词条 | 伊诗贝格柔滑保湿润体乳 |
释义 | 产品信息产品 EISENBERG伊诗贝格柔滑保湿润体乳规格 200毫升货号 819131 价格 ¥490.00 数量 1 产地:法国 产品功效 EISENBERG伊诗贝格柔滑保湿润体乳,各个年龄层的人均可使用,不含色素、抗自由基、平滑肌肤、快速吸收、绿茶的清雅香味。被吸收的乳液成分非常独特,结合了具保湿作用的透明质酸,具修复和保护作用的荷荷芭油,是拥有天鹅绒般娇嫩肌肤的保证! 主要成分及功效: 再生,活化,供氧:三重活性分子®(酵素,细胞介素,生物激发剂); 平衡皮肤PH值,清除毒素,保湿滋润:红海藻精华。 使用方法 每日沐浴后在全身按摩使用。 英文说明Product EISENBERG Issima Paul Berg soft moist deciduous Size 200 ml Item 819131 Price ¥ 490.00 Number 1 Origin: France Product efficacy EISENBERG Issima Paul Berg soft moist deciduous, people of all ages can use, free of pigment, anti-free radical, smooth skin, fast absorbing, elegant green tea flavor. Be absorbed lotion composition is unique, combining the role with moisturizing hyaluronic acid, a repair and protective effect of jojoba oil, which is a velvety delicate skin guaranteed! Major components of the product: Regeneration, activation, oxygen: Triple molecules ® (enzymes, cytokines, biological activator); Balance the skin PH value, remove toxins, moisture: Red seaweed extract. Use Daily use after bathing in full body massage. |
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