词条 | 驯龙使者 |
释义 | 游戏介绍Dragon Keeper是一款时间管理类经营游戏,讲的是邪恶的女巫闯进你的婚礼将你的公主新娘变成了一块石头。整个王国都受到了诅咒,城堡成为一座监狱。因为受到不明真相地牵连你被永久驱逐,来到了群山深处,寻求驭龙者的帮助。 王国被诅咒了!邪恶的巫婆打断你的婚礼,和你心爱的公主化作一块石头。城堡成为所有那些敢来参加你的婚礼的一所监狱。此外,巫婆王国驱逐你...永远!你知道,只有一个地方,你可以寻求帮助。小龙住在山深,非常深。也许,他们可以帮助你找到一种方法,如何战胜邪恶的巫婆。 游戏特点特点: - 买龙蛋 - 品种,饲料和照顾你的龙宝宝 - 贪心英雄抵御 - 锻造魔法珠宝 - 4个洞穴探索 - 15龙和其他动物的照顾 - 自定义您的洞穴 - 获得各种成就 游戏版本发布日期: 2012年02月07日 版本: 1.6.1 大小: 60.4 MB 语言: 英语 开发商: Jan Halamicek 英文介绍The kingdom is cursed! The evil witch interrupted your wedding and turned your beloved Princess into a stone. The castle became a prison for all of those who dare to come to your wedding. Moreover the witch banished you from the kingdom... forever! You know there is only one place where you can seek for the help. Deep, very deep in the mountain where the dragons dwell. Maybe they can help you find a way how to defeat the evil witch. Features: - buy dragon eggs - breed, feed and take care of your baby dragons - defend against greedy heroes - forge magic jewels - 4 caves to explore - 15 dragons and other creatures to take care of - customize your caves - earn various achievements 相关图册 |
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