiping Yang, Pingyue Zhou, and Wenjie Gao Preparation of Hexagonal Cerium Oxide Nano-Flakes by A Surfactant-Free Route and Its Optical Property J.M.R-2007-22 (11), 3006-3013

21. Jie Liu, Xiaoyan Fei, Xibin Yu∗, Zhenwei Tao, Liangzhun Yang, Shiping Yang Highly enhanced f–f transitions of Eu3+ in La2O3 phosphor via citric acid and poly (ethylene glycol) precursor route Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 353 (2007) 4697–4701

22. Xibin Yu∗, Pingle Zhou, Liangzhun Yang, Shiping Yang, Wenjie Gao, Synthesis of Nanocrystal Y2Si2O7- Eu and Its PL Properties, Journal of Luminescence 124 (2007) 241–244

23. Qiang Gong, Xuefeng Qian∗, Pingle Zhou,+ Xibin Yu,+Weimin Du,† and Shaohua Xu∗, In Situ Sacrificial Template Approach to the Synthesis of Octahedral CdS Microcages, J. Phys. Chem. C 2007, 111, 1935-1940

24. Jinping Huang, Hongshan Luo, Pingle Zhou, Xibin Yu, Yikang Li, Synthesis and luminescent properties of Y6W2O15:Eu3+ phosphors Journal of Luminescence 126 (2007) 881–885

25. Pingle Zhou, Xibin Yu∗, Liangzhun Yang, Zhenwei Tao, Simple air oxidation synthesis and optical properties of S-doped ZnO microspheres Materials Letters 61 (2007) 3870–3872





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