

词条 殷玲




1980 ? 1984 华中理工大学机械制造、工艺设备和自动化专业,本科生,获工学学士

1984 ? 1987 华中理工大学机械制造、工艺设备和自动化专业,研究生,获工学硕士

1987 ? 1990 华中理工大学机械制造、工艺设备和自动化专业,博士生,获工学博士


1990—— 1992 天津大学机械工程系讲师, 副教授(1992. 06)

1992——1994 日本熊本大学日本文部省学者、博士后

1994 —— 1996 天津大学机械工程系副教授

1996 —— 1997 美国堪萨斯州立大学访问副教授

1997—— 1999 美国国家标准局(NIST)Guest Scientist

1999 ——2003 新加坡制造技术研究院研究员和高级研究工程师

2004 —— 天津大学机械学院教授, 博士生导师(2005)


1. 生物科学与制造

2. 超精密加工科学与技术

3. 纳米技术


1. Nanotechnology (研究生32?40学时)

2. Precision Engineering (本科生32学时)

3. 先进工程材料 (本科生)

4. 金属切削原理 (本科生)


国际磨料技术委员会(International Committee of Abrasive Technology)创始会员

美国制造工程师学会(Society of Manufacturing Engineers)高级会员

北美制造研究院(North American Manufacturing Research Institution)高级会员

美国精密工程学会(American Society for Precision Engineering)会员

美国陶瓷学会(American Ceramic Society)会员

5th International Symposium on Advances of Abrasive Technology, 2002, Hong Kong, 分会主席

11th 国际机构学与机器世界大会(IFToMM), 2004, China, 组织委员会委员

7th International Symposium on Advances of Abrasive Technology, 2004, Turkey, 国际程序委员会委员

8th International Symposium on Advances of Abrasive Technology, 2005, Russia, 国际程序委员会委员

9th International Symposium on Advances of Abrasive Technology, 2006, China, 组织委员会委员

2006 Optical Society of America Topical Meeting on Optical Fabrication and Testing, 2006, USA, 程序委员会委员,

International Journal of Nanomanufacturing 编委

International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 评审人

International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 评审人

IMTechE Part B Journal of Engineering Manufacture 评审人

International Conferences on Precision Engineering 评审人

International Symposiums on Advances of Abrasive Technology 评审人



从事工程陶瓷、光纤材料和新型半导体材料、生物医学/齿科材料的加工技术,超精密加工、微加工及纳米加工技术的研究。作为课题负责人和主要研究者,正在主持和已经完成由国家自然科学基金、教育部及天津青年科学基金、日本文部省、美国国家健康院和国家牙科学院、新加坡科学技术和研究署和跨国企业等资助课题十多项。在国际刊物和学术会议上发表论文70余篇;申请中国国家发明专利2项。1992-1994 年获日本政府文部省研究奖学金、1997年获美国制造工程师学会颁发的荣誉证书、1999年获美国政府商业部和国家标准局联名签署的荣誉证书。


[1] 2005-2007 (项目编号50475115) 项目负责人. 齿科陶瓷口腔磨削修复物理仿真及机理研究,国家自然科学基金资助25万元.

[2] 2002-2003 (C02-P-047PD) 项目负责人. A Study of Abrasive-Assisted Ultrasonic Deburring Processes. 新加坡科技署(A*STAR)资助12.7万新元.

[3] 2001-2002 (C01-P-123AR) 子项目负责人. Development of Polishing and Grinding Technologies for Fiber/Ferrule End Faces. 新加坡科技署(A*STAR)资助.

[4] 2001-2002 (C01-P-167AR) 子项目负责人. Micro Bore Polishing - Phase 1: Feasibility Study of Wire, Fluid Suspended Slurry and Air Suspended Powder Polishing Methods. 新加坡科技署(A*STAR)资助.

[5] 2001(C01-P-008AR) 项目负责人. Profile Control Grinding of Tungsten Carbides for Optical Mirrors. A新加坡科技署(A*STAR)资助16.6万新元.

[6] 2000 (C00-P-042PD) 项目负责人. Low-Damage Grinding/Polishing of Polycrystalline & Single Crystal Silicon Carbide. 新加坡科技署(A*STAR)资助15.2万新元.

[7] 1999-2000 (C99-P-179AR) 第二完成人. Chemical mechanical planarization, 新加坡科技署(A*STAR)资助.

[8] 1999-2000 (Industrial Project) 第三完成人. Feasibility Study of High Speed Grinding of Hypodermic Needles. 新加坡科技署(A*STAR)和Becton & Dickinson新加坡分公司联合资助.

[9] 1999-2000 (C98-P-181A). 第二完成人. Development High Speed Grinding for Advanced Ceramics and Metal Matrix Composites. 新加坡科技署(A*STAR)资助.

[10] 1997-1999 (P01 DE10976) 子项目主要完成人. Wear and Abrasive Finishing of Dental Ceramics - Machinable Ceramics: Optimizing Performance and Properties. 美国国家健康院 (NIH)/国家牙科研究院 (NIDCR)资助.


