词条 | 易园创意天地 |
释义 | 【易园概况】易园,沪上创意办公新中心 以多媒体与文化创意产业为主业态 经上海市政府部门认定 为上海市多媒体产业园二期 科技与文化精英荟萃 易生天地 Emanor, a new creative office center in Shanghai that focuses on multimedia & creative culture industry, has has been approved by Shanghai Municipal People’s Government as phase II of Shanghai Multimedia Park where a great many culture and technology elites gather, making a new world for you. 【易园区位】易园位于长宁区安化路492号(近凯旋路) 雄踞长宁区核心区域 中山公园商圈黄金地带 毗邻上海多媒体产业园 地铁2、3、4号线中山公园站 步行5分钟即可抵达 即刻链接繁华生活 通天达地,易生天地 Emanor is located in No. 492, Anhua Road, Changning District (near Kaixuan Road), which is in the core zone of Changning District, and the busiest shopping street of the business area around Zhongshan Park, adjacent to Shanghai Multimedia Park; It is five-minute walk away from Zhongshan Park Subway of Line 2, Line 3 and Line 4; The instant access to the prosperity of the city is provided by Emanor. 【易园建筑】心生易,易生一,一生二,二生三,三生万物。 万物之易归于心。 易园秉承《易经》极尽的变化之道, 突破办公楼一成不变的局促格局, 营造缤纷变化的舒放空间。 身处易园,台阶与花廊相连,平台与花园相合, 庭院与光影回转,虚静清远。 万物之易归于心,空间之变,景物之华, 一切归于心情。 People oriented, we construct a new business space of a city garden;For the place, we create new LOHAS in the metropolis; Favorable location conducive to time saving keeps bustling away from one’s heart; The present harmonious with history helps one enjoy the creation with leisure ease;In Emanor, tranquility is in heart. 【易园园林】外,呼吸中山公园20万方纯净空气 内,超大空中花园释放无限创意 楼宇间,草木芳华,景致浑然天成 行走间,心绪渐静,自然大隐于市 佳木繁秀,易生天地 Outside, enjoy Zhongshan Park with about 200,000m3 of fresh air;Inside,unleash endless creativity in an extra large hanging garden.Between buildings, green trees and grass present a natural scene;While walking, one calms his mind in a bustling city.Luxuriant trees and wonderful scenery are all in Emanor. 【易园配套】工作-- 贵宾接待室 视频会议室 多功能会议厅 多功能排练厅 休闲-- 图书馆 员工食堂 阅览室 健身中心 数字影院 壁球馆 音乐教师 体质测试中心 书画教师 室内高尔夫球馆 公共教室 森罗万象,易生天地 停车位:120泊 电信网络:电信、网通、有线通自选,3G网络覆盖 安保设施:24H安保监控无盲区服务,咖啡厅 其他:卫生间24H热水供应,TOTO、和成高级洁具 【易园开发】上海德必创意产业发展有限公司 专注服务于房地产行业内多领域 包括创意策划、开发、代理、中介、物业管理、投融资等 多年来,德必地产在创意产业园区的开发上 蓄积了卓越一流的成功经验 迄今为止,开发、运营的创意园区面积已达12万平方米 易园——德必地产臻品呈现 Shanghai Dobe Real Estate Creative Industry Development and Operating Co., Ltd. dedicates to multi fields of real estate industry, including creative planning, development, agent service, intermediary service, property management, financing and investment, etc. Having developed and operated 120,000m2 of creative parks over the years, Dobe Real Estate achieves lots of remarkable successes and peerless experiences in this field. Emanor—Masterpiece of Dobe Real Estate 【易园招商】租金均价(Rent Quote):RMB 4/㎡/日(办公) RMB 7/㎡/日(商铺) 物业管理费(ManagementFee):RMB 12.7/㎡/月 楼盘性质(Quality):创意园区 总面积(TotalArea):30000㎡ 单元面积(CellArea):100—1200㎡ 联系人(Contact):张龙 招商热线(Call):15001-767-868 电梯(Lifts):进口电梯4部 车位租金(Parking space fee):RMB 600/月 安保消防(Security&Fire):24th安保监控 火警自动喷淋 付款方式(Payment mode):付三押二 交房标准(Deliver criterion):标准交房 交通状况(Traffic):2号线/3号线/4号线(中山公园站)、机场6线、公交众多 易园租赁价格仅作参考,以最新报价为准!——易园招商部【欢迎中介】 |
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