[1] L. YIN, X.F. Song, S. F. Qu, T. Huang, J. P. Mei, Z. Y. Yang, J. Li. Performance evaluation of a dental handpiece in simulation of clinical finishing using a novel 2-DOF in vitro apparatus. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part H Journal of Engineering in Medicine, 220(8)(2006)929-938.

[2] H. Huang, L. YIN. An experimental investigation to fabrication mechanisms of optic fibre end faces using nano/micro-indentation and nanogrinding. International Journal of Nanomanufacturing, 1(2006)47-61.

[3] L. YIN, X.F. Song, S. F. Qu, Y. G. Han, H. Wang. Surface integrity and removal mechanism in simulated dental finishing of a feldspathic porcelain. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B, 79B(2)(2006)365-378. .

[4] Y.L. Song, J. Li, L. YIN, T. Huang, P. Gao. The feature-based posterior crown design in a dental CAD/CAM system. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 31(2007)1058-1065.

[5] L. YIN, X.F. Song, Y. L. Song, T. Huang, J. Li. An overview of in vitro abrasive finishing & CAD/CAM of bioceramics in restorative dentistry. International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 45(9)(2006)1013-1026.

[6] L. YIN, J.P.Pickering, K. Ramesh, H. Huang, A. Spowage, E. Y. J. Vancoille. Planar nanogrinding of a fine grained WC-Co composite for optical surface finish. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 26(2005)766-773.

[7] L. YIN, H. Huang, K. Ramesh, T. Huang. High speed versus conventional grinding in high removal rate machining of alumina & alumina-titania. International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 45(7/8)(2005) 897-907.

[8] L. YIN, H. Huang, W. K. Chen. Influences of nano scale abrasive suspensions on the polishing of fiber optic connectors. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 25(2005)685-690.

[9] W. K. Chen, H. Huang, L. YIN. Loose abrasive truing and dressing of resin bond diamond cup wheels for grinding fibre optic connectors. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 159(2)(2005)229-239.

[10] L. YIN, H. Huang. Grindability of glass-inlaid zirconia for fibre optic connectors. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part B Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 218(12)(2004)1861-1868.

[11] L. YIN, E. Y.J. Vancoille, K. Ramesh, H. Huang, J. P. Pickering, A. C. Spowage. Ultraprecision grinding of tungsten carbide for spherical mirrors. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part B Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 218(4) (2004) 419-429.

[12] L. YIN, E. Y. J. Vancoille, K. Ramesh, H. Huang. Surface characterization of 6H-SiC (0001) substrates in indentation and abrasive machining. International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 44 (6) (2004) 607-615.

[13] L. YIN, H. Huang, W. K. Chen, Z. Xiong, Y.C. Liu, P.L. Teo. Polishing of fiber optic connectors. International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 44(6) (2004)659-668.

[14] H. Huang, W. K. Chen, L. YIN, Z. J. Xiong, Y. C. Liu, P.L. Teo. Micro/meso ultra precision grinding of fiber optic connectors and its influence on optic performance. Precision Engineering - Journal of the International Societies for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, 28 (1) (2004) 95-105.

[15] L. YIN, A. Spowage, K. Ramesh, H. Huang, J.P. Pickering, E. Y. J. Vancoille. Influence of microstructure on ultraprecision grinding of cemented carbides. International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 44(5)(2004)533-543.

[16] L. YIN, K. Ramesh, S. Wan, X. D. Liu, H. Huang, Y.C. Liu. Abrasive flow polishing of micro bores. Journal of Materials & Manufacturing Processes, 19(2)(2004)187-207.

[17] L. YIN, L. K. Ives, S. Jahanmir. Effects of fluids on the simulated clinical dental machining of a glass ceramic. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 87 (1) (2004) 173-175.

[18] L. YIN, E. Y. J. Vancoille, L. C. Lee, H. Huang, K. Ramesh, X. D. Liu. High-quality grinding of polycrystalline silicon carbide spherical surfaces. Wear, 256 (1/2) (2004) 197-207.

[19] L. YIN, H. Huang. Ceramic response to high speed grinding. Machining Science & Technology - An International Journal, 8(1) (2004) 21-37.

[20] L. YIN, S. Jahanmir, L. K. Ives. Abrasive machining of porcelain and zirconia with a dental handpiece. Wear, 255 (2003) 975-989.

[21] H. Huang, L. YIN, L. Zhou. High speed grinding of silicon nitride with resin bond diamond wheels. Journal of Material Processing Technology, 141 (3) (2003) 329-336.

[22] L. YIN, L. K. Ives, S. Jahanmir, E. D. Rekow, E. Romberg. Abrasive machining of glass-infiltrated alumina with diamond burs. Machining Science & Technology - An International Journal, 5 (1) (2001) 43-61.

[23] X. Dong, L. YIN, S. Jahanmir, L. K. Ives, E. D. Rekow. Abrasive machining of glass-ceramics with a dental handpiece. Machining Science & Technology - An International Journal, 4 (2) (2000) 209-233.

[24] I. Marinescu, B. Rowe, L. YIN, H. G. Wobker. Abrasive processes. Handbook of Ceramic Grinding & Polishing, I. Marinescu, I. Inasaki and H. K. Tonshoff (ed.), Noyes Publications/ William Andrew Publishing LLC, New York, USA (2000) 94-189, ISBN 0-8155-1424-7.





